Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3792: Destiny

The Dark Red Dragon came over and said everything that happened in these days,

Lin Xuan laughed after listening,

Hahahaha! Really cool, the rain tribe is finally over. ? ranwe? n ????????? `

Although a few little ants ran out, there was no climate at all.

The rain clan is finally over. The family who once chased and killed him disappeared at this moment.

Feng Lingxing was also badly hit and returned to recuperate.

The Devil's Palace has also suffered heavy losses. Especially the demon lord, the anger almost got into the devil,

Hearing this news, Lin Xuan is even happier,

Hum, I'm afraid the other party can't even dream about it. The soul of the world was finally taken away by him.

You mean, do those people want to divide up the double rain star? Huh, how can my world be divided up!

Lin Xuan Lengheng,

Montenegro said that the boy should not be impulsive. Although you have initially integrated the soul of the world, your cultivation is still too weak to compare with those giants.

Lin Xuan nodded, he said, I naturally know this thing,

Don't worry, I won't show up, but I will let these people know that the greedy end.

Lin Xuan across the cosmic starry sky began to urge the soul of the world,

And at this moment, in Shuangyuxing, really, the vicissitudes of the earth, the earth cracked, the blood flowing,

These are the blood of the saints, and even the blood of the saints and saints, how terrible.

It is estimated that for thousands of years, it will be indelible.

Above Shuangyu Star, in addition to the Demon Temple, holy cities such as Wan Yao City and Thunder God City have also come in.

There are even some big family sects who want to get involved,

They are all vying for resources, for spirit veins and dragon veins.

However, this day, the situation condenses,

Above the sky, endless dark clouds swept down with a terrible thunder,

It was a thunderous thunder, the thunderous thunder of the world, and the earth rolled, countless melts, pouring out.

Mudslides and storms are also a constant rush, a scene of extinction.

Damn, what's going on? These laws of heaven and earth are not scenes in the eyes of ordinary people.

With the power of the law, even these people, saints, were injured.

Who and who are teasing us?

God, someone is in control of this world,

Isn't it, that person is going to appear again? Everyone was creepy, just like the enemy,

The people in the Devil's House received the news, and even the Lord came. They suppressed the eight wastelands, but still no figure was found.

This makes them angry.

In the next few days, from time to time, terrible images of heaven and earth landed, so that everyone finally knew that this was the mysterious strongman who was punishing them.

The opponent is manipulating a world and is fighting against them, but they can't capture it at all.

The people on Shuangyu Star are extremely depressed, and even in the end, they have converged a lot, and they will never dare to pretend again!

Above the distant starry sky, Lin Xuan snorted and took back his palm.

He just gave these people a small punishment first, and when he gets stronger in the future, he will come again

At that time, he will look at his world. Who dares to get involved?

Boy, where are we going next, the Dark Red Dragon asked.

After playing for more than a year, I learned about it for more than a year. It has been more than two years, almost three years.

Earlier Brother Hongye said that after three years, I must let me go to Destiny, and now it is almost time to start.

We head to Destiny.


A group of people set off, and at the same time, the majors of the Second Star Realm and the major holy cities also acted.

Those who are arrogant are dispatched, preparing to go to Destiny,

Because this is the world of stars that opened only once every five hundred years. It has a strange strangeness in it. If you miss it, you may have to wait five hundred years.

No one waits, because to enter the destiny heart must be under the small Saint, some geniuses, it is estimated that 500 years have broken? Then they are not eligible to enter in this life!

Destiny is very important to find your own destiny and future path.

Flying all the way, even space jumping and teleporting, finally they came to Destiny,

At this moment, the destiny star is extremely mysterious, surrounded by a chaotic atmosphere, it is impossible to see what is inside.

Because the opening time has not yet arrived, everyone can only wait.

Destiny, with 4 moons nearby.

Those who have just arrived come on these four moons, waiting for the last moment.

These 4 moons are also extraordinary. So I think it's better for everyone to find one and go in.

Waiting for Destiny, and then converging, Montenegro began to speak.

Is it so extraordinary? Let the emperor take a look, the dark red Shenlong stared, but did not see for a long time,

Lin Xuan was surprised, he asked, I said Montenegro, have you been to this destiny before?

Montenegro was a great saint before, so if you want to come back then,

Montenegro looked around, and the mysterious stars in the distance said faintly that time was too long to remember.

Whoa, the ghost just believed that Lin Xuan rolled his eyes.

The Dark Red Dragon also said, don't be so stingy,

Montenegro glanced at the two of them. Some paths can take shortcuts, but some paths must be taken on their own.

This destiny is your chance ~ ~ Feel it well,

Montenegro grinned, and then pointed at a moon in the distance, you, go to that moon,

Yes, Master, Bei Yao is very respectful. He has worshiped Montenegro as a teacher. At this moment, he said, Brother Lin, Xun Zilong, then leave first

He fluttered and flew towards the moon in the distance,

I said, would you let this apprentice do it on your own? He has just recovered, and he has fallen a lot.

Only two days, you are not afraid of him being slaughtered!

What's the matter with the Double Sky? The apprentice of this saint is actually so easy to bully. Montenegro waved his hand and didn't care.

Lin Xuan also felt relieved, saying that Montenegro said that he had full confidence.

Well, let's go find a moon by ourselves!

These 4 moons have their own characteristics, and even their colors are different. Lin Xuan entered this moon as a cyan moon.

After going down, he found that the moon is not small, and there are many powerful people in it. He wants to come from the geniuses of the major holy places!

As soon as he came down, Lin Xuan discovered something interesting because he saw an acquaintance.

Lei Chong,

At this moment, Lei Chong is really proud of the spring breeze, riding a mighty monster, following many followers next to him,

There are disciples in the Holy City, and even Tianjiao of other families. There are even countless beautiful women who are chasing.

It's really spirited.

Lei Gongzi is too strong,

Yeah, I just could n’t understand the magical trick that I just learned for ten years, and some followers started to make fun of it.

And those young girls are even brighter. Can't wait to marry Lei Chong.

Lei Chong raised his head and listened to the words around him, enjoying it very much.

But soon, he frowned, even with anger in his eyes,

Because he found a figure in front of him, a familiar figure.

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