Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3745: Moon-level artifact!

Gambling stones, not only the true spirit world, the whole world of heaven and earth is very popular,

Because of these stones, ancient, even ancient treasures are buried in them.

If you can cut one, you're rich.

There are also some young disciples who follow the long-sighted disciples, and they wonder, if there is a treasure in the box, why not open the Devil's Hall by themselves, what should be taken out?

You idiot, the elders admonish that this thing should really have a baby, it is earned, but there is nothing in it, isn't it a big loss?

They are not stupid, they will definitely be auctioned off.

When the time comes, the sky-high price will be taken, even if there is a baby in it, it will not lose, in case there is no baby, you can make money.

Indeed, the people in the Demon Temple also said that these are rare treasures. My Demon Temple did not dare to open it easily.

I hope to share with you.

As soon as this word came out, everyone knew that this should be the auction.

An elder from the Demon Hall came out and said, everyone, now we start the auction.

拍卖 All these dozen things are auctioned, my demon temple, one thing is not left,

I have thirteen in total. I hope everyone can make a timely shot. Because I missed it, it's gone,

This thing, but we took a lot of effort to get it.

Well, let's not say much, let's start now.

The first auction was a stool-sized, square, very regular,

On it, various sculptural patterns were carved to form a strange pattern.

的 The reserve price of the auction is 1 million catties. The price increase shall not be less than 100,000 kg each time.

Of course, in addition to the Shenjing, it also receives the equivalent value of elixir, various natural treasures, exercises and holy artifacts.

When this word came out, everyone was uproaring, some young disciples exclaimed, 1 million catties, still the reserve price, God, these broken stones are so expensive

They were all stunned.

To be honest, in their opinion, it is worth 100,000 to 80,000 jins. Where do you want to get so precious?

Lin Xuanxuan was also surprised. The auction was much bigger than before when he was in the real world.

The auction started, but the purchase price was not too high. Even the top forces such as Thunder City, just a few times, watched it change.

They also want to see if there is a real baby in it,

Otherwise, it is really too risky to make a rash bid.

After several biddings, the family of a second echelon finally arrived.

The transaction price is 2.2 million jins of Shenjing.

Is simply a figure for today,

The Tochigi family came out and handed over the **** crystal. The people in the Demon Hall laughed. Is the Mu family now open?

Tochigi's family, gritted his teeth and said, OK.

This is a big bet, everyone else is also interested. Would you like to start now?

I ’m really, so excited,

I want to see, what can I buy for this 2.2 million jins of Shenjing,

Yeah, but this is a sky-high price.

The owner of the Tochigi family, hands-on, grinds away the road pattern and breaks the seal.

Gradually, the seal of the stone box was broken, slowly opened, and a light flew out of it.

I shine for nine days.

A pierced hole penetrated the clouds in the sky,

I have something here, something. Everyone was shocked.

Even the strong ones take a deep breath,

After the first light, the second and the third, the light of the sky shone, and the golden sky was printed on one side.

The family of the Tochigi family was so shocked that he just wanted to go.

The next moment, he exclaimed, and then laughed,

Oh ha ha ha ha, great.

What is it? The crowd was shocked. Even the strong men in the holy city were seeing a radiant light in their eyes.

But, I ca n’t see it at all,

This is the mystery of gambling stones.

Even if they are saints, still can't see what's inside?

I can only, wait for the owner of the wood, take it out by myself,

The owner of the Tochigi family tried to calm his mood. His hands were trembling, and from inside, he took out a golden one.

斤 That catty-colored gear is the size of a fan. When it is placed on it, the pattern of the road is spread, restrained, and exquisite.

At the same time, it also exudes a strong breath.

Sacred artifact. Some older strong men screamed and their eyes were red.

After the others heard it, there was an uproar,

What is it, a holy weapon?

They were also stunned. I did not expect that the weapon inside was a holy weapon.

An elder from the thunder city, took a breath,

In his eyes, the thunderous light bloomed,

It ’s amazing, this is not an ordinary sacred artifact, it is a Chinese-style sacred artifact.

Langzhong Pinyin? Too scary, right?

At this moment, everyone is boiling,

His eyes were red.

Shout some people, howling madly, **** it, why? Why didn't i take a shot

Twenty-two million, it's ridiculously high, but if it is a Chinese holy artifact, it will make a lot of money!

The value of a Chinese artifact is at least 10 million catties, and it is still priceless.

I ca n’t buy it!

Zhe Lin Xuan is also surprised.

He used to buy sacred materials, which was only 50,000 pounds at the time, which shocked him greatly.

Later, he knew that although the materials are easy to buy, it is not easy to refine them.

Because it takes time to refine the sacred artifact, such as his black soil, it is an endless treasure of heaven and earth.

In addition, the starry fire, this extremely scary flame, has evolved and completed.

Therefore, it is not easy to make holy artifacts.

The value of the holy sacred artifact is also very valuable. Unless special circumstances, generally, no one will exchange the holy sacred artifact.

I can say that there is no market for price.

There are also several holy artifacts in the hands of Xuan Linxuan. Except for the Black Earth, he practiced them by himself. The others were snatched from the enemy.

即便 But even so, he killed so many saints, robbed so many, storage rings and treasures,

He is no more than five holy objects in his hand

I can imagine that ~ ~ the sacred tool is still very valuable, not every sage has it.

It ’s just that he does n’t understand what is the Chinese holy artifact.

Heishan said that the sacred vessels are also divided into levels. Generally, only a few sages own them.

At the same time, the materials used to make the sacred vessels are precious and need to be collected for a long time, and it is also time-consuming to make the sacred vessels.

He also needs special flames, so all in all, Holy

Sacred artifacts are very troublesome to make.

The ordinary saints may not succeed if they want to cultivate.

Therefore, they will not practice holy artifacts, but will cultivate their own law weapons, that is, use their own rules to condense into weapons,

Cultured in the body.

Law weapon, does not consume materials, light consumes time,

The longer the time, the greater the power of the law weapon.

Generally cultivated well, the power of the law weapon can be equivalent to the holy holy weapon, can be said to be very scary.

Divine sacred vessels are divided into upper, middle, and lower grades.

The power of each grade is different. Of course, it is also related to the user.

圣 These holy artifacts are collectively called moon-level artifacts.

Moon-level holy artifact! Lin Xuan was surprised that he had never heard of it.

(End of this chapter)

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