Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3662: One finger!

[Book Name: Chapter 3662 against the sword crazy god! (4 more) Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs The Road to Heaven Awakens Wuzun Road Invincible Medicine Zun, don't run into me, otherwise I will make you worse off! Yu Qianye's eyes burst into killing intent,

This time, he was absolutely confident!

He believes that the magical powers he played can kill each other.

Finally, it's time to get revenge. He has to prove to everyone that he is a genius, and the other party is just a good luck.

The ghost looked at Lin Xuan with a cold smile. The Emperor's Mausoleum hummed even more. The first in this level must be me.

You are not my opponent at all!

The last time he was surpassed by the opponent, was regarded as a shame and shame in his life, so this time, he has to step on the opponent's feet anyway.

Everyone else has scalp numbness. It seems that these eight big Tianjiao really have full confidence.

I don't know what power they can understand.

At this time, the four warriors of Wushuang City also came out. They said coldly, OK, now the assessment is started.

You follow me.

They left the area where the stele was, and came to another area. The area here is very empty and still in Tongquetai.

The assessment this time is very simple, you, you can only choose opponents one-on-one,

Successful, advance to the next level, loser, eliminated, immediately reduced to a registered disciple.

However, although it is said to be one-on-one, the winner can continue to fight against others. Each person fights at least once and up to five times.

Do you understand?

I heard that many people changed their faces, what! Can challenge five people in a row!

Their expressions became frightened. If they were masters like Emperor Tomb and swept five people, five people would be eliminated.

Damn, in this way, even half of the people can't stay!

Before they thought that the elimination rate was only 50%, but now it looks like this.

If there are really masters who are hard-hearted and swept together, most people will be eliminated!

The cruel situation has become more cruel.

Yu Qianye, Gui Li, the Emperor's Tomb, but they have a smile, can challenge five, that's great!

Yu Qianye jumped out first, staring at Lin Xuan, boy, come over and die! I will step on your feet!

Lin Xuan shook his head, I refused.

Fighting each other? Just kidding, he has no interest at all,


Yu Qianye spit out old blood and refused! Damn, look down on him!

Boy, is it a man, just fight me if you have one!

You are too weak, I am not interested. Lin Xuan still shook his head,

Somehow, I want to kill you! I must kill you! Yu Qianye is completely crazy,

Is he too weak? Not interested in?

Damn kid, what the hell! He is a saint of the Fourfold Heaven!

Although Xiuwei has been suppressed now, but he has realized the magical powers on the Tianbei, he can definitely go over the other side.

The people around them also twitched at the corners of their mouths. Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan refused directly, and he really did not give face.

Boy, if you don't dare, kneel down and give me a hoe, and take me as my respect. I can consider saving your life. Yu Qianye was very mad,

Lin Xuan finally sighed. I refused twice, which is equivalent to saving your life twice and giving you two opportunities.

However, you don't cherish it and dare to challenge.

Since you want to be eliminated so much, well, I'll fulfill you,

Lin Xuan stepped out, the others retreated. The four warriors of Wushuang City had their palms printed and formed a battlefield platform.

Then they are on one side,

There is only one rule, that is, you must not kill people. Okay, now it starts.

Yu Qianye, you should be fortunate. The rule here is that you cannot kill people. Otherwise, fight with me. I am afraid you will die ten times a second!

Damn kid, you're less arrogant! Kill me! Yu Qianye was really mad.

The disregard of the other party and the disdain of the present made him as a genius unbearable at all,

It ’s a finger.

He raised his finger, headed forward, and nodded. Between heaven and earth, the rules were violent, the thunder roared,

Everyone felt creepy. What magical power is this?

I know, this is a magical power on the Tianbei, and it is a finger!

Many people screamed, and they have also been enlightened. This is a shattering point, but they have not been thoroughly enlightened.

Unexpectedly, Yu Qianye's talent was so strong that he was able to perform a gigantic gesture.

Even the others in the Eighth Heavenly Pride were exclaimed.

Give the other party a chance, and the other party may be able to improve again.

Oh, the magic on the monument? However, you can't practice at home. Lin Xuan sneered,

With a wave of his hand, a sword of law transfigured, and when he held it, the sword was cut forward.

Between heaven and earth, the terrible sword air permeated everyone, and everyone felt a stunned body. The next moment, they saw the sword air, and turned into a head.

Raise your hands and freeze everything.

What kind of swordsmanship is this, terrible! Many people are shocked, and some top Tianjiao are also shocked.

There is no such cheap method on the monument.

Indeed, they have learned about Tianbei ~ ~

Suddenly someone screamed. This is not the swordsmanship on the Twelve Heavens Tablets. This is the swordsmanship on the 108 Xuan Tablets.

I know this is called the sword of a hundred battles.

what? Sword Technique on 108 Mysteries!

Heaven, isn't that the weakest magical power! What is Lin Wudi doing? He wants to use the supernatural power on the xuanbei to fight against the supernatural power of the sky stele?

Isn't this a pebbly stone?

Everyone is crazy. In their cognition, the magical power of Tianbei is the strongest and the magical power of Xuanbei is the weakest.

Only those who can fight the Tianbei magical power,

But now, Lin Wudi has come up with a supernatural power on a mysterious monument to fight against everyone, and everyone is not optimistic.

The ghost sneered, it turned out to be an idiot kid, and originally wanted to play with him, but now it seems that he has no interest,

The Emperor's Tomb is even more humming. It is ridiculous that such a person should be my opponent.

The second level and the first must be mine!

Yu Qianye laughed even more. He burst into tears. I don't know whether he lives or not. Such a mysterious monument, dare to contend with him?

In his eyes, there was a rampant killing intention. Even if he could not kill the other party this time, he would have to seriously hurt the other party.

He is going to torture him to death.

It ’s terrible to break the sky. It seems to be able to break a hole in the sky. It is too easy to kill the other party.

The next moment, however, he froze.

Not just him, everyone was holding back,

The icy breath of the icefield giant bear directly sealed the breaking finger.

Not only that, the icefield giant bear rushed over with a strong physique and banged directly on Yu Qianye.


Blast the rain Qian Ye back.

With a touch, a huge crack spread, Yu Qianye kept back, vomiting blood, and a thick frost appeared on his body. 2k novel reading network

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