Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3658: Breaking Realm!

[Book Title: Chapter 3658 of the Inverse Sword God's Text] Breaking the Realm! (5 more) Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs The Road to Heaven Awakening Wu Zundao Invincible Medicine Zun thought of this, these saints have red eyes, you know, they may not be able to break through a small realm for hundreds of years,

Someone even got stuck for thousands of years,

To break through a big realm, it may not be possible for thousands of years.

But now, the other party has completed it in a year, which is hard to believe.

Even the top eight Tianjiao ca n’t believe it. As the Eight Tianjiao, their blood is super strong, and they have the support of a big family behind them.

But even then, it is impossible for them to break through the sky a year.

Like Yu Qianye, that was the collection of the power of the entire family, and it took countless big costs to do it, and it only broke through a small realm,

But now, the other party broke through a big realm in one year.

I am afraid that even those arrogant and evil people in the holy city cannot do it.

Some older characters are also lamented. It turned out that the other party finally broke through two realms in Jiuzhongtian. It is no wonder that when Thunderbolt reduced and disappeared, it suddenly became violent.

That ’s right, Lin Xuan did break through two realms in a row, and finally reached the saint of the triple heaven. With a confident smile on his mouth, his eyes looked down in all directions

Great, this time, let alone say whether he can become a disciple of the Holy City. This breakthrough alone made him ecstatic.

After the triple saint, his strength has changed dramatically.

His eyes glanced downward. When he saw Emperor Tomb and Gui Li, the corner of his mouth raised a scorn of disdain,

If the two men had made him afraid before, and had to deal with it with all their strength,

Now, he wasn't at all concerned.

damn it.

Emperor Mausoleum, the ghost saw Lin Xuan's expression, and his face sank. They were even despised by each other, and they were really mad at them.

At this time, the elder of Wushuang City stood up and said loudly, OK, the assessment of the first level is over.

Everyone who successfully boarded, Jiuzhongtian, came with me, and you will test the next level.

Having said that, those successful people have risen up into the air, flying quickly forward,

Shen Jingqiu first came to Lin Xuan, with little stars in his eyes. Brother Lin, you are really handsome.

The emperor's mausoleum, Gui Li, and others also came over. They looked at Lin Xuan, and a ray of light burst into their eyes.

Boy, don't be proud!

Don't be too arrogant. Jiuzhongtian's competition is not all about strength. Otherwise, you think you can go up?

Yes, this is what I want to say. Your good days are over! Because you have annoyed me, no one can step on my head! You can't do the same. The emperor's tomb looked at Lin Xuan, and a burst of killing intention erupted in his eyes.

By the second level, I will let you know what real strength is.

Don't think that if you realize some rules, you will be able to compare with me. You are still far behind.

People watching in the distance were shocked to see this scene.

Cangtian, Gui Li and Emperor Tomb all stared at this kid.

Want to come to the second level, it will be more intense,

That's for sure. The first level is compared to the blood of talent and the perception of the avenue. Let that kid lead,

But really fighting, the kid was definitely not the opponent of Emperor Tomb.

The emperor's tomb had many cards in his hand, not to mention the sacred artifact, but a bronze coffin was hidden in his body.

As soon as that thing came out, how could that boy stop it.

Indeed, if it is really a one-on-one, everyone does not think that the tomb that Lin Xuan can beat,

Even Ji Li can't beat it. After all, Gui Li's hands are also people with holy artifacts.

At this time, Yu Qianye also jumped out, and he also sneered, boy, I won't let you go.

In a real fight, you are not my opponent.

He was really mad. Before, the other side let him collapse, despair, and only recovered until now.

He vowed that he would kill the other party relentlessly if given the opportunity.

The other party is now a saint of the triple sky, but he is still a little worse than him.

It seems this kid offended many people.

Fu Hongye narrowed his eyes, and Linghu blew snow to laugh. Anyway, competition is a good thing.

Take them to the next level.

Talking, several Wushuang City disciples around came quickly to the void, each occupying one side.

The palms were printed, they formed a teleportation array, and disappeared into the sky with these people.

have they gone? The people watching from below were uproar. It seems that the second stage is not held here, but is held in another place.

They couldn't watch it.

However, these people did not leave, they settled down one after another, they have to wait.

Wait until the final result appears,

After all, this result is very critical for each of their power families.

After the formation flickered and the light disappeared, Lin Xuan and others found that they had come to another place.

Surrounded by buildings, streets, it seems to have come to a city. Someone screamed. Could it be that we have arrived in Wushuang City.

That ’s right, a disciple of Wushuang City said, you did come to Wushuang City,

Next, he briefly said, Wushuang City.

After everyone heard it, they were shocked,

Lin Xuan is also surprised. A holy city can be as big as two worlds, which is really shocking.

Not only that, there are countless subsidiary worlds under Wushuang City, which makes people extremely enviable.

In this assessment, we received three disciples ~ ~ The best ones are the core disciples. There are not many people. There are 72 people in total. The quota is fixed.

Therefore, you can only become core disciples if you compete for the top 72.

The core disciples are treated very well. They are definitely not weaker than those outside the patriarchs.

Moreover, it is the holy city of Wushuang, the middle force.

Sage King ’s disciples will be born among the core disciples,

The first place this time will be the chief disciple. It is the highest of your three generations of disciples. And one of the most likely to be a disciple.

If you have the strength and the impact as much as possible, don't miss this opportunity.

Below the core disciples, there are ordinary disciples. They are not treated as well as the core disciples, but they are better than the family elders outside.

You can rest assured.

After hearing this, countless people's eyes were brightened, and the family forces of outsiders, such as the Yu tribe, were big families.

However, it is still inferior to Wushuangcheng. The treatment of the elders of the Yu people is only equivalent to ordinary disciples.

One can imagine how terrible the strength of Wushuang Holy City is.

No wonder, so many big families have broken their heads and want to send their disciples in.

Of course, not everyone can become an ordinary disciple. If the second assessment fails, they can only become registered disciples.

Registered disciples are not really holy city disciples. After a few months, they will be assessed again.

As long as the assessment is successful, you can be promoted to ordinary disciples.

Three assessments, however, completely lost the assessment status and left the holy city.

As soon as this word came out, everyone took a sigh of coolness, and the sky was in danger of being eliminated.

They thought they could become ordinary disciples by going through the first level and on the first heavy day.

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