Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3558: Famous in the world!

[Book Title: Chapter 3558 of the Inverse Sword God's Text] Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs Heavenly Awakening Road Wu Zun Road Invincible Medicine Zun Damn, stop me. However, at this time, Yun Shao roared,

Hearing this voice, all three saints in the double sky stopped in mid-air. They felt stiff and had doubts in their eyes.

why? Why don't we let him kill him?

That is, is it possible for you to have illusions and be controlled by him? These people roared madly, they didn't believe that their young master would kneel to each other.

What the **** did you do to our young master? Quickly unlock!

That is, let us master, and kneel to death, or let you know what regret is.

A roar of madness came, and they quickly surrounded Lin Xuan, with a killing intent in their eyes,

However, Yun Shao still knelt down on the ground and yelled coldly. Do you really want me to die? He is Lin Wudi!

What, Lin Invincible! The saints froze, and the next moment, their eyes widened and their bodies narrowed.

Lin Wudi, is that legend Lin Invincible? At this moment, they were frightened, and many people were so soft on their knees that they almost fell to their knees.

On the ninth floor, the others were in an uproar. Looking at Lin Xuan, they were shocked.

He is the legendary Lin Wuji, is he so young, younger than rumored,

A sound of panic sounded, and everyone was stunned at this moment. Even the masked woman and her team were looking towards Lin Xuan, so curious,

Is this person famous?

Gao Gongzi looked at Lin Xuan, with a sneer in his mouth. Is Lin invincible? In that legend, the peerless Tianjiao of the First Astral Realm?

This seems to be the case today. Where can the saint of the heavens be strong?

It seems that the rumors are exaggerated and not credible.

Sure enough, there is no genius in this astral world, all waste.

He has disdain in his eyes,

But on the other side, the people in the Yun family were so stupid. They dare to contend with Lin Wuji. What a joke

Whoever provokes Lin Wuji is that one?

Da Mo, be killed, Yan Nantian, the life and death is unknown. And how many saints are proud of the Six Schools?

It has been closed for 500 years now!

Although their Yun family is strong, is it stronger than the six majors? The six majors are not opponents. They want to provoke Lin Wuji, and the family may be destroyed.

The thought of these people is terrifying,

On the other side, Yang Taitengshan was completely stunned. Lin Xuan did not know them before, but they heard too much about the name Lin Wudi.

There are legends about Lin Wudi everywhere,

Now, they did not expect that the legendary man was right in front of them,

Before, they even taunted each other by words, which was simply death on their own.

Thinking of this, the two of them were weak and thumped, and they fell to their knees and kept snoring.

For a moment, these saintly strong men knelt down.

Impossible, damn, how could it be. How could he be Lin Wudi?

Among them, Tengshan was so shocking that he couldn't believe it. Even Yang Tai was stunned. They have Lin Wudi by their side. Do they need to apologize to others? Just kidding.

Especially Tengshan, regretted his death. If he could be a little bit hard-bodied and hard-hearted at that time, until Lin Xuan showed his identity, then he could enjoy Yun's kneeling.

Instead of kneeling down to the Yun family in advance.

This completely made him lose his face, and he could not wait to find a place to drill into it.

Lin Xuan stood up with his hand, glanced around, and said lightly, no one dares to do it now?

There was no sound around. No one dared to do it. Who dares to do it? The six majors are the end.

So handsome? The dark red Shenlong, Bei Yao, also widened his eyes in the back. Originally, he thought that Lin Xuan shot fiercely, killing the Quartet.

But I didn't expect that just naming the name can deter a group of saints. This scene should not be too handsome.

Huh, what Lin is invincible, a group of ants are ignorant,

Who dares to claim invincibility in this world?

Just then, a sneer sounded, breaking the tranquility of the Ninth City.

Everyone's scalp is numb and can't believe who it is. He provokes Lin Wuji and wants to die?

The next moment, they saw it. It was a young man next to Yun Shao who spoke.

This young man also has a proud look, and his clothes are very luxurious. It is unheard of to wear weapons.

The identity of the individual should not be simple.

Before, they thought that they should be Yun family members, but now it seems they should not, because even Yun Shao is kneeling, but the other party dare to speak provocatively,

Gao Gongzi, you?

Yun Shao was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to dare to refute. If he was under normal circumstances, he would definitely hug Tianlei City's thigh.

Let Gao Gongzi and Lin Wuji fight,

However, Lin Wudi's prestige is too arrogant. Their Yun family did not dare to take this risk, so they directly kneel.

Gao Gongzi, obviously his status is not ordinary, he said, what kind of invincible are you, and dare to be arrogant in front of me?

To give you a chance, kneel down and lick my shoes, I can consider giving you a whole body. Otherwise, I will crush you to pieces.

Which onion are you? Lin Xuan frowned, then looked at Yun Shao. People in your Yun family dare to challenge me? Want to exterminate the clan?

Hearing that Yun Shao's scalp was numb, and those saints behind him ~ ~ also trembled, they quickly explained, no, this is not our Yun family.

This is Gao Gongzi, who is from the Second Astral Realm and is from Tianlei City.

what? People of the Second Star World!

There was an uproar around everyone, no wonder they dared to contend with Lin Wuji, it turned out to be the second star world!

Tianlei City is definitely a very terrible force. It is estimated that no one present can compare with the other party.

No wonder the other side is so arrogant, they now know where the other side ’s capital comes from,

Among them, the masked women sighed, and it was so. They guessed right,

Lin Xuan was laughing, Tianlei City? If it was someone from another holy city, he would probably think about it,

But Tianlei City? He does n’t need to think at all,

Before that, he killed two people in Tianlei City, one Tianjiao and a four-day sage, so when he met the people in Tianlei City, he laughed instantly.

Damn boy, what are you laughing at, do you dare to underestimate my Tianlei City? Gao Gong became angry instantly.

The other person's smile was obviously a bad intention, and the other person dared to look down on him, which made him intolerable.

Huh, I laugh at you.

Do you dare to be arrogant in front of me, Tianlei City?

Talking, the bones on Lin Xuan's face changed, and suddenly a face turned out,

When he saw that face, this Gao Gongzi was so frightened that it was freaky, it's you!

His eyes almost glared, because he was too familiar with this face,

It was exactly this face that killed Lei Qianzhong and killed a saint of the fourth heaven. How could he forget?

This is simply their nightmare.

It's you!

He really didn't expect that the cruel man was in front of him, this young man.

(To be continued ...) 2k novel reading network

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