Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3553: Very suspicious!

[Book Title: Chapter 3553 of the Inverse Sword Madness is Suspicious! Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs The road to the heavenly awakening Wuzun Road invincible medicine Zun Linxuan was a bit surprised, because he found the opponent's necklace, which was a defensive magic weapon, semi-holy level.

But this didn't surprise him. What surprised him was that he found that there was a formation in it.

And that matrix method has a positioning function.

This necklace has been tampered with, and the woman who wants to come is tracked, and she may not know it.

Lin Xuan discovered these things in an instant,

Who is following each other, is it the enemy?

He didn't ask too much,

At this time, the veiled woman also saw a look of surprise in Lin Xuan's eyes, and she also showed a touch of doubt.

Hey, what are you looking at!

The little maid in Tsing Yi hummed coldly, stood in front of her young lady, and looked at Lin Xuan. You guys are too dishonest, don't think we will be grateful if you try.

Let me tell you, we can solve it without you.

Xiao Qing, unreasonable, the masked woman lightly, then she looked at Lin Xuan again, thank you for your shot.

After speaking, she turned and walked towards Lingzhou, and she didn't seem to want to make friends at all.

In this regard, Lin Xuan shrugged. Since the other party did not want to ignore him, he did not need to tell the other party about the necklace.

On the other side, the man in the blue armor also blinked his eyes. He didn't even say thank you and took people directly into the spiritual boat and left.

Let's go. Lin Xuan beckoned, and left with the North Demon and the Dark Red Dragon.

Whoa, what did these people drag, but the emperor saved them, the dark red dragon is unhappy, Bei Yao said, maybe the status is not ordinary!

The three of them also entered the Lingzhou and headed towards the blue moon star below, and soon they arrived at the blue moon star.

Wang Bei Pavilion.

A very famous place in the Blue Moon Star, where the information is the most informed, so when the general sages come, they will come to look at Beige.

Lin Xuan naturally visited Beibei Pavilion.

When they reached the ninth floor of Wangbei Pavilion, they found a familiar figure, and the original masked woman was also here.

Lin Xuan did not make a move in the past, but directly found a position by the window. They sat down with the North Demon and the Dark Red Dragon and ordered some dishes and some wine.

They prepared and asked for some news.

On the other side, the masked women and their group also found Lin Xuan, and the little maid turned a puddle, and it was really a ghost.

Little sister, aren't they following us?

The middle-aged woman said, "No, this is called Wangbei Tower. It is a good place to inquire about the news. They want to come here to inquire about it, too."

So it appears normal,

Really destiny. Just then, another voice came from the entrance of the staircase.

He took a man, and when he came up, he saw the masked woman, and immediately he smiled and went up to fight.

The masked woman didn't want to be too noticeable, so she nodded in response, but her tone was not so enthusiastic.

The Qingjia man saw Lin Xuan and others again, and he gave a quiet whisper. He said, they met again. In this case, come and have a drink!

Fortunately, Lin Xuan also wanted to inquire about the information, so the three passed by.

A few people, to understand each other briefly,

Lin Xuan could see that, except for the Qingjia man, the woman with the veil did not say at all that the real situation should be a fake identity.

But he didn't care, because their identities were faked.

This man in light armor, called Fujiyama, was the master of a large family, and this time he went to the Second Astral Realm.

And this masked woman said that she was a rain fairy, these people are said to be from the medicine family,

This time I also wanted to go to the Second Astral Realm and pick an extremely precious elixir, so I went there.

Lin Xuan did not hide too much, but reported his name, but Lin Xuan's name was not known.

Famous is the title of Lin Wudi.

Therefore, when he said his name, the Qingjia man froze, but just felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

He didn't think about Lin Wudi,

The masked woman didn't seem to have heard of it at all, so it was just a simple greeting.

However, since both sides have already got a preliminary understanding, Lin Xuan also said faintly, Rain Fairy, can you show me this necklace?

Boy, I think you are suspicious and have been thinking about my little sister and sister. The little maid, a little displeased, had a strange light in her eyes.

The masked woman froze, what's so special about her necklace?

She asked, son, do you like this necklace? This is just an ordinary sacred artifact

While talking, he took it down and handed it to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan took it over and sensed carefully, and found that his previous guess was correct, so he returned.

I do n’t know where you got this thing. If it ’s just a general thing, I advise you to throw it away or sell it as soon as possible.

Don't take it with you.

Sell ​​it or throw it away? The other person was stunned, and the man in light armor was also stunned ~ ~ Is there anything special about this necklace?

Lin Xuan shook his head and didn't say anything. He had already reminded him enough. He couldn't say that the other person was being followed.

In case he provokes another unknown hunt,

So he just kindly mentioned it. As for how to deal with it? That's the other's business.

The little maid asked several reasons, but Lin Xuan didn't say anything, which made her very depressed and angry.

What is this guy dragging, a heavy saint, what ’s so arrogant?

What is the identity of their young lady?

Damn, this guy is even more arrogant than their young lady, which makes her unbearable.

So she didn't ask again.

The masked woman was also stunned, she nodded, but it was not thrown away immediately, it was just put away,

They are here! Just then, a cold voice came,

Suddenly, a lot of people came up on the ninth floor. These people were very strong. Some even took out the formation enchantment and sealed the entire ninth floor.

The people on the ninth floor were right and wrong. Several people were dissatisfied with the saints and released their might, but they were soon warned.

The Yun family is doing business, and other people are giving way to me.

Whoever dares to resist must die.

what? Yunjia! Many people trembled, and even the saints were stunned, they took back the sacred power, and said nothing, but went silently into the distance.

For a time, only Lin Xuan, masked women and men in the armor were left in the field.

These people were surrounded by groups.

It's them, damn, dare to hit me! The robbers who fled before are also here.

They looked at the front, showing murder, especially looking at Lin Xuan and others, with a slaughter intention. (To be continued ...) 2k novel reading network

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