Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3258: Eye of Time!

The dark red dragon is surrounded by gazes, and endless chaos has appeared around it. The cold lake has long disappeared. []

Bazhen snake, will not be blasted into blood mist, right? Didn't any residue remain?

The Dark Red Dragon was stunned, then scolded.

Damn, that's what the emperor likes!

Forget it, there are a lot of babies in this elven forest, so we will look for other treasures.

Lin Xuan originally wanted to comfort the Dark Red Dragon, but he still glanced around.

Suddenly, he froze slightly.

The next moment, he opened the heavenly pupil and stared down. There, it was originally a terrible millennium,

But at this moment, the Hantan was already under that energy, and it was gone.

And in the endless pit, there is a behemoth, which is the Bazhen snake.

At this moment, the eight precious snakes were torn apart, the blood viscera flowed to the ground, and they could not die anymore, and even the soul was killed in this energy.

This shocked Lin Xuan again. It seemed really dangerous. It is estimated that under the saint, he could not survive at all.

Even the saints must be hurt in this energy,

Fortunately, he has a big dragon sword soul who splits everything.

But soon, Lin Xuan froze again. What is this?

He saw an amazing scene.


With a wave of his hand, the endless storm rushed out, sweeping out the chaos below.

Later, the body of Bazhen Snake was revealed, and the Dark Red Dragon also saw it. He exclaimed, great, finally found it!

He wanted to collect the body of Bazhen Snake, but the next moment, he was also holding it.

A pair of eyes stared wide and couldn't believe it,

I saw below that the body of Bazhen snake was torn apart, and on that corpse, some scarlet eyes slowly turned,

Inside, there are extremely scary lines, and the mystery is extremely incomparable. With the current recognition of Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Dragon, it is impossible to see clearly.

However, although they could not understand the pattern, they saw an amazing scene.

The original broken body of Bazhen Snake, quickly combined, the next moment, his body trembled, and a ray of light burst into his eyes.

The breath on my body also burst out suddenly,

What's going on?

how can that be!

Didn't the other person die before?

No, Lin Xuan clearly felt that the soul of the other party had been destroyed.

You know, if the body is destroyed, you can be reborn with blood, the soul is injured, and you can recover with the residual soul.

But the soul is completely annihilated, then it really is dead and cannot die anymore.

In this case, it is estimated that saints cannot be reborn.

But why is this eight-snake snake alive? Could it be related to those red eyes?

He stared at the eight eyes on the back of Bazhen Snake.

One of the eyes, slowly closed, is the eye that had flowed through the mysterious lines before.

It was completely closed, and now it was shining with only seven eyes left.

Still scarlet, like rubies.

What is going on here?

The dark red dragon is like seeing a ghost. Damn, is it true that the legend is impossible? Impossible, is there such a magical power?

Xun Zilong, what do you know? Lin Xuan asked aside, he felt a dark red dragon, and he should know something.

The Dark Red Dragon took a deep breath and said Shen Shen, Eye of Time.

Eye of time, what is it?

Lin Xuan was curious. It was not the first time he heard that the green monster before it seemed to be the idea of ​​hitting the eye of time.

Can't do it. Are the eight eyes behind the Bazhen snake?

Bazhen snake is an ancient strange animal. The eight eyes behind them are rumored to possess a mysterious time force.

The power of time! Lin Xuan was shocked

Time is the most mysterious and unpredictable. Ordinary people cannot grasp it at all. Even the emperor may not be able to grasp this power.

However, the Bazhen snake has such strange eyes. Can it grasp this power?

Time is indeed the most mysterious. As the ancient beast, the eight eyes are called the eyes of time.

They can let time pass and go back to previous years.

However, each of these eight eyes can only be cast once. Just like before, Bazhen Snake was dead, but he used the Eye of Time to return the time on his body to the time when it was not dead.

In this way, he is equivalent to once again.

The eyes behind him, once activated, will heal permanently and never open again.

Dead, can survive! This is equivalent to one more life! Lin Xuan was surprised.

There are eight eyes behind Bazhen snake, which is equivalent to eight lives!

This is too changeable, right?

This is an immortal existence!

That's right, it is equivalent to having eight lives. But this power has also attracted the attention of the strong

Before the endless years, the Bazhen snake was hunted down by the peerless powerhouse and was eventually destroyed.

Among the realms of the heavens, there are no more Bazhen snakes. I didn't expect to see one here.

It seems that luck is so great that you can meet Bazhen Snake.

Is it your idea to strike the eye of time before? Is that the same thing as the previous Ziyuhao?

Lin Xuan asked.

The dark red dragon shook his head. No, my idea of ​​playing Bazhen Snake is because of his bloodline. I want to come to that Ziyuhao.

The Eye of Time is too weird, it only exists in legend. In ancient times, the Bazhen snake has disappeared, so no one thinks it is true.

Just like fairy, just legend.

Therefore, no one will specifically look for Bazhen Snake for the eyes of time.

If I had n’t seen it with my own eyes, I would n’t have believed that the other person really had the eye of time and could master the power of time.


It seems that you know a lot.

At this moment, the Bazhen snake below completely recovered. He raised his huge head and hummed, his cold eyes stared at the dark red Shenlong and Lin Xuan.

Now that you know I have the Eye of Time, hurry up.

You cannot kill me.

Indeed, the other party now has seven eyes of time ~ ~ is equivalent to seven lives, it is almost an immortal existence

Boy, do you want to do it? Asked the Dark Red Dragon.

Lin Xuan's eyes burst into a ray of light, that must be a hands-on operation,

Getting the Eye of Time is equivalent to getting seven more lives. This is definitely a big temptation, confusion!

Not to mention him, it is estimated that those saints will go crazy, and even when the emperor hears this news, he will desperately come to kill Bazhen snake.

Damn it!

When Bazhen Snake heard this, she became angry instantly. He opened his mouth and spit out poisonous gas.

And his entire body turned into a light, and instantly broke through the void, facing the distance,

Damn, don't try to run!

The Dark Red Divine Dragon split out the thunder of the sky, crushing those poisonous gases. At the same time, it flew out with open teeth.

Lin Xuan also rose into the sky, turning into a sword light.

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