Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2607: Enchanted!

The blood of the saint can already be passed on, which is very scary.

Contains the law fragments, saying that a drop of saint's blood can easily kill the peerless power.

Even the Invincible King did not dare to touch it easily.

Lin Xuan stood here, feeling silently, but in front of them, those magical tumblings rolled quickly, then turned into a black monster, and rushed towards this side

Magic gas shape!

After experiencing so many thousands of years, this magical scent can still have such terrible magical powers! The dark red dragon looked at this scene and was shocked.

Sure enough, the demons that formed from these demons were extremely terrible, one by one, with their teeth dancing, and rushed towards Lin Xuan and the dark red dragon.

Before the person arrives, the boundless magical spirit, carrying the violent and raging atmosphere, has already caused Lin Xuan and the dark red Shenlong, the blood in the body to roll over.

Damn, get out of me!

Lin Xuan roared, and a sword broke out.

But soon, his face changed.

Because he found that this sword did not achieve the imaginary effect, no terrible sword light burst out.

Damn, what's going on? Lin Xuan accident.

The Dark Red Dragon was also exclaimed. How did I feel that it was suppressed?

It is indeed a land of great fierceness, and it really is evil!

Boy, let's go.

The dark red dragon shook the dragon's tail, smashed the void, and shot several magical monsters around him.

Lin Xuan frowned, too, was suppressed?

He tried again and found that, indeed, his sword was suppressed.

Jiuyang Juggernaut ’s kendo will be too powerful. The other swordsman sword kings must be suppressed here.

Not only the Jiuyang Swordmaster, but also a more terrible Demon Saint. The magical energy he exudes can suppress other kings.

Therefore, when you come to this dark magic cliff, your strength will be reduced by half.

No wonder, it is called the land of fierceness! Sure enough, before entering, just standing on the edge, it was so terrible.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, but his eyes flashed with excitement. Sword Qi was suppressed, which was also a practice for him.

Hum ~

He pulled out Longyuan's ancient sword directly and quickly killed him. What if there is no sword qi, with the power of Lin Xuan, it is also very scary.

Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Dragon joined forces, and the two beheaded and killed all the monsters transformed from magic.

Hum ~


Those magical spirits did not disappear after being broken, but quickly condensed to form a behemoth.

It is three hundred meters high and extremely dark, exuding a terrible magical atmosphere.

These magic qi condensed to form a huge ox demon king, standing on top of the sky, with tremendous power.

Holding a black giant open axe in his hand, he split down towards the front.

With a single axe cut, the sky is falling apart, and the earth is apart.

Lin Xuan felt that his body seemed to burst open.

He roared, and the dragon dragon soul in the body roared quickly, suppressing the rolling blood.

At the same time, he stepped a little, his body receding quickly.


Long Yuan's ancient sword waved, carrying the power of Taishan, and smashed in the past.

Collision with the black giant axe, countless sparks splashed, pierced the void.

Lin Xuan was taken back a few steps, and the black demon bull roared.

What a terrifying power!

Lin Xuan was shocked that the other party was able to shake him back, and he had to say that it really surprised him.

Although he was suppressed, his power, which is not ordinary peerless power, can be blocked.

However, this black bull demon king has nothing to do with, and even has the upper hand.

It seems that it should be beyond ordinary peerless power.

Lin Xuan was endangered on this side, and on the other side, the dark red dragon was roaring again and again.

Because on his side, there were eight or nine black ghosts, each turned into a black python, and quickly slaughtered towards it.

If under normal circumstances, the Dark Red Dragon is not afraid of these at all. But now, his cultivation strength has also been suppressed.

So now, he is inextricably bound.

Anyway, hurry up, or the Emperor will use the saint fragments!

The Dark Red Dragon roared, when was he bullied by several pythons?

However, at this time, Lin Xuan said, Xun Zilong, don't use the saint fragments to attack with your own strength.

This is a good opportunity to hone the battle.

I rely, boy, you're crazy.

How do I feel that you are more belligerent than the madmen of the war clan?

Dark Red Dragon's mouth twitched,

Lin Xuan was very excited, he killed again with a sword.

At this moment, Jiuzhong Thunder Sword, fighting the Heavenly God Fist, was frequently cast by him, and even under his feet, he was no longer Tianlong Babu, but turned into a chaotic yin-yang step.

Because it is best to practice these Heavenly Order exercises in actual combat.

Sure enough, although Lin Xuan fell in the downwind, she was even shaken a few times.

However, the three major Heavenly Order exercises are becoming more and more proficient.

Not only that, Lin Xuan also exhibited the Chaos Sword of Elimination and the Five Elements Sword Technique.

He wanted to see if he could discover something new in these two swordsmanships.

In this way, Lin Xuan put his skills to the test one by one and hone in battle.

In the end, the giant bull monster was beheaded by him.

With a wailing cry, the cow demon fell to the ground, turned into countless magic qi, and rolled away.

On the other side, 8 pythons were also torn in half by the Dark Red Dragon.

Boy, hurry up!

Otherwise, these magical qi will also be transformed, endless! The Dark Red Dragon came quickly and nodded.

Lin Xuan nodded, he wanted to see, what else was ahead?

Therefore, the two stepped forward and quickly flew forward.

Hum ~

Hum ~ hum ~

After turning over a hill, he came to a valley. Suddenly, Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Dragon retreated.

Shattering the void, their pupils shrunk,

Lin Xuan was even more shocked, the dragon dragon soul in the body kept roaring.

Good sword, he was so shocked.

Because they had just turned over the mountain and hadn't reached the valley yet, a peerless sword that tore the heaven and earth rushed out of the valley.

As if to split them in half.

What a terrible sword!

The golden light appeared in Lin Xuan's eyes, opened the heavenly pupil, and looked forward.

I saw a stone sword inserted in the valley ahead, and each one fell into the ground.

Some show only the hilt of the sword, and some show a blade body, densely packed, with thousands of feet.

And in the middle of these stones, ~ ~ has a figure, walking back and forth.

They wore different clothes, but without exception, their eyes were empty, and a huge stone sword was carried on their backs, as if they were patrolling guards, constantly walking in the valley.

Someone? How could anyone be!

Seeing this, Lin Xuan was shocked.

He looked at the Dark Red Dragon.

The dark red Shenlong also blinked his eyes. He thought about it, and then the claw of the dragon clawed and said, I know, these should be the legendary sword slaves.

Sword slave? What it is? Lin Xuan wondered.

The dark red dragon said, do you think that only we want to come here?

This black cliff is very famous, not only in Zhongzhou, but also in the five continents of the true spirit world.

Here, the Jiuyang Swordmaster fell.

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