Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2564: Dragon Sword vs. Ancestral Shadow

The twin kings of Zhongzhou roared again and again, Tianbao Falun, the death sickle waved, and killed the Bloodwing Bat King.

But this Bat King, but the guardian of the tomb, could not be killed at all.

Instead, the Twin Kings of Zhongzhou fell into crisis.


Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xuan quickly swallowed the earth spirits, his broken body, broken bones, all recovered.

It's useless.

Zhan Ji looked at this scene without stopping it at all.

She looked at all this indifferently, with a strong disdain in her eyes.

Even if the other party recovers, before the other party's full strength, they could not stop her.

Now that it's restored, can achievements be blocked?

She doesn't think so.

You have eaten so many natural treasures, there must be a lot of energy left on your body.

After killing you, I will refine your body again, and refine all the energy for my use.

Zhan Ji's voice was cold, and she slowly raised her palm.

Is it over! The hearts of everyone also raised, and I am afraid that Lin Xuan couldn't bear more.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and a radiant ray of light burst into his eyes.

The palm of his hand was imprinted, and the sword's spirit on his body became more and more furious, forming a dragon-shaped sword in front of him.

As soon as the shadow of this dragon-shaped sword came out, Long Yinjian sounded. For a moment, numerous cracks appeared in the whole sky.

The people's bodies trembled again, and they kept backing, and many people were lying on the ground.

Damn, what is this?

The opponent has a hole card!

Even those saints and virgins are exclaimed, so terrifying sword! This breath is not weak at all with the scarlet figure.

Damn, who said that this boy had no blood.

All screams sounded, and now they were very skeptical that Lin Xuan definitely had a blood power, and it was a terrible blood power.

Otherwise, what's going on with this dragon-shaped sword.

The power of the dragon-shaped sword shadow is really terrible, even the battle Ji, frowned.

She also felt a threat, which could even threaten her life, making her incredible.

The swordsmanship of the other side was as good as his ancestor's imagination.

how can that be!

You know, she is the blood of the war clan. Their blood is very powerful. After thousands of years of accumulation, it has formed the power of the blood.

What exactly is the dragon shadow in the opponent's body that can be compared with the virtual shadow of his ancestor?

she does not know.

She didn't believe it either.

The next moment, she said coldly, **** boy, no matter what you have, today you can't escape.

Now, let me die!

Zhan Ji didn't want to drag on anymore, she showed all her strength and waved her last hand.


In the sky, the **** figure slowly raised his palm, and shot again toward the front.

The power of this palm is even more terrifying, as if the sea of ​​blood is violent in the sky. Nothing can resist?


Lin Xuan also held the dragon-shaped sword shadow.


He wielded a sword, this sword, he did not hold the slightest reservation. The big dragon sword soul roared and turned into a hundred-foot-long divine dragon sword shadow, vertical and horizontal in the sky.

Boom boom!

The two sent out a fierce big collision, the sky fell apart, and it was completely engulfed in nine days and ten places.

At this moment, all of them exerted their defense and resisted with all their strength.

They even used their hole cards, otherwise they would probably be killed by the aftermath of this energy.

Between heaven and earth, the roar continued.

Many people fled to the distance, and even left the area completely, and ran into the passage to take refuge.

Countless eyes looked into the sky. Although they couldn't see anything now, they were still staring hard and refused to let go.

Finally, the smoke disappeared.

Everything manifested.

Appeared, look!

The crowd held their breath, but soon they were stunned.

In the sky, the faces of the two figures were extremely pale, without a trace of blood.

But if you look closely, it's quite different.

Although Lin Xuan's face was pale and chaotic, he still stood there, and the dragon-shaped sword shadow in his hand kept roaring.

On the other side, Zhan Ji is different.

The blood-stained figure behind her gradually dissipated, and finally shattered, turned into countless fragments, and melted into her body.

And she was vomiting blood,

Her body was cut open and she was almost split in half.


Zhan Ji was defeated!

The blood veins were beheaded directly!

how is this possible?

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

At this moment, those virgins and virgins with blank brains, even Ye Wudao, no flowers, Shako Guangzi, Prince Daxia, and others are also shocked.

To be honest, they were also worried before, thinking that Lin Xuan might not be able to counteract the imagination of the ancestors.

After all, they have a profound understanding of this ancestor's ghost image.

However, things were beyond their expectations.

It wasn't Lin Xuan who defeated but Zhan Ji.

Not only was the battle hero defeated, but she was almost killed, and her blood vessels were directly broken.

Everyone looked at Lin Xuan, terrified.

They stared at the shadow of the dragon-shaped sword in the other's hands, their hearts beating.

What exactly is this dragon-shaped sword shadow? Why is it so powerful?

Is it the power of blood?

Or something else?

Is it something of a saint? They don't know, they still want to observe, but Lin Xuan already put the dragon-shaped sword shadow in his body.

He took a step and walked forward.

In front of her, Zhan Ji half-knelt on the ground, her blood flowing wildly, she shook her head frantically.

Impossible, **** it, this is impossible!

I will not lose! How could my ancestors be broken!

She's all crazy.

Originally, she was confident and thought she could easily kill each other.

But now she was defeated, completely defeated, and her blood vessels were broken.

This broke her confidence and belief.

Her whole body is now on the verge of collapse.

Because the other party is not a fluke, but she is completely defeated in her most confident area.

Nothing is more desperate than this feeling.

Step on!

Lin Xuan walked towards Zhan Ji, while he spoke in a deep voice. Bloodline power?

Ancestral ghost?

I said, with these ~ ~ you can't kill me!

While talking, Lin Xuan had already come to Zhan Ji,

Zhan Ji raised her head and looked at the other side, her expression stunned. Damn boy, I don't believe it! It's my intention this time.

Next time, I will be able to kill you with my own hands!

next time? Lin Xuan sneered, do you think, is there another time?

Do you think I will let you go?


Zhan Ji's pupils shrink, do you dare to kill me? I'm Tianjiao of the War Clan!

She screamed madly.

Lin Xuan disdain, sneer, the war tribe is very proud?

The Golden Lion King, isn't it the Warrior Tianjiao?

He has not been killed by me!

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