Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2448: Amitabha!

Damn, what's going on?

Will these white figures attack the soul?

What about the soul attack! A beautiful girl at Xiaoyao Leng hummed.


She opened her mouth and spit out a pagoda, suspended above her head, completely protecting her soul.

This is a treasure, and it is the exclusive treasure of the soul defense. With it, you can block the soul attack,


Xiaoyaomen's beauty shot quickly after defending her soul.

A Changhong swept across the void, rushing forward, and quickly penetrated a white figure.

All the people looked intently, and many people's eyes flickered, and some people displayed their souls. They have to look at how strange the other's soul power is.


The pink light penetrated the white figure, but the next moment, the beauty of Xiaoyaomen stiffened, and her eyes widened.

Frightened face.

He slammed and fell to the ground without breath.

died? Everyone was shocked.

People at Xiaoyaomen are ugly, sister! Many people rushed up and made a careful investigation, and found that the vitality of the other party had already become extinct.

what happened?

Others are even more dignified and have not found the soul power?

They masters want to investigate carefully, even if the other party exerts soul power, they can capture it in an instant,

And more importantly,

The pagoda worn by Xiaoyaomen Beauty did not receive any impact at all.

Just killed?

This shows that it should not be the soul power, or that the soul power is so high that they can't even believe it.

Impossible, we can feel the soul power of the Invincible King!

What does this mean? These people are going crazy. If these white figures can't be cracked, they will be trapped here for a lifetime and cannot get out.

Lin Xuan frowned, and he also found out that this was not an attack by the soul.

What are these things?

Isn't it a ghost?

Shen Jingqiu was a little scared, and Murong's allure was cold. Just as everyone was wondering, several people in the crowd spoke. This was a grudge.

They performed not soul attacks, but resentments, an attack more strange than soul attacks.

what? Resentment! The crowd turned around and looked at each other.

They found a dozen monks speaking in the desert.

Master, can you elaborate?

Yeah master, is there a way to crack it? The elders of these holy places have asked.

They felt they saw hope.

Because these monks in Ximo practiced some supernatural powers of the Buddhists, which restrained these ghosts and evils.

With their shots, maybe they can really surrender these grudges.

It is indeed possible to do so, a few monk monks nodded.

Amitabha, Freedom Buddha ,,,,

These monks began to chant the scriptures.

These are not ordinary scriptures, but the Great Dharma of Xima.

Very mysterious and profound, coupled with the cultivation of these people. It can be said that the power is infinite.

At this moment, everyone thanked their hearts, calmed down, and their minds became stable.

so amazing! These people were shocked.

Lin Xuan was also surprised. Although he had not dealt with the monks of Ximo, from now on, these people are really extraordinary.

It can even be said to be terrifying.

Between heaven and earth, the Brahma sounded with mysterious energy. When those white figures heard it, they all made miserable calls.

Their bodies melted like snow and ice when they met the sun.

Then it disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone was relieved, great! Fortunately, there are these monks from the western desert.

Otherwise, let them take their own shots, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort.

After all, resentment of this kind of thing, but more strange existence than the soul.

If you can't straighten it up a little bit, and then you get resentful, then they may be killed directly.

Just like the two Tianjiao before.

Go, hurry!

Everyone dare not delay, Lin Xuan also took the people from Xiandian and walked forward.

But as soon as they walked halfway, they stopped,

Because of the front hall, a figure appeared again.

A white figure, like the previous figures,

Only this time, instead of facing away from the crowd, he faced the crowd directly.

Dark hair covered his face, and his eyes were white, very weird.

That face was even paler, and it was shocking.

Not a girl disciple, exclaimed directly.

Shen Jingqiu also exclaimed, grabbing Lin Xuan's arm, and dare not look at it again.

Murong frowned, this grudge looked stronger than the previous ones.

Not good, this is the evil spirit of ten thousand years!

Several strangers in Ximo were also frightened. The white silhouettes before were all millennia of grievances.

Repair is not deep. They can surrender.

But now, I have encountered thousands of years of resentment, which is extremely terrifying existence.

Sure enough, they chanted the Buddhist scriptures, and mysterious Sanskrit fluttered in the sky, forming a light curtain, pressing toward the front.

However, when I was three meters in front of the white figure, I stopped and couldn't go on.


The next moment, the white lingering spirit raised his head, and a strange red glow appeared in his eyes.

All Sanskrit in the sky is broken!

A few monks from the West Desert also took a few steps backwards, showing shock.

very scary! It is worthy of ten thousand years of resentment.

Seeing this scene, everyone else was shocked and stepped back.

Even the monks of Ximo couldn't figure it out. I'm afraid things will be troublesome.


Everyone took out their treasures in preparation for a forcible attack. Lin Xuan also greeted Xing Tian, ​​Elder Li and others, ready to take action at any time.

He has a big dragon sword soul and can cut everything, so he is not too worried.

Even if the opponent is a venomous spirit, but he really does, he has the confidence to kill each other as soon as his big dragon sword soul comes out.

However, he had not yet shot, and among the monks in the rear, a figure came again.

This is a young figure. It looks like Ximoduo is young and proud.

Elder, let me try it. The young monk laughed.

it is good.

Seeing this figure came out ~ ~ the monks were relieved.

However, the people in the surrounding holy places and the Great Patriarch frowned. What is going on? Even these elders can't figure it out. A young monk can make a thousand years of grievances?

They don't believe much.

Therefore, they are still preparing one by one, and if the other party fails, they will use tough attack methods.

The young monk walked up with a smile on his face.

It was a confident smile.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on him.

The young monk walked in front of the crowd, looking at the ten thousand years of grieving spirits ahead, without speaking,

He stretched out his fingers, one finger to the other, and one finger to pose a very strange French appearance.

Can this be done?

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