Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2431: Sage writing!

Elder Shake Light took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

Still, his voice was trembling.

He trembled and said: These bugs are metal.


Hearing this, the people were even more confused. Why couldn't they understand?

At this time, a young man in the Daxia dynasty asked, did the gold eater really eat metal, did it not grow into metal?

No, you don't understand what I mean.

This is not a worm, it is not a living thing, it is a puppet organ, someone is made of metal to look like a worm.

what? how can that be! As soon as this word came out, everyone understood it. However, they couldn't believe it.

What kind of metal is so scary?

Moreover, this bug is too scary. It must be at least tens of thousands of years old. Has it survived to this day?

What means is this, they simply cannot imagine.

Elder, are you sure? Even the Son of Light is puzzled.

Son, you forgot my weapon. The elder sighed and waved his palm.


He took out a small black flag, which was only the size of a slap, and the proportion was weird.

The flagpole is long, but the flag is small and looks very out of place.

But the scent emanating from it shook my heart.

Celestial treasure!

Everyone was shocked, yes, only heavenly treasures can radiate this terrible power.

This is the magic weapon of the old man. The name is Sky Magic Banner. It is made of night magic gold, and is matched with other metals.

Night magic gold? That kind of metal!

Many people exclaimed when they heard this. Then they were extremely envious.

Many people even have red eyes. Because the night magic gold is a major material for making heaven-level treasures, it is very rare.

Only the major holy sites have holy religions, and not many.

I did not see the artifacts made by the elders who shook the Holy Land. The proportions were not very harmonious. It must be that the night magic gold is not enough, and this strange shape is refined.

I can imagine how precious this metal is.

But what does this have to do with black bugs on the ground? Everyone frowned.

The maiden of Yaochi has beautiful eyes and elders, let alone, these worms are made of night magic gold?

Yes, that's what I meant!

what? how can that be! As soon as this word came out, everyone was crazy, with a look of horror, couldn't believe it.

Even Lin Xuan was shocked. How terrible and precious Tianjie treasures are, they know.

Moreover, it is a precious metal such as night magic gold. It can be said that there are very few.

But now, what's the situation?

Over the mountains, the dark insects are all made of night magic gold?

What a joke!

The worms got together, and they were almost a hill.

If this is true, does not it mean that there is a hill-like night magic gold in front of you?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes were red, and their faces were crazy.

They are so excited. This is a peerless treasure. How many heavenly treasures can you practice if you take it back and remelt it?

They dare not imagine.

For a while, many people were crazy.

They looked at the black bugs on the ground again. This time, instead of being frightened, they were excited. This is a treasure.

Elder, are you sure?

Shengguang Shengzi is still not convinced, but the elder is sighing.

Aside, the Ye family also frowned. No wonder it was so hard.

Even the Eucharist cannot be broken.

Because this is the material for making heavenly order, who can present the treasure of heavenly order?

As soon as this was said, everyone was silent.

Yeah, in this way, the previous things can be explained clearly.

Then they screamed.

God, who is this, even made so many bugs with night magic gold?

Waste! Those elders screamed wildly.

What a prodigal son!

Indeed, they do not have enough materials to make a weapon. Now, someone is wasting so much precious metal to make bugs. Isn't this a prodigal?

Could it be, is this saint's handwriting?

They thought about it and found that only the owner of this tomb, that is, a saint who was tens of thousands of years ago, had such a big hand

Others simply don't look good enough.

I really want to know, who is this saint? Many people are confused.

However, many old people are even more shocked by this production method.

This method is so antiquated that it can exist for tens of thousands of years! If they can get this kind of technique and be the other uncle in the city, wouldn't it be against the sky?

However, more people don't want these things at all.

Their eyes were red, and they were staring at bugs on the ground.

Hurry up!

I don't know who shouted, and suddenly these people snatched wildly.

For a while, many people scrambled again, and the fierce intensity was not weaker than the previous Earth Spirit.

Dear Lord, what should we do? Elder Li and others also blinked their eyes, and they were very excited about this kind of night magic gold.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, don't worry, just look at it first. Anyway, there are so many bugs here.

Moreover, I always feel that things are not so simple.

Not only did they not move, aside, the people in Yaochi Holy Land did not move.

In the distance, the warriors of the Ye family are also discussing.

Others are fighting.

And when they robbed Night Magic Gold frantically, the first cave came again.

This group of people is just Yan Ruyu.

At this moment they also came to the cave. They frowned when they saw the corpse and blood on the ground.

Humph! Those people are really greedy, and a war broke out so soon?

The warrior of the Demon Emperor Hall sneered. However, an elder frowned, don't care, these people are very refined.

There is no heavy treasure, they will not fight.

See what's around you?

As the words came out, they searched around. Because at this moment, no one is here.

this is?

Earth Spirits!

A warrior from the demon emperor hall exclaimed ~ ~ Damn, they were all snatched up!

The people in the Yaohuang Hall gritted their teeth.

The earth spirit that has existed for tens of thousands of years is definitely a treasure. No wonder these human warriors have fought.

These earth spirits are dripping from the top and see if there is any. Several people had wings behind them and flew up,

Soon, they took down all the rocks above.

Because there are some earth psychic fluids on them, they will not let them go. Some people even plucked out those puddles directly to the ground and carefully stored them.

Yan Ruyu ignored these, she looked around and narrowed her eyes.

The man in Qingpao on the side, Huo Tian's eyes were all looking at the Quartet.

It's just like this for the earth spirits, shouldn't it?

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