Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2021: totem!


For a moment, the palm of nothingness grasped Lin Xuan and then quickly closed.

Click! Click!

The surrounding swords were crushed under the force of this nimble palm.

Seeing that Lin Xuan was about to be crushed, at this moment, a dragon yelling sounded.

Immediately afterwards, two sharp sword lights turned into a cross-shaped light, shining in the air. After that, Peng suddenly fell apart in that big empty hand.


Looking at this scene, all the masters around were stunned.

The middle-aged power of holding a long gold knife is also a look of expression.

But soon, they felt a terrifying breath coming from the front.

The breath was too harsh, and they all felt like being penetrated.

Damn, who is this kid?

The next moment, everyone looked forward, then the pupils shrank.

Because I saw Lin Xuan in front of him, a blue sword shadow appeared, as if a giant dragon was hovering there, Xu Xu was like life.

What blood power is this?

What a terrible sword spirit!

At this moment, even those top powers felt a creep.

Women in white and tall youth were also shocked.

Especially the tall young man, his face was gloomy.

Originally, he thought that the blow just now could kill the other side, but he did not expect that the other side not only escaped, but also showed such a terrible sword shadow.

Even though he has the blood of Da Xia Long Que, but in front of this sword shadow, he cannot help but want to tremble.

Fortunately, he restrained himself.

However, he was shocked inside.

The appearance of the Great Dragon Soul has caused changes in the battle situation.

Although Lin Xuan did not have the power of bloodline, but the strength she showed was not lost to white women and tall youth who had the power of bloodline.

Even more powerful.

So for a while, Lin Xuan and others, who were originally suppressed, have once again recovered their disadvantages.

"Hurry up and stop them! Never let them run away!"

Middle-aged power with a silver spear, roaring wildly.

However, at this time, a white figure was passing by him. Then, a little snow-white monkey appeared in the void.

It was very cute, with big eyes like gems, dancing and dancing at the moment, and there was a little furry paw above his head, holding an antique box.

The box was small, only one slap, but it was very quaint.

Above it, the shape of Jiulita is engraved, and below is a six-man array, which emits a faint golden light at the moment.


The little snow-white monkey hugged the ancient box and looked around the four corners, beating constantly in the air.

"I'll go, no matter what, you run slowly."

Behind him, the dark red **** dragon sighed, and even his body was black, which was split by thunder.

Because in the back room, there is a powerful formation to guard the antique box. If it is not a dark red dragon, it is impossible to unlock it in a short time.

But even so, he was still hacked by the thunder flames in the formation. Fortunately, he is a divine beast, which is not as bad as those thunder.

However, let him grin his teeth and ache all over.

Looking at this scene, all those strong men around were blinded.

Especially Jiulita's strong men, one by one.

That is the saint's relic they have guarded for thousands of years. They have a powerful guardianship of the formation. Even if it is a peerless power, I am afraid it will not be broken?

But now, it was taken out.

How did this monkey and a dragon do it? They couldn't believe it.

But the truth happened to them

"Boy, it's here!" Dark Red Shenlong also came to Lin Xuan, grinning with pain.

However, there was still excitement in his eyes.

However, those in Jiulita were really crazy, they stared at the snow-white monkeys, one by one, tense.

At the same time, many people turned their bodies quickly, blocking the way.


At this time, a red light cut through the void and fiercely split into the snow-white monkey.

That was the tall young man's shot. The red wings behind him quickly swept across the sky, like a sky-knife, and chopped towards the snow-white monkey.

The snow-white monkey was frightened, his body fluttered, and he wanted to leave, but the next moment, the tall young man leaned out and grabbed the antique box.


It's up!

The tall young man held the box in his hand and a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he yelled, the red light on his body erupted, covering the whole space, and the huge red wings spread out and turned into a wild wind and fled away.

"Damn, chase me! Never let him run away."

"Stop him!"

A roar rang out, and those in Jiulita were crazy.

The people in West Kowloon also changed their faces. They didn't expect that they would rob them for a long time and make wedding dresses for them.

Daxia dynasty, do you dare to grab the relics of my Jiuli people, do you want to cause war between the two countries?

A roar came, but the tall young man ignored it at all, madly exerted his speed limit and fled outside.


"Leave me!"

At this moment, a big hand covering out the sky reached out, covering a thousand miles,

It is shrouding tall young people.

However, at this moment, there were several voices tearing the void near the tall youth. Immediately afterwards, several powers appeared, and rapid bombardment covered the sky.

These people are under the control of tall youth.

They have been waiting outside. At this moment, when they see the tall youth coming, and get the voice of the tall youth, they frantically shot.

"Ha ha ha ha! Jiulita, thank you for your relic!" The tall youth laughed wildly.

He was then protected by a group of people and quickly left in the distance.

The woman in white snorted coldly, soared into the sky, and chased the past with those strong men from West Kowloon.

The people of the Nine Zero Tower are also unwilling to show their weakness, yelling one by one, vowing that they must find the people of the Daxia Dynasty.

For a moment, no one paid attention to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan also stunned ~ ~ he pulled over the snow-white monkey and the dark red Shenlong and asked, what was taken away?

He was a little confused.

Because these two guys are greedy for money, it is impossible to throw away the baby so easily.

And even if they are lost, the two of them will be the first to take the shot, but now they have no intention of taking the shot, and they are smiling so much.

The box was indeed taken away, and the dark red dragon smiled, but well, things were not in the box.


The snow-white monkey grinned, with a hint of wickedness in its jewel-like eyes.

"Where is the thing?"

Lin Xuan asked, and the Dark Red Dragon said: "It was taken out long ago, and it is still in the back room at this moment."

"They absolutely didn't think about it, we just took out an empty box and left the treasure there."

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