Inverse Sword God

Chapter 1995: Sister

"Xiaoyue, Datong." Bai Qianchi also greeted with a smile.

Later, he told Lin Xuan: "These two are apprentices from the second master and the seven stars."

Then, Bai Qianchi said to the two people on Xianhe again, "Xiaoyue, Datong, this is the apprentice just received by Master Feng."

"Meet Xiaoshi."

The young men and women on Xianhe hurried to worship Lin Xuan.

"No need to be polite." Lin Xuan smiled.

Unexpectedly, my status became uncle.

At this time, Bai Qianchi said, "Brother Lin, I should reasonably call your uncle, too, because being a disciple of Master Feng has the same status as the elder."

"And we are apprentices to the elders, so in terms of seniority, I have to call you Uncle."

"Forget it, Brother Bai, don't make fun of me." Lin Xuan shook his head.

Lin Xuan felt very weird to have a person so many years older than himself, calling his uncle.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he knew it was normal behavior.

This is the case in the practice world. Instead of sizing by age, divide by example.

Even if you are only seven or eight years old, if you cultivate to achieve great power, it is estimated that a group of old men will respectfully call you seniors.

"Uncle, please come with us."

Above the crane, the two spoke with respect.

Later, Lin Xuan nodded, bid farewell to Bai Qianchi, and then fluttered into the crane.

The crane crane spreads its wings and looks like a shooting star, passing quickly in the air.

After about a column of incense, the speed of the crane slowed down, and finally stopped in mid-air.

"Uncle, here it is."

The two next to him congratulated, Lin Xuan nodded slightly, looking forward. Then he fluttered and left Xianhe.

The two young men and women behind them also landed, and then the fairy crane screamed and left its wings.

"Uncle, please."

Two young men and women led the way, leading Lin Xuan, toward the huge and magnificent temple ahead.

This temple was extremely luxurious. After entering, Lin Xuan discovered that the ground of this temple was paved with spirit stones.

This is really a luxury, a big deal!

Paving the way with spirits, most people really dare not do this. Even if they had the idea, they did not have the financial resources.

Lin Xuan walked on the ground paved with spirits and followed the two young men and women in front of him towards the hall.

In front of this, stood a figure.

The man was sitting on the ground at the moment, and there were mysterious runes flashing around him.

The black hair is scattered, the wind is automatic, the eyes are closed tightly, the cheeks are as sharp as sharp edges.

Feeling that someone came in, the man in front opened his eyes slowly.

His eyes were long and narrow, as if the stars were vast.


The two young men and women in front worshiped respectfully.


The dark-haired man nodded slightly, and the next moment, he glanced over the young men and women, looking at Lin Xuan to the rear.

There was a smile suddenly in the corner of his mouth.

As the smile unfolded, the knife-like face no longer became sharp and replaced by a touch of softness.

"You should be the young master who is newly accepted by Master." The dark-haired man in front said softly.

"That's right," Lin Xuan nodded, and then held his fist. "I've seen my brother."

The next moment, the dark-haired man slowly stood up, his figure was slender, like a sharp sword.

"Although you have been apprenticed by Master, you still have to put some tests to get Master's true inheritance."

"I remind you that this test is not easy, it is even a bit dangerous."

"Of course, you can refuse. In that case, you are still a disciple of Master, but only a named disciple."

"It is impossible to learn the profound and profound mastery of Master."

"So, Master, are you willing to participate in this assessment?"


Lin Xuan was fascinated. He didn't know such a thing before, but he was curious what the assessment was.

So for a moment of groaning, he nodded slightly, "Yes."

"Very well, Master did not misread you." A smile appeared on the corner of the young brunette's mouth, and then he reached out his palm and quickly printed it.




Imprints are formed in the air, and then form a strange pattern.

Suddenly, thousands of rays emanated from those marks. Not only that, but also mysterious runes appearing on the spar ground below.

Countless rays of light wrapped Lin Xuan's body.

Lin Xuan did not resist, he knew it was not dangerous, but should have entered the so-called test.

When the surrounding light disappeared, Lin Xuan looked towards the Quartet.

It was surrounded by endless white mist and white, and the end was unclear. But the next moment, the surroundings changed instantly.

Mountain peaks, big rivers and rivers, halls and pavilions appear in the surroundings, and an endless white mist lies in front of them, forming a beautiful figure.

Murong allure.

This condensed figure is Murong's allure.

But after her, the figures of Zhao Xue and Shen Jingqiu were gathered, and the three were as good as the real.

Not clear at all.

Their eyes are like Qiushui, covering Lin Xuan.


At this moment, a calm voice sounded behind Lin Xuan.

Then Lin Xuan trembled and turned back suddenly. He found that there was a middle-aged man standing there, like a **** of war, and the martial arts were extraordinary.


Lin Xuan exclaimed subconsciously, but soon he frowned.

Because he knew that all this was hallucination, and nothing was true.

And the surrounding scene is also crazy changes, and finally formed a huge mansion.

The vermilion gate flashed with light. On the gate plaque, three big characters of Long Fei Feng Wu, Jianchi Fu!

Is this the first level? Looking at everything around him, Lin Xuan raised a smile.

Follow your heart.

Lin Xuan smiled, stepped forward, took the three women beside him, and walked towards Jianchifu with the tall middle-aged man.

Lin Xuan was tested here, and in the hall, the two young men and women had retreated.

Only the dark-haired man ~ ~ has a ball of light floating in front of him, showing pictures, which is exactly what Lin Xuan experienced.

When he saw Lin Xuan and led the three beauties together into Jianchi Mansion, he gave a stun.

Move with your heart?

"This guy is really bold! Don't you be afraid to get lost?"

"This little master's approach is quite special."

At this moment, a cold voice sounded, then the void waved, and a blue figure appeared in the hall.

A long blue dress, like sea water,

The woman was exquisite in appearance, and her black hair was tied with a red rope.

A pair of eyes are bright, but they are sharp.

As if the knife light, people dare not look straight.

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