Inverse Sword God

Chapter 1812: New maiden?

He stepped on the void and looked down at Lin Xuan, and said coldly, "In my realm of kings, I want to make you worse off!"

He has decided not to let Lin Xuan die so happy.

However, Lin Xuan snorted and cast the black dragon fist of extinction, and the terrible fist turned into an angry dragon, straight into the sky.

Boom boom!

In an instant, thousands of black angry dragons flew out of Lin Xuan's fist, and quickly hit the realm of kings.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, there were numerous cracks in the realm of the six-star king, and then it was ripped apart by thousands of angry dragons.

"how can that be?"

Everyone saw this scene and couldn't believe it. The middle-aged man was struck by lightning and flew out again.

The light on him became dim.

Shocked, really shocked. He didn't expect that his realm of kings was blown away by the other party.

This was something he had never encountered in his life.

Who would have thought that a four-star king would be so powerful.

Even the six-star king cannot easily open his field, but the other party easily did it.


Lin Xuan gave a cold snoring sound, and his fingers protruded. A sharp sword light descended from the sky, piercing the six-star king directly.

A total of four moves were made before and after, killing a six-star king, this method can be described as anti-sky.

The warriors in the surrounding sacred place looked at the scene and were shocked.

The young man before was also gloomy, and he found that the other party was too strong.

This made him very disturbed, so he decided that he must kill the other party quickly.

"Come on! Kill me!" The young man growled wildly.

Suddenly, dozens of figures around quickly moved into shape, and a horrific attack blasted to Lin Xuan.

"Boy, you're too arrogant! How dare you dare to kill the strong man in my holy place in public?"

"Even if you are strong, you have no way of living in front of many of us!"

"Kneeling down and dying can give you a good deal! Otherwise, I will let you taste what it means to die better than life!"

Five shadows arrived first, their expressions were indifferent, and their bodies were full of massive power and terrible killing intention.

Facing the strong five, Lin Xuan didn't say anything at all. He pulled out the Nine Sorcerer Sword and stabbed it with a sword.

This sword is simple and glamorous, without even a bright light, and there is no thunderous sound.

As if just an ordinary sword, slowly piercing.

However, it is such an ordinary sword technique that has made all the surrounding kings look pale.

Because they understand a potential crisis from this simple and glorious sword light.

Make them scary and creepy!

They knew that the sword was far more terrifying than expected.

The five roared, and a powerful force broke out inside them, trying to jointly kill Lin Xuan.

However, they still underestimated the sword.

Because this sword is Lin Xuan's enlightenment in the past six months.


A sword,

Just stabbed a sword.

The heavens and the earth changed color, blood was sprayed, and five miserable voices came out, making the remaining king scalp numb.

The figures of the five kings stopped in the void and then crashed to the ground.

There was a blood hole in their brows, pierced by a sword.

Not only the body, but also the soul are wiped out in an instant.

This scene made all the remaining kings feel cold.

What kind of swordsmanship is this, killing five powerful kings in an instant? It's too scary!

The arrogant youth also shivered.

He had long ago lost his arrogance, and his eyes were full of panic. Because he has never seen such a terrible swordsmanship.

How did the other party do it?

"Damn, you kill him together!" The young man roared frantically, stepped back, and issued orders frantically.


The remaining eight kings glanced at each other and then roared out.

Every horror was like smoke, rolling in, carrying a terrible light, which illuminated the whole sky.

This time, they received Zongmen's order and had to kill each other alone.

So, even if the opponent shows no matter how powerful they are, they have to do it.

Boom boom!

The terrible energy exploded in an instant, and Lin Xuan waved his arm. Behind him, a blue field quickly appeared, and he would choose eight kings to cover it.


The sword air is vertical and horizontal, extremely powerful, and the terrible sword air, each passing quickly in the air like lightning.

A fierce collision sounded and then quickly disappeared.

This process lasted a short time, when the arrogant youth did not respond, Lin Xuan had already withdrawn from the Dragon Sword field.

Subsequently, the eight kings were taken from high altitude.

Everyone was penetrated by countless sword qi, without breath.

In the face of the Dragon Sword, they have no resistance at all.

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

The arrogant youth widened his eyes and couldn't believe it. These are the terrifying kings he brought, the elite of Zongmen

Each one can shake the whole space.

But now, these people shot together and couldn't hold a four-star king? This is too unbelievable!

Not only that, so many strong elites were beheaded and killed in an instant, making him hard to believe.

"Now it is your turn."

Lin Xuan held the Nine Sorcerer Sword in his hand, the whole person seemed to kill the god, and the cold eyes locked on the other side.

"Boy, you dare to touch me, you are dead! My sister is already the maiden of the first days."

The young man gritted his teeth.

He didn't dare to shoot at all, for fear that the opponent would kill him with a sword. So, he can only move out of his sister to shock each other.

The maiden of the first days, in the young generation of Donghuang, is the top existence. And in the future, it is possible to become the owner of the holy land of the first days.

Therefore, even older characters, even powerful ones, must be polite to three points when facing the maiden of the first days.

Because this is the owner of the Holy Land in the future.

However, such a glorious identity has lapsed in front of Lin Xuan.

"Virgin, how about that?"

"Don't say that you are the brother of the maiden of the early days.

Facing the threat ~ ~ Lin Xuan disdain.

He had killed even his power, not to mention just the brother of a saint.

"My sister, she's in the nearby city. If you dare to move, I'm dead!"

The young man did the final struggle.

"She's nearby?"

Hearing that Lin Xuan frowned. He had wanted to kill the other party, but now he changed his mind.

Since the other party is near here, he has to fight all the way out, and when that happens, those people are calling the strong.

So the next moment, Lin Xuan put away the magic sword and looked coldly at each other.

Seeing the other person suddenly stopped, and put away the magic sword in his hand, the young man stunned, then smiled proudly.

This is from hp: /bk/hl/24/24362/nex.hl

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