Inverse Sword God

Chapter 1471: Shen's reaction!


Several long-aging aging rainbows of the Shen family appeared in the sky and stopped the figure. Please search for the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

"Elder Feng, really you!"

"What is so urgent?" Among them, the three elders of the Shen family asked.

"It's not good. I want to see my ancestors. I must see them now!"

The captain of the Kamikaze team was anxious.

"What's the matter, so eager? The ancestor is now retreating."

"Yeah, it's better to leave it to us."

"Three elders, I'm afraid you can't decide this matter."

Elder Feng shook his head quickly, and then he began to voice to several elders.

What the **** is it that still needs to be vocalized, can't you say it directly?

The three elders and others were puzzled, but the next moment, they trembled and showed horror.

Because they heard a terrible news.

"Your news is true ?!" The elders and others were hesitated and unbelieving.

"It's true! It's because of this news that I offended the clan rules and broke in!"

"Now, you must tell your ancestors to do something."

"Go, follow me!"

This time, the three elders waited for several elders to stop, but instead took the elder with that wind and quickly entered the Shen family.

Only a group of Shen Jiawu men left behind, looking at each other, wondering what happened.

In the hall of the Shen family, dozens of elders gathered at the moment, these are the core elders of the Shen family.

These people gathered together and discussed each other with a serious look.

And not long, an old voice appeared instantly on the main seat of the main hall in front.

"Meet your ancestors!"

Seeing this old figure, all the elders suddenly worshiped.

The ancestor of the Shen family nodded slightly, then looked forward to the elder of the Shenfeng team.

"What must I let me know?"

After the return of the War God Palace, the ancestors of the Shen family began to close, and the level of shock hit a higher level.

He had left a message before the retreat. There was no urgent situation and he should not be disturbed.

But now, not long after the retreat, he was called out.

This made him very upset.

But he also knew that these people must have encountered some unsolvable problems, otherwise he would not be allowed to come out.

Elder Feng took a deep breath and then quickly said, "Go back to the ancestors, the Divine Bird Palace is destroyed."


The ancestor of the Shen family froze a little and didn't believe his ears.

"What did you say? Godbird Palace was destroyed?"

He was really shocked, you know, that's the divine bird palace!

It is the grand six gates and the top six gates, second only to their king family.

On the Tianwu continent, it is also a hegemon!

Such strength is usually good without bullying others, how could it be destroyed?

"Speak out the situation in fifteen and ten, don't miss a detail!"

Shen's ancestor Shen Sheng said.

"Yes!" Elder Feng quickly said everything he knew.

Then the whole hall fell into silence.

Strange, it's too weird!

According to Elder Feng, this divine bird palace was destroyed, and no one could escape alive.

Not only that, the large law-protection array and the entire mountain range were completely destroyed, and even the three shrines of the God Bird Palace disappeared.

Moreover, what is even more weird is that the entire scene only had palace fragments, no corpse, and not even a drop of blood was left.

However, there is a thick **** smell in the sky, which indicates that there must be blood flowing.

But it didn't stay!

I have to say, this is really weird.

"These things you said are true?" Shen's ancestor frowned.

"The sentence is true, there is no word to hide! I also hope the ancestor Mingcha!" Elder Feng quickly answered.

On this point, the ancestors of the Shen family and those elders have no doubt. After all, this elder wind is the master of news for their Shen family.

Moreover, as the Shen family, they are very loyal and cannot lie to them.

And this kind of thing cannot be deceived, I believe that such a big thing will not take long, the entire Tianwu continent will know.

"Dammit, who shot it? Extinguished Godbird Palace?"

"How is this possible? This situation is too weird!"

"If the Lord of the Birds Palace is killed, I believe, but there are hundreds of thousands of disciples, and countless masters, and no one can escape?"

"It's hard to believe!"

"Yeah, not even a corpse was found. Not only that, but no blood was left. What exactly is this?"

A lot of elders talked.

At this time, the elders of the Shen family said, Shen Shen: "The Divine Bird Palace is already the top six gates, and it can be destroyed, at least the king's family."

"And there are only a few of the King's family, and it is probably one of them."

"You mean the king shot?"

Elder Shen also took a sigh of relief: "But even a king, he can't do this."

The scene was too weird, countless masters, no one escaped, and there was no corpse and no drop of blood on the scene.

This scene makes people think about it, just scalp!

They haven't seen the king's means, but such a weird scene, I'm afraid the king can't easily create it.

"One king can't do it. What if it is three kings?"

"Three Kings!"

Hearing the words of the ancestors of the Shen family, the crowd froze, and then the pupils shrank.

"My ancestor was talking about Lin Xuan!"

Indeed, if anyone can gather the three kings in an instant, it is only Lin Xuan.

Because that day in the War God Palace, Lin Xuan instantly recruited two king-level monsters, plus Lin Xuan also has king-level combat power.

On the entire continent, only Lin Xuan could instantly recruit three kings.

I'm afraid he's the only one!

The relationship between the Shenniao Palace and the Duan family is not submersible, and now the Duan family is destroyed, I am afraid that the Shenniao Palace cannot escape.

"Is this really Lin Xuan's kid ?!" Everyone was shocked.

If this is true, then things are in trouble.

The three kings joined forces enough to push everything, even if their Shen family could not resist the flood.

It is not possible to compete with Lin Xuan unless they join another king family.

"What does he want to do?"

"Damn ~ ~ This kid is too arrogant!"

"No way, the three kings are too scary."

Everyone talked, and the ancestors of the Shen family were horribly gloomy.

"Damn boy, it's just too arrogant! What does he want to do? Revenge? Or unite the whole continent?"

He had to be shocked. For hundreds of thousands of years, Tianwu mainland has been very stable.

Although there is constant friction between the major forces, it is only a small matter, and basically no six cases have been destroyed.

Not to mention the top six gates of the God Bird Palace.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Shen family are now very angry.

The next moment, he stood up, with a murderous gleam in his eyes: "Lin Xuan, you are too arrogant!"

"I don't believe it. No one in the world can rule you."

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