Chapter 0067 – Finale!!

“Who do you say this viewer is?”

“I don’t know, but it must be remarkable to be able to observe so many worlds at the same time, right?”

“That’s for sure, maybe it’s also some god.”

“I think it’s more likely to be a human.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Most of these videos you watch are glorifying human beings, emphasizing the possibility of a human being, so that this is not something that human beings can do?”

“Is there a possibility, I mean a possibility, that this viewer actually hates this human being?”

“Absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Take a look, anyway, because of these videos watching the movie, the boss of our family told me to destroy the human race immediately.”

“On our side, too, the humans on our planet have basically been wiped out.”


“In this way, it is really possible that it is an enemy of mankind.”

“Remove the last few words, I feel like the enemy of humanity.”

“As a human being, I don’t know whether to be happy or sad at the moment.”

“On the one hand, I am very happy to see human beings being sung and sung.”

“But on the other hand, because I am a human being, I am being hunted down and killed at the moment, and I am extremely sad to be destroyed~.”

“All blame me for being too weak and having no strength, woo-woo~”

“If only I had strength, if only I had power~”

“Blame this damn movie-watching body, is there any big guy who can solve this movie-watching body?”

“I am willing to give everything I have to exchange for the death of the viewing body!”

With the emergence of the viewing body, the pattern of the heavens and realms has been broken.

And with another upgrade of the system, on his main page, it was also possible to allow everyone in the heavens and realms to chat on it for a day.

At first, he also flew a shovel to be happy, because in this way, he might be able to access the knowledge and information of other worlds through the peeping screen.

But things often turn out unexpectedly.

He never expected that there would be an unexpected change in his Heavens Forum.

The most important thing is that the direction of discussion in the forum as a whole has changed.

From the very beginning, people from different worlds shared the situation of their respective worlds.

So far, everyone has denounced him as the head of the forum.

The reason is also simple, in his videos, human beings often seem small, but they can always burst out with amazing power at critical times.

This made some careerists in the heavens and realms extremely fearful.

In order to ensure that their plans are foolproof, these careerists often either recruit or directly destroy humanity.

The end result is also predictable.

In this, there are indeed many human beings, not only escape, but even counter-killing cases are everywhere.

For a time, the entire heavens and realms began to popularize the custom of human worship or human fear.

In this case, the life of a lucky human being will become more comfortable.

And those who are unlucky are often the scourge of extermination.

“But none of this has anything to do with me, I’m just a video editor, a porter of the world.”

As the creator of the video, he doesn’t feel like there’s anything wrong with him.

But soon, he won’t have any extra ideas.

“Is this the place? The world where the viewing body is located, ten beautiful blue planets rich in cow machines. ”

A majestic sound echoed throughout the earth.

Everyone subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Yet they saw nothing.

Or the presence of the speaker is too large, whether it is in that part of the world, what humans can see is only the tip of the iceberg.

You can’t see it all at all.

Soon, there will be no need for them to see everything, because they will all disappear from this world.

At the time of their death, they heard only one word.

“Such a beautiful planet, it seems that there are a lot of parasites, I will help you kill the pests.”

For the earth, humans are the source of destruction, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are parasites.

With the descending of Haoran’s mighty power, humanity was completely wiped off the planet.

Even Wei Ming, who was the creator of the video, was erased.

A second before disappearing, he suddenly understood what the owner of this voice was.

“Isn’t this the Star Casting Dragon King?”

End of book.

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