Inventory Of The Top Ten Gold Fingers, The Protagonist Of Wanjie Is Crazy

Chapter 28: The Special Product Of The Douluo Plane, The Soul Master? Martial Soul? (Ask For Evaluat

The Heavens and Worlds:? ? ?

At this moment, countless people watched everything that happened on the screen, seeing the former Tang San become the current baby, and everyone was stunned...

"What's the situation? Why is this Tang San still getting smaller?"

"What's the situation? Is it another person?"

"Hahaha, let me just say, son of fortune, it's not that easy to die at all!"

"Although this Tang San can't die, is it okay to just turn into a baby?"

"Wori, what the hell is this situation?"

At this moment, everyone looked at everything in the picture with some suspicion...

Obviously, the vast majority of people don't quite understand...

But in the heavens and worlds, there are still some existences with similar experiences...

Seeing Tang San, he instantly understood!

Good guy, is this Tang San reincarnated from another world?


Is this an inappropriate template for a protagonist in a novel?

Sure enough, everyone read it and soon understood...

Indeed, this Tang San was really reincarnated in another world.

And after years of exploration and exploration, what this world is like has finally been revealed to everyone...

This world is called the Douluo Plane, and in the Douluo Plane, there are also some Legendary existences, for example, the soul master...

However, it is not very clear what it is like!

And Tang San is indeed that baby, five years later, the baby has grown into a brat.

However, Tang San is not as simple as Common's reincarnation, he still retains all the memories of his previous life in his mind...

Yes, he knows how to practice the Xuantian Baolu, how to practice the Xuanyu Hand, how to practice the Purple Demon Eye, and even how to make countless Hidden Weapons...

In short, he retained all the memories of the thirty years of his previous life, and was reincarnated in this another world continent.

After countless people saw this, they suddenly understood, is this kind of inheritance co-authored?

Among the characteristics of the co-author mentioned before, is this something that does not exist in this world?

This is called son of fortune?

Countless people were amazed...

They thought that the world before Tang San was called the Douluo Plane, but they didn't think that the real Douluo Plane would have to wait until Tang San was reborn after death to be...

However, this Douluo plane is also a bit strange!

Based on what Tang San showed...

I have practiced Xuantian Baolu since I was a child, but I still can't break through the bottleneck of the first stage, as if there is an invisible big hand stuck...

Anyway, no matter how hard Tang San practiced, he couldn't break through!

Not only Tang San was puzzled.

At this time, all the heavens and myriad worlds, seeing this scene, were also puzzled...

"Cultivated to the first stage and got stuck? This bottleneck, isn't it a bit big? Could it be because Tang San in this life has too poor aptitude?"

"It doesn't make sense! No matter how poor your aptitude is, how can you still break through the bottleneck when you've cultivated since childhood?"

"Yes, Tang San in his previous life cultivated his internal strength to a great extent. Even with his experience, he couldn't do it in this world? It can only be said that there is a problem in this world!"

"Pfft, hahahaha, I'm laughing so hard! If you can't do it yourself, blame the world for problems? If you can't do it yourself, don't blame the road!"

"That's right! I've never seen this kind of existence that puts gold on my face. Even if the world is different, if you practice inner strength, will there be any problems? There is a problem in the world? Why don't you say that all the heavens and myriad worlds are Is there a problem?"

At this moment, countless people from all over the world ridiculed.

However, at this time, in the Douluo plane...

Looking at the screen, Tang San couldn't help but smile wryly at his childhood self...

Yes, at that time, he encountered this kind of problem. At that time, he was also worried, did he have some problems, his qualifications were not enough?

Of course, I also doubt whether the world is different, resulting in some kind of different rules...

Anyway, at that time, he was really apprehensive!

If Xuantian Kungfu can only be cultivated to the first level, well, it is definitely enough to deal with Common people, but if it is to deal with more powerful beings, it may not be enough...

And at this time...

"Wow, third brother, I didn't expect you to be so cute when you were young?" Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up, and he laughed.

"Yeah, third brother, I never imagined that you were so cute when you were young!" Ning Rongrong also said with a smile.

"After growing up, he became a handsome guy. Of course, compared with me, there is still a gap, haha!" Dai Mu Bai brushed his hair narcissistically, and gave Zhu Zhuqing a wink!

"Tch..." Zhu Zhuqing curled her lips and turned her head.

For a while, the atmosphere in the field became quite joyful.

As for Tang San's practice since he was a child...

Regarding this point, everyone tacitly did not mention it.

They believed in Tang San, if Tang San wanted to say something, he would definitely say it...

However, at this time, in the Douluo plane, countless people looked at the situation in the Dao Jinbang, that Tang San started to practice when he was a child, and for a while, their expressions became a little inexplicable...

another world Cultivation Technique?

Tang San is the existence of another world?

They can't think too much for a while...

At this moment, everyone listened, and there were voices coming from the golden list of the Great Dao...

Countless people turned their heads to look at the Dao Jinbang. At this time, they could see that in the picture, an old man told Tang San...

"Little San, you are almost six years old, you should also participate in this year's awakening ceremony!"

"In the Douluo plane, everyone has their own Martial Soul. When they reach the age of six, they will undergo an awakening ceremony. With a Martial Soul, they may even become soul masters in the future! The awakening ceremony only happens once a year. Little San, you But don't miss it!"

"You know, our village once walked out of a soul master, but he became a soul saint in Legendary. This is also the origin of the name of our holy soul village!"

"Little San, you have to remember that only by becoming a soul master can you change your life! Only then can you be superior to others!"

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