Inventory Of The Top Ten Gold Fingers, The Protagonist Of Wanjie Is Crazy

Chapter Sixteen: The Power Of The Yan Emperor In The Future Is So Terrifying! (Ask For Flower Evalua

Fight the world!


At this moment, as the golden light fell into the bodies of Xiao Yan and Yao Zun, the two of them felt as if there was a warm current flowing in their bodies, as if endless power was growing in their bodies...

But that soul soul could only watch helplessly as the two balls of golden light melted into the bodies of Xiao Yan and Yao Zun...

He wanted to move, but couldn't.

While being shocked by this power in my heart, my heart sank at the same time.

Sure enough, the son of fortune is really not that easy to kill!

Just then...

He suddenly felt that he could move...

"Death!" He shouted, his eyes suddenly became sharp, the blood knife in his hand carried a terrifying power, the space was cracked inch by inch at this moment, the terrifying power spread, and the void exploded!


A terrifying force descended in an instant, and in an instant, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the entire mountain behind Xiao's family was wiped out at this moment, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the ground shook!

In the entire Xiao Family, countless people were staring at the direction of the back mountain with heavy hearts.

Especially Xiao Zhan and Xiao Xun'er, their hearts are almost drawn together!

After they saw that Xiao Yan could get some kind of mysterious reward, they breathed a sigh of relief...

But they are still worried.

After all, Xiao Yan is only at the third stage of Dou Qi, and that soul soul is the existence of Dou Sheng!

The difference between the third stage of Dou Zhiqi and Dou Sheng can no longer be compared with the difference between clouds and mud, but can only be compared with the sun with dust!

Even if you get a reward, what can you do?

Can it really survive the bombardment of the soul and heaven?

Thinking of this, they looked nervously at the back mountain, at the picture of the gold list on the sky...

The smoke and dust spread, and the mountains collapsed...

At this moment, countless people in the heavens and the world are also waiting for the ending.

Did Xiao Yan die?

What's the matter?

Everyone is thinking...

They looked at the smoke and dust in the picture, at the frowning Hun Tianju above the sky...


The breeze blew, and the smoke and dust slowly drifted away like smoke and mist!

I don't know how long it took, the smoke and dust finally fell completely, and the situation on the scene was displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

But when they saw the situation in the picture clearly, countless people gasped!

The back mountain, which was once considered green, collapsed immediately, and a terrifying crack split the back mountain in half from top to bottom!

Terrifying traces of annihilation appeared around, as if obliterated by space.

The flowers, plants and trees have even disappeared, and they can no longer see what they looked like before.

Here, it can only be described as ruins!

However, this was just a random blow from the soul...

Such a casual blow can cause such a terrifying power, everyone just feels incredible.

It can be said that between raising one's hand and raising one's foot, the landslides and the ground cracked, and the space shattered!


That's not the point...

"Where's Xiao Yan? And Yao Zun? Why didn't you see it?"

"Is it dead? Even with the reward from the Heavenly Dao Gold List, are Xiao Yan and Yao Zun still dead?"

"Oh, it's a pity, Xiao Yan and Yao Zun died like this? Sure enough, the big villain is worthy of being a big villain! Even if there is a reward, it's not something that a son of fortune who hasn't grown up can match!"

"It's a pity! It means that Xiao Yan's luck is not good, but Xiao Yan is now a Dou Zun, even if he is a Dou Zong, plus the reward from the Heavenly Dao Gold List, with his luck, he can also break the wrist with Soul Tiandi !"

"It's really a pity!"

At this moment, countless people from all over the world sighed.

It's a pity that Yandi Xiaoyan, Pill Saint and Yaozun are gone!

Just judging from these two names...

The future achievements of Xiao Yan and Yao Zun are bound to be limitless.

It's a pity that there was no gold list.

But after the Gold List appeared, everything changed...

Perhaps, in this Dou Po world, there will never be any Yan Emperors, nor will there be any Pill Saints in the future!

There is only one soul emperor who is honored and dominates the world?

Countless people think so...

However, at this moment...


It can be seen that in the void, a space crack suddenly appeared!

Immediately, I saw a person walking out of the space crack...

But I saw, it was a young man with a young face, a tall and straight figure, and a handsome boy!

If it wasn't Xiao Yan, who was it?

"Xiao Yan big brother!" Xiao Xun'er cried with joy.

Her Xiaoyan big brother is not dead yet!

Moreover, looking at Xiao Yan's method of crossing space, is this, also becoming a fighting saint?

Although it was a bit unbelievable, she couldn't think so much now, as long as Xiao Yan was still alive, it would be fine!

"Okay, okay!" And that Xiao Zhan was also in tears, as long as he is still alive, as long as he is still alive!

He was very pleased.

But at this time, on the back mountain, on the battlefield!

"As expected of a son of fortune!"

Hun Tiandi narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at Xiao Yan who came from the sky.

At the same time, my heart sank...

Stepping on the Shattering Void?

Space shift?

Dou Sheng?

This Xiaoyan has become a fighting saint?

Is the reward of the Great Dao Gold List so terrifying?

With just one reward, can an ant with a third stage fighting spirit become a fighting saint?

It seems that it is a bit difficult to kill Xiao Yan today...

But at this time, Xiao Yan smiled after hearing the praise from Soul Heavenly Soul: "It should be said, is it worthy of being a big villain? Your strength is the strongest I have seen so far!"

Today's Xiao Yan is very different from before. For some reason, her hair has become a little longer, her eyes have become sharper, her temperament has changed drastically, and she is completely different from the tenacity before, as if she was a different person. !


Seeing such a change, Hun Tiandi's heart moved, and he smiled: "You are Yao Zun?!!"

He thought of a major feature of Gold Fingers like Xiao Yan, which can be possessed by the son of fortune to improve their strength.

And the current situation, isn't it just like being possessed?

Xiao Yan smiled, neither denying nor admitting it!

Hun Tiandi looked at Xiao Yan, felt it carefully, and suddenly smiled: "I thought, what kind of reward was given to you by the Dao Jinbang, but in the end, it was just the peak Dou Zun? Thinking about it, you can cross the space only with the help of Did you break the gap in the space before?"

Dou Zun peak!

Yes, at this moment, the strength displayed by Xiao Yan is only the peak of Dou Zun!

Perhaps, this is the strength after the fusion of Xiao Yan and Yao Zun!

That's it?

Perhaps at other times, Xiao Yan was able to claim respect in the Dou Po world, but in front of him, the peak Dou Saint, the peak Dou Zun was nothing more than an ant!

"It seems that your fate is not good, and you deserve to be buried here!" Hun Tiandi said lightly, the Emperor Slaying Ghost Blood Blade appeared in his hand, and even, at the same time, countless bloody clouds and thunder appeared around him !


Surrounded by terrifying blood thunder, the void trembled, and the space collapsed under the blood thunder!

Hun Tiandi, go all out!

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, let alone facing the son of fortune?


Really strong!

The soul of the soul in such a state, just passing through the Dao Jinbang, makes people feel very scary, makes people's scalp numb, and can't help but stand on their heads!

However, facing the soul of the soul in such a state, that Xiao Yan only exhaled a breath of white air, and immediately smiled...

"Then, let me show you why I am called the son of fortune!"

"Let you experience the might of the future Emperor Yan!"


At this moment, Xiao Yan's expression was stern, Hua Yin fell, and deep in his eyes, the raging emperor flames burned!

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