Chapter 93 Mirror Flower Water Moon! Still Silver! Originally chopped moon!!

[Youhaba sneered, and in an instant, the pitch-black spirit pressure turned into a torrent and roared away. 】

[But after the impact, this blow not only did not kill Lan Ran, but also helped to shatter the stone seat that trapped the opponent’s spiritual pressure! ] 】

[Standing on the ground after a long absence, Lan Ran revealed a relaxed posture. 】

[The next second, he calmly looked over and said sarcastically:]

“What an accident, I thought I would divide the winner and loser in the Spirit King Palace, it seems that Kurosaki Ichigo is even trickier than I expected. “】

[Hearing this, Youhabach laughed disdainfully:]

“Please don’t project your distress on me, it was you who was defeated by Ichigo Kurosaki. “】

[Lan Ran smiled slightly and threw off the last shackles on his hands:]

“Anyway, I still want to thank you for helping me destroy that disgusting chair.” “】

[When the words fell, he opened his arms, and suddenly an unimaginable spiritual pressure rushed straight into the sky, instantly dispersing all the clouds! ] 】

[At this moment, the world seems to have become sticky, as if it is as heavy as under the bottom of the sea! ] 】


Feeling the spiritual pressure that made it almost difficult to breathe, a look of regret appeared in Urahara Kisuke’s eyes!

He didn’t expect that the blue dye that fused with the broken jade could grow to this point!

It had long been known that the root cause of the Spirit King’s problem solution was in Youhabach, and perhaps he should not have created Hongyu in the first place.

Inside the laboratory.

Nirvana was stunned, not understanding how such a powerful Lan Ran defeated the other party in the first place!

But then it came to mind another, more terrifying possibility!

That is, when Lan Ran was sealed, he was still getting stronger! This is simply against science!

In the next second, he gritted his teeth and said displeased: “Is it still the reason for the collapse of jade… Kiri, Kisuke Urahara, count you winning this time! ”

[Youhabach stood still, feeling the taste of this powerful spiritual pressure, and then said with pity:]

[“Do you really want to fight me for the Corpse Soul Realm? “】

“I don’t think that’s good for you. “】

[Lan Ran once again showed that smile that belonged to him and said proudly:]

“It’s not about profit and selfishness, I’ve been fighting to defeat what tries to bind me. “】

DC World.

Lucifer looked surprised.

Someone is fighting for strength! Someone for revenge! Someone for love!

Some people simply want to go to the top.

But the man’s answer in front of him was eye-catching.

At this moment, he gave birth to a strong sense of foreboding.

Whether it’s Ichigo Kurosaki or Yuhabach! That world can’t trap this bird!

Night Palace.

Ten Blades, Ichimaru Silver, and Dongxian all showed surprised eyes!

Before this, everyone believed that Lan Ran was for the spirit king and ruled the world.

But at the moment, this man sitting calmly does not think like this at all!

[At this moment, the whistling sound sounded! ] 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo and Koji arrived and attacked from the rear! ] 】

[However, this is meaningless to Youhabach, who easily dodged the slash and said calmly:]

[“Ichigo, Koji, it’s coming quickly.”] “】

“But I’ve seen that you’re coming, and the knife will be restored and broken again!”] “】

[The words fell, and the sound of shattering sounded again! ] 】

[But this time, the Heavenly Lock Moon Cutting Moon only cracked a crack, and it did not break! ] 】

Spirit King Palace.

The eyes of the two house kings showed understanding.

It seems that before Youhabach broke, it should be the Heavenly Lock Chopping Moon that has not been completely liberated, he said, how can this knife be so fragile!

[And seeing that he didn’t break the heavenly lock and cut the moon, Youhabach said angrily:]

“I wanted to make it break pretty, what a disgusting luck, Ichigo! “】

[When the words fell, a black shadow rushed out of Yuhabach’s body towards Ichigo, who was seriously injured and not frying! ] 】

[Seeing this, Koji attacked instead of defending, liberated the Twin Kings Snake Tail Pill and attacked the other party! ] 】

[But at the moment when he just jumped in the air, the Baboon King’s arm suddenly broke! ] 】

[That’s the future that has been changed!] 】

[In the next second, Yuhabach stretched out his arm and wanted to kill Koji! ] 】

[But at this moment, Lan Ran instantly appeared in front of him and blocked this blow! ] 】

[Seeing this, Habach mocked:]

[“Blue dye, do you want to protect Asan Jing”? “】

[“Interesting, isn’t uniting in front of a common enemy exactly the defeated dog behavior you loathe? “】

[Lan Ran smiled calmly, did not pay any attention to the taunt, and broke out spiritual pressure again:]

[“The Ninety-Nine Five Dragons of the Broken Path Turned Out!”] “】

[In an instant, the earth tore apart, and the space roared and trembled! ] 】

[The terrifying spirit pressure instantly revealed a roaring purple dragon! ] 】

[In the next second, the hideous and terrifying dragon head swung his sword with Lan Ran, and attacked towards Youhabach together! ] 】

“It’s really outrageous, the biggest broken road still abandons singing!”

Looking at the broken path that could kill the captain level in seconds, Yoruichi directly did not hold back from exclaiming Wang Guoyi

The eyes are full of unacceptability!

And at this moment, even Kisuke Urahara had to admit it.

Lan Ran’s Dao-breaking attainment is unrivaled in the corpse soul realm!

[But at this moment, a crisp sound sounded! ] 】

[The blue-dyed mirror flower water moon will also be broken in the future! ] 】

[In the next instant, Yuhabach struck forward at will, and suddenly the roaring dragon was annihilated, and Lan Ran was also shot out! ] 】

[But this also creates a relative opportunity!] 】

[I don’t know when Ichigo has come behind Yuhabach and slashed away! ] But seeing this scene, countless viewers shook their heads. 】

The atomic samurai was even more disdainful in his eyes.

With the power to see the future, this is nothing more than useless work.

If you have this time, you might as well think of other ways to do it, not just recklessly go up, but even maybe hit the enemy’s arms!

Invisible Empire.

The corners of Youhabach’s mouth were full of mockery.

What a disappointment, Ichigo.

After fighting so many times, there is no growth at all.

[Ichigo slashed down hard, and there seemed to be a light in his eyes! ] 】

[But in the next moment, Youhabach suddenly turned around. 】

[Then he easily blocked this blow with his right arm, and a black spiritual pressure wrapped around his left hand, and raised his hand through Ichigo’s chest! ] 】

One punch world.

The atomic samurai showed such an expression.

As if he wanted to save face from the last time, he immediately turned around and taught the disciples behind him: “It’s stupid to fight without moving and flexible, you must keep this firmly in mind in the future!” ”

But this time, again, there was no answer!

The atomic samurai was shocked in his heart and turned his head sharply!

[Youhabach did not show a happy expression, but the golden eyes on his body and flowing in the shadows around him suddenly widened! ] 】

[At this time, a mysterious and cold spiritual pressure has invaded the depths of his soul through flesh and blood!] 】

[Then blindfolded his omniscient and all-powerful eyes!!] 】

[In an instant, those golden eyes closed, and all the dark shadows flowed back into the body! ] 】

“This is… Hongyu? “Yohabach made an angry and incredulous voice! 】

[The next moment, an incomparably familiar and strange arrogant voice sounded! ] 】

[“It’s funny, I’m standing in front of you, but you don’t recognize who I am?”] “】

[“Is this worthy of being called omniscient and omnipotent?”] “】

[As the sound fell, the picture shattered! ] 】

[I saw that hanging in front of Yuhabach was not Ichigo Kurosaki at all! ] 】

[Rather… Blue Dye Right Suke! 】

[At this moment, although Lan Ran’s chest was penetrated, blood overflowed from his mouth! ] 】

[But the contempt in my eyes is incomparably clear! ] 】

“Kagami Shui Yue!?”

“The previous Ichigo and Koji were all illusions!”

“He blinded the all-knowing and all-powerful friend Habach!”

“How can it be done like this!”

“Is it the blessing of Hongyu!?”

In the team, several captains, as well as Nirvana Li blurted out! My heart was already shocked to the point that I couldn’t add more!

Marvel 199999 universe.

Loki looked sluggish!

Can something false be done to such an extent? I can’t even think about it!

– Hokage World! Uchiha Itachi is unbelievable!

Is this an illusion that even omniscience and omnipotence can deceive? It’s simply incomprehensible!

Not only them, but countless viewers in the ten thousand worlds at this moment were shocked by the power of blue dyeing!

[At this time, at the moment when Lan Ran used the power of Collapsed Jade to blind Youhabach! ] 】

[The real Kurosaki Ichigo has come behind him! ] 】

【”Crescent Sky Chong!! “】

[In an instant, a golden spiritual pressure like substance appeared on the huge Heavenly Lock Moon Cutting Blade, instantly cutting off Youhabach!] 】

This scene excites all the Grim Reaper! It worked!

With the cooperation of Lan Ran and Kurosaki Ichigo, they really killed each other! Ichiban!

Jingle Chunshui is also excited!

Nowadays, it seems that it is inevitable to find indigo dyeing cooperation! He believes that since the other party can fight against Yuhabach in the future! There should be no refusal now!

Blood in the blood, floating in the world is easy to taste the old law is and the philosopher orange summons the Chinese liver immersion, the canon sentence is ten thousand times better than the destruction of the world!

But just as he was thinking, the abnormality suddenly happened!

[Just when Lan Ran thought that Youhabach was dead! ] 】

[Youhabach’s severed body turned into two pools of shadows and melted on the ground, and golden eyes opened on it again! ] 】

[In the next second, the black rushing stream burst out from the shadow on one side, turning into a sharp blade and instantly penetrating the blue dye! ] 】

[At this time, Yuhabach slowly rises from another part of the shadow. 】

[He laughs maniacally:]

[“The mirror flower water moon is lifted! “】

[“Is it arrogance, or is it the limit!”] “】

[Then he looked at Ichigo with golden eyes and laughed:]

“Ichigo, do you think you can kill me completely with that kind of thing?”] “】

[“My power is to change the future, which means that I can even change the future where I will die!”] “】

A momentary reversal!

Youhabach’s words rewrote death for everyone in the world of death from heaven into the icy abyss, which is simply the power of the gods!

How can such an enemy be defeated!!

[At this time, Ichigo watched as Yuhabach, who gradually condensed into a complete body and was about to be resurrected, was cut off again! ] 】

[But before he could reach the other party, he was slashed by the other party with all-knowing and all-powerful power! ] 】

[Ichigo immediately chased after him anxiously! ] 】

[Without the Heavenly Lock Cutting the Moon, it is impossible to break the defense! ] 】

[But at the moment when he was about to hold the slashing knife, Youhabach had already manipulated the shadow of the Eye of the Spirit King to entangle him! ] 】

[At the same time, it bursts out with all its power!] 】

[In an instant, countless black shadows spread, covering more than half of the corpse soul realm in just a few seconds! ] 】

[Even in this world, countless shadows have appeared! ] 】

[Yohabach laughs maniacally:]

[“It’s over, both the present world and the corpse soul realm will disappear under my power and merge into one!!! “】

This moment! Countless worlds fell silent!

Countless viewers trembled in their hearts!

I didn’t expect that I could see the end of the world coming and the destruction of the world in my lifetime!

And…… Hundreds of millions of lives died!

[However! 】

[At the moment when Youhabach’s voice fell, a silver shoulder instantly pierced his chest! ] 】

[It turned out to be Ishida Yulong who arrived and shot this arrow! ] 】


Ichigo, Orihime and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

But a little inside the team.

The captains couldn’t help but shake their heads.

Although it is clear that Ishida Yuryu was just a fake defection before.

But what’s the use of coming back to fight in the end?

It’s just a meaningless act.

Maybe it’s better to hide, just live like that, and keep a trace of tinder.

[Seeing Ishida Yuryu join the battle, Ichigo’s eyes were full of anxiety and wanted the other party to leave! ] 】

[Now that the defeat is decided, he does not want his companion to die. 】

[But at this time, Ishida Yulong spoke first and shouted quickly:]

[“Silver that appears because of the holy parting is called ‘Silver of Rest’! “】

[“Mixing with the blood of the Initiating Saint will make all that person’s abilities disappear in a short period of time! “】

[“It’s now, Kurosaki!!”] “】

[Ichigo instantly understood that the arrow that penetrated Yuhabach was made of Silver of Still! ] 】

[In the next second, looking at the power of the spirit king that had faded, the original body was restored, and the blood vessels that were still in the whole body locked Yuhabach like a cage, and Ichigo pulled up the scarred Heavenly Lock Chopping Moon in the shout, and then jumped up and slashed towards Youhabach! ] 】

[But the silver arrow lasted for a short time, and in just a short breath, Yu Habach was already struggling to see his arm outstretched! ] 】

[Then just blocked the Heavenly Lock Cutting Moon full of cracks! ] 】

At this moment, countless viewers seemed to feel the same way, extremely nervous! This blow was stopped!

Or cut off!

Pirate World, Luffy shouts madly to cheer, and seems to want to make a contribution!

In the world of Hokage, Naruto closed his eyes and indulged in the nutrient solution, but the power in his body was about to move, and he was also roaring in his heart for Ichigo not to give up!

The next moment!

【Heavenly lock slashing moon shattered!!】 】

[But that’s just the shell!] 】

[Underneath the shattering, the original black Beginning Cutting Moon inside is revealed!!! 】

[And then! ] 】

[In the roar of Ichigo with all his strength, a knife cut off the shocked Yuhabach!!] 】

[At the time of death, he couldn’t understand why he was in front of this future that was cut off from the waist! ] 】

[But at the moment when darkness invaded his thoughts, he suddenly remembered. 】

[Nope! Post】

[He actually saw this scene! ] 】

[It was between waking up today and waking up half-dreamed!] 】

[He saw Ichigo Kurosaki and cut himself off with this slashing knife! ] 】

[It turns out that it was not a dream! ] 】

[It’s the reality that Hasward saw after sending back his power in advance! ] 】

[Next second…]

[Before anger and unwillingness rose in Youhabach’s eyes, the bodies of the two segments turned into black smoke and completely dissipated! ] 】

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