
Kagome held the little paper figurine helplessly, her tongue stuttering in panic, "Butterfly, butterfly! Asuka, she, she, she..."

Turn into a paper figurine?

Why? !

Because he touched Asuka? ?

Kagome looked up and down, back and forth, wanting to cry but without tears, her hand holding the little paper figurine of Asuka was stiff and dared not move.

"What's going on, butterfly?! Is Asuka dead? Was it wiped, wiped by me? No, I haven't wiped it yet, what should I do..."

The butterfly next to her said calmly, "Don't worry, it's Kikyo-sama..."


Kikyo interrupted her.

The butterfly looked at its owner, Kikyo glanced coldly, and the butterfly lowered its head, "Yes."

Wasn't it just that it was frightened by the boy's sudden approach, and it didn't have time to withdraw from the shared sight, so it urgently recovered the spiritual power that was boarded in Asuka.

Why not let it say?

The little shikigami was speechless and could not understand.

Seeing Kikyo coming, Kagome's body shook and her neck twisted inch by inch, "Ha, ha, Kikyo, you, you are back."


She shrugged guiltily and stretched her hands in front of her.

"Sorry... I don't know how Asuka turned into a little paper man."

Kikyo's eyes were complicated. She took the paper man from Kagome's palm and paused slightly when her eyes passed by the dust on the face of the paper man.

She put away the little paper man, met Kagome's uneasy eyes, and turned her head away subconsciously, "... It has nothing to do with you."

It was her attention that was distracted... She over-handled the emergency.

"Is it really okay?" Kagome scratched her head, a little embarrassed.

Kikyo did not respond for the second time, took out the little paper man that she had put away, and poured her own spiritual power into it.

The little paper man slowly floated up and turned into a child again in the air with a "bang".

Asuka bowed to Kikyo, "Lord Kikyo."

"Wow~ This is amazing." Kagome exclaimed at this scene.

Kikyo's clamoring voice caught her attention, "If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Really?! I want to learn!" This really touched Kagome's heart. He raised his hands high, fearing that Kikyo would regret it if he raised them too late.

"Well, did you bring paper?"

The raised hand froze, and sweat dripped slowly from the back of Kagome's head, "No... extra paper?"

Kikyo gave him a look that clearly meant "I've run out of it."

Okay... Kagome put down her hands dejectedly. This time she came out to finish her homework, and she didn't bring any books in her bag to reduce weight.

There was no paper in the village at all. Paper was still relatively rare in ancient times.

Kagome was visibly wilted.

Kikyo told the two shikigami to clean themselves up, and turned around to notice Kagome's expression, "If you want, I can let them follow you, it's the same."

"No, no, no," Kagome waved her hands and refused, "I don't really want it, I just think it's magical. Anyway, Kikyo and I are together, and I can see it anytime."

That being said... Shikigami... Which Japanese child doesn't want to have a shikigami of his own.

Kagome glanced at the flying birds and butterflies with white aura on their bodies. After the aura disappeared, they returned to being clean and tidy.

This made him exclaim again, "Oh, so convenient..."

After being rejected, Kikyo didn't say anything else and led the way into the mountains.

The flying birds and butterflies flew behind, and Kagome also quickly caught up.

From time to time, a sentence or two came out of her mouth.

"Hey, Kikyo, can Asuka and Butterfly cook?"


"Do they need to eat?"


"Wow, that's more convenient, no need to sleep?"

"Yeah, no."

"Wow, that's a 24/7 surveillance camera, with its own thinking... Yeah, smart camera."

"..." I don't understand.

"Oh, by the way, the kid from that village gave you a bouquet of flowers before leaving, they're pretty."



The two chatted casually, not really chatting, Kagome spoke more unilaterally, Kikyo listened carefully, and responded from time to time.

The atmosphere was much more relaxed than the previous few days.

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