Squatting in the same place, Kagome's heart was about to jump out of her throat. Countless images flashed through her mind, making her hands and feet cold in this early summer season.

Ghost? No, monster?

He could accept the latter, but the former... humans have a natural fear of ghosts, and Kagome would rather face ugly and scary monsters.

Although there are different types of ghosts... such as Mayu in the past, but he is in Naraku's castle, and Naraku has produced thousands of strange monsters that Kagome can't count, not to mention that Naraku himself is a huge and disgusting mixture of flesh!

Kagome held her breath, he didn't look back, but tightly grasped the switch of the crossbow on his wrist.

It's okay, it's okay...

There is nothing that spiritual power can't solve, if there is, it must be that his spiritual power input is not enough!

As soon as the thought passed through her mind, from the moment her clothes were hooked, Kagome quickly prepared for a counterattack.

The palm of her hand continuously inputted spiritual power into the short arrow, and Kagome silently counted "1, 2, 3" in her heart, and turned around-

"Big brother."

The childish voice was low, with a hint of anxiety and joy.

Kagome was stunned, and he lowered his head. When his eyes touched the little hand holding his clothes, his eyes burst into great surprise.

Found it.

Kagome looked in the direction of the hand, and then she found that the wooden door beside her had opened a small gap. He was tense just now, and all his energy was used to perceive the surrounding demonic energy, fearing that Naraku would jump out from the creaking corner and stab him.

It was indeed a stress reaction from last time.

Kagome put away her weapon, opened the wooden door, and the gap widened. The little girl inside was shrouded in Kagome's shadow. Her thin body trembled, and her two big grape-like eyes flickered.

Kagome recognized it at a glance and said happily, "Is it you?" The little friend who gave him the last candy.

The little girl nodded tremblingly, she knelt on the ground. In the dark, Kagome couldn't see clearly, but she saw the little girl's dusty face from a close distance, and her face changed.

"Are you injured? Why are you sitting on the ground? Is your leg injured?"

Kagome was worried, he gently wiped the dust off the little girl's face, and cursed Naraku for not cleaning the house after building it.

Ogawa shook his head, "No big brother, I'm just too scared..."

She lowered her head, and after getting the approval of Master Ping, Ogawa came out of the room. I don't know if she was sick, but her head was dizzy all the way.

In the dark environment, Ogawa always felt that something was staring at her from behind, and fear occupied her whole heart. In a hurry, Ogawa opened the wooden door and found a room to hide in until he saw Kagome's familiar face.

Kagome hugged her distressedly and patted Ogawa's back gently, "Don't be afraid, it's okay, I'll take you home."

Ogawa fell into a warm and fragrant embrace, and the broad chest embraced her, full of security.

She shrugged her nose and instinctively rubbed Kagome's arms, so fragrant...

Kagome felt that the little ball in her arms gradually stopped trembling, and asked patiently, "Why are you here alone? Where are the other children?"

"I came..." to find you.

Ogawa was about to say something and froze inexplicably. She blinked, "I escaped alone, and the others were in a very small room. They were all asleep. I couldn't wake them up no matter how hard I shook them. I was very scared. The adults were gone, and there was no one..."

The black eyes darkened, and at an angle that Kagome couldn't see, they lost their light, as if a puppet was mechanically speaking.


At this time, Kagome didn't notice the strange tone of Ogawa's voice at all. He had a serious expression and analyzed the content of Ogawa's words.

Is she asleep or dead...

He took a deep breath, suppressed his inner anxiety, and tried to be more friendly, "Little friend...what's your name, little girl?"

"My name is, my name is Xiaochuan."

There seemed to be a pause in the middle of the sentence, and Kagome's mind jumped for a moment, but she quickly ignored it. He rubbed Xiaochuan's head and said with a smile, "Xiaochuan, you are very brave. It's great that you can walk here alone. You can leave it to me next."

Xiaochuan looked up blankly, huh? What did she say just now?

"Can you still stand up?"

Is he asking her?

Xiaochuan supported herself on the ground with both hands, her body trembled for a while, and it took a long time to move a few centimeters. Her little face turned red, "I'm sorry, big brother, my legs are weak."

The hand holding Kagome's clothes had exhausted all her strength. Even after Kagome's comfort, her fingers were still trembling slightly. That was the body's muscle reaction, uncontrollable fear.

Kagome thought for a moment and simply hugged Xiaochuan. He was surprised by the light weight. This child... looks chubby, how come he doesn't have much flesh on his body?

Confusion flashed in his eyes. His arm strength after the sex change seemed to beStronger.

Since the weight was more than enough, Kagome immediately changed to supporting Ogawa's body with one hand and hugged her knees.

The hand with the crossbow was freed, just in case.

Her chin rested on the furry head, "Do you remember the way you came here? Can you point me in the direction? Let's go save the other children."

Before Ogawa could react, her feet were lifted off the ground and suddenly rose several dozen centimeters. This huge change shocked her and made her shrink her hands in her arms.

She subconsciously pointed to the front, "Go that way."


Kagome did not hesitate and moved slowly in the direction. Although the little girl came all the way safely, she still had to be careful.

And Ogawa in his arms was confused. She sat on Kagome's arm at a loss, not daring to move. Her warm breath blew through her hair, and Ogawa's frozen arms tightened, wrapping around the dagger in her clothes on her chest.

Strange... So strange...

Didn't she come to ask her big brother if there was any misunderstanding?

Why didn't she say it when it was on her lips? Ogawa tilted his head, and sitting on his arm, he still couldn't look at Kagome at eye level, so she needed to raise her head slightly.

Soft hair rubbed against her chin, and Kagome thought that Ogawa was afraid. He had a smile on his lips, lowered his eyes and whispered gently, "If you are afraid, close your eyes, pretend to sleep and wake up, I will take you home."

Ogawa stared at him blankly, hummed a little, and put his face on Kagome's shoulder.

Take a nap... take her home.

The same words as Lord Ping, but she didn't feel sleepy at all... A little sorry for Lord Ping, Ogawa silently apologized because he actually felt that the big brother's words were more true.

Kagome quietly leaned behind the pillar, Ogawa nodded slightly, pointing to the wooden door in front of him.

Here? All the children? Kagome gestured.

Ogawa nodded vigorously.

Are there any bad guys?

Kagome bared her teeth and made a ferocious face, while Ogawa covered her mouth, blinked and shook her head.

Anxious Kagome sensed the situation in the room, and there was no evil spirit.


Halfway through the task, Kagome breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and gave Ogawa a thumbs up, praising, "Great, ready to save people."

Ogawa pursed his lips embarrassedly, and his fingers were twisted together.

He leaned over and put Ogawa down, asking her to hide behind the pillar and not come out easily, while Kagome stood in front of the door and tried to look inside through the crack of the door, but it was dark and she couldn't see anything clearly.

Kagome raised her wrist and aimed at the wooden door, holding her breath and concentrating, and pulled the door open little by little.


The wooden door rubbed against the ground and made a slight sound, which was particularly loud in the silent environment. Kagome's mouth twitched, and this sound... was too obvious.

He simply pulled it open in one go. There was no furniture in the dim room. Kagome poked her head in and looked around. What she saw was a floor full of children lying unconscious.

Kagome's heart trembled. He hurried forward anxiously, half-crouched and brushed the tip of a child's nose with his hand.

Alive and breathing.


Kagome felt relieved. He quickly checked the children around him and made sure that each child was in a coma and had no wounds on their bodies.

He stood up and looked around. There were more than ten children caught. Most of them looked familiar to Kagome. They were the children who asked him for candy.

Kagome looked worried. "More than ten people... How can I take them back? I should have asked Yunmu to come with me. No, Yunmu can't take more than ten people at a time..."

"What should I do?" Kagome scratched her head and her various plans were rejected again and again.

Finally, he hammered his palm and set up a barrier around it. After it was completed, Kagome put her hands on her hips and looked at the barrier covering all the children with satisfaction.

"It's done~ Protect the safety of these children for the time being, so that Naraku has no chance to threaten."

As for how to transport these children out... Kagome suddenly raised her head and looked at the roof beams.

Muttered, "By the way, Kikyo is on the roof..."

The brown eyes became brighter and brighter.

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