After a while of negotiation.

"So..." Coral blinked awkwardly.

"Yeah." Kagome nodded.

"Are you really just passing by?"

"Yeah." Sure.

"Sorry!" Coral bowed suddenly, blushing, "I was the first one to enter the temple."

Amber sighed: "Sister." Sister is impatient.

Kagome felt strange, this was the first time she saw Coral so young.

Yes, at this time, Coral's family was still there. People with families always have a foundation to back them up, and they are fearless when they act. Anyway, their family is always behind them.

So, she didn't want to disturb their family. Without the fragments of the Four Souls Jade, the demon slayer clan would not collect them, and they would not be targeted by Naraku.

Amber would not... destroy the clan.

Kagome lowered her eyes.

"It's okay, I'll leave first if there's nothing else."

Before the siblings could recover, a black shadow flew past them.

That is——

“Ya Mu!”×2

Kagome only felt her shoulders sink, and turned her face to the side, and a furry touch gently brushed across her cheek.


The light yellow little fellow gently shook his tail. As a person who used to accompany Tsuiko day and night, Yun Mu easily caught the subtle breath on Kagome.

Tsuiko’s soul.

That was the breath that squatted in the stalactite cave day and night, lying on Tsuiko’s stone statue, surrounding her, and accompanying her to sleep.

Yun Mu stared at Kagome with her round eyes and rubbed her, “Chiu.” Hello, you have worked hard to keep the Four Souls Jade.

Familiarly acting like a spoiled child, Kagome reflexively scratched Yun Mu’s chin.

Coral only saw this man, child? The hat covered half of her face, revealing only the smooth lower half of her face. Her slightly pale lips raised a gentle arc. Her bony fingers under the finger sleeves gently tickled Yunmu, who was very happy and purred comfortably.

One person and one demon, the scene was surprisingly warm.

"Ah." Amber was so shocked that she stuttered, "Sister, does Yunmu know this person?"

"No, I don't know." Coral also stuttered.

Of course, this scene also completely dispelled Coral's vigilance. She originally thought that this guy sneaked close to the village and ran away quickly after being discovered. There was something wrong at first glance, but now.

Those who stick to Yunmu are all good people.

Amber nodded in agreement.

All of them are fluff control.

Kagome stiffened, turned her head and glanced at the two siblings behind her with aunt smiles on their faces. She accidentally got addicted to petting cats.

"Chiu?" Why didn't you touch him?

Close to her, Kagome's pupils reflected Yunmu's little head, and she understood Yunmu's question at a glance.

——I'm leaving.

"Chirp." Stay to rest? You look tired?

Shake your head. ——There are more important things to do.

"Chirp." Do you need my help?

This is true, Kagome slightly widened her eyes, really, there is a pillow when you are sleepy.

Yunmu shook her ears and jumped off Kagome's shoulder, the fire rose and suddenly became bigger.

Kagome grabbed the fur and sat on it, her movements were quite skillful.

The communication between the man and the demon was only a few seconds.

"Eh? Wait, Yunmu!" When Coral reacted, they had already flown into the sky.

"Ah~" Yunmu turned around and responded.

Coral, who was a level nine cat language, immediately understood, stopped shouting, and watched them leave.

Amber came over in confusion, "Sister, what did Yunmu say?"

How come he didn't understand anything, but he knew that Yunmu seemed to be very familiar with this mysterious person.

"Yamu told me not to follow." Shanhu was also puzzled, "Who is this person? Is he familiar with Yunmu? Could he be a good friend of my father?"

"Then Yunmu left, and we have to go back." Amber glanced at the messy bushes, why did he run to such a remote place.

"Ah!" Shanhu was shocked.

"Ha~" sighed.

"Why are you sighing! Running back, just treat it as training!"

"Aha~" sighed even more weakly.

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