Interstellar: Start as a cleaner

Chapter 619: Not surprisingly

Chapter 619 Not surprising

The entire game backend department was in chaos because happiness came so suddenly.

Yang Bo was playing the game when he suddenly saw the game system prompting that the target of the super zombie mission was in front of him, and asked to hold on for 10 minutes and wait for support.

 If you can capture the super zombie alive after 10 minutes, the mission reward will be tripled.

 “It’s not too easy!”

“But in the end, I have to find a chance to destroy this android as well.” Yang Bo looked at the high-level zombies that were constantly coming up under the stairs. Unfortunately, the stairs had no railings, so many high-level zombies ran and fell down.

And the super zombie is rolling all over the ground now. It was probably attacked by the electromagnetic bomb. Now it seems that it is in a state of nervous confusion.

“Will these zombies evolve to be like humans in the end?” Yang Bo pondered in his mind while hunting high-level zombies.

 “I wonder what skills this guy will have?”

“Why are the high-level zombies here not given mind control skills? Could it be that these zombies are controlled by super zombies, so they don’t have this skill?”

Then Yang Bo discovered that the virtual screen he was shown was virtual.

 A small number of high-level zombies kept rushing up, and they could only be named by Yang Bo.

Of course, more fighter planes outside are constantly releasing various self-exploding drones and missiles to attack these high-level zombies.

An NPC wearing heavy protective clothing came over and said to Yang Bo's game character: Congratulations on completing the mission. This kind of living super zombie is very helpful to our research.

 Sword skill +8!

 After Yang Bo quit the game, there were still skills popping up in his mind. These were the high-level zombies that Yang Bo kept throwing bombs to damage but were not killed. It seemed that they were killed by the military.

Of course, Yang Bo also deliberately chose some routes where the cargo robot is not easily exposed.

ˆForging +8!

“It looks like the military is going to kill the high-level zombies over there, and then go see what’s going on in the basement.”

However, there is no chance to damage the android at this time, because most of the stairs have been blocked by the corpses of many high-level zombies.

“The ones giving me skills now should be some of the high-level zombies I damaged by throwing bombs.” Yang Bo muttered in his heart.

Yang Bo used his photoelectric superpower to discover that the military's fighter planes directly produced a large mechanical arm, which captured the super zombies and left without saying a word.

About six minutes later, Yang Bo heard the roar of zombies outside and knew that support might be coming.

Several people wearing heavy protective clothing jumped in from the sixth floor window, and then a fighter plane hovered above the window.

Of course, the game interface is a super backpack, but it is actually a cargo robot. When Yang Bo was lurking, he was afraid that the cargo robot would be discovered by high-level zombies, but the result was okay.

Then there is a virtual screen on Yang Bo's side, that is, the mission is completed and the evacuation is completed.


Then there was a deafening explosion outside and the shaking of the ground.

Yang Bo was thinking about it in his mind while firing his gun smoothly.

 Sword skill +8!

 Then he took out the bombs from the super backpack and kept throwing them down.

Yang Bo had no idea that the mission was being carefully analyzed in the background of the apocalyptic dungeon game.

“No wonder our previous dozen operations failed. It turns out that this super zombie is inside the main building.”

“For the past dozen or so operations, our main direction was the basement.”

“This guy feels a little weird. Why did he drop two bombs on the 6th floor?”

“There’s nothing strange about this. It must be using bombs to attract high-level zombies.”

 “This cry goes from east to west.”

“This guy has to use the stairs of the main building to clear out high-level zombies. He must use bombs to attract the zombies upstairs, and then go up from below.”

“Yes, you can use bombs to attract zombies upstairs. After all, no one knows how many zombies there are in this building?”

The colonel also watched the video of this mission several times and came to the conclusion: "This guy is so lucky!"

"that is!"

“If we had known that the super zombies were here, the military would have directly used two electromagnetic self-exploding drones to solve the problem.”

 “It’s better to do this, after all, the credit is ours.”

“This may be a misunderstanding of the intelligent system, because the intelligent system determines that the super zombies are in the basement, so all military actions are based on this.”

“Through this incident, why do I feel that our military’s intelligent system is a bit stupid?”

“I don’t know what’s going on with the intelligent system of the Shuilan Empire. It is said that their intelligent system has higher logical thinking. It seems to have soul-related reasons?”

The game director, Colonel, was speechless when he heard this: "If it were you, would you rather accept the advice of an intelligent system without any emotions, or would you rather accept the advice of an intelligent system with emotions?"

"Of course it is emotionless, because it can be fair. Who knows who it has a good relationship with? An intelligent system with emotions is, to put it bluntly, just like the human command we used to have. Those with better relationships will be Assign simple tasks, and assign difficult tasks to those with poor connections. "Others in the project department certainly know what to choose.

“The machine follows its logical order and is almost fair to everyone. An intelligent system with feelings is likely to be emotional towards you, which would be troublesome.” The colonel nodded. "Congratulations, boss. Congratulations, boss. I didn't expect that boss was so lucky. This guy completed such a difficult task so quickly." Others in the game department quickly flattered him.

 The colonel was sitting on a chair with a sci-fi feel. He leaned his head on the headrest when he heard these words: "I lost my composure just now."

“The position of general must belong to the boss, but this guy left the game, and how long has passed.”

 “If you catch this guy in the future, you must let him do tasks every day, and you must complete the time.”

The colonel chuckled: "This guy doesn't follow the normal path when playing games. Unexpectedly, he gave us a big surprise today."

"We overfulfilled our mission today. I didn't expect that we could capture the mission target alive. I'm treating you today. You can order whatever you want." The colonel said again.

 “Thank you, boss!”

“Thank you, boss.” Others in the game department thanked each other one after another. Although the performance of this player in the game was a little incredible, compared to the previous performance of this guy, it was nothing.

 Besides, as long as you can make contributions and get promoted, there is a problem and everyone has to help cover it up, not to mention that there is no problem.

Yang Bo walked out of the room where he was surfing the Internet normally, and then his whole body levitated, flying quickly in the room without any external force.

Yang Bo is training his reaction ability. He uses his gravity superpower to levitate himself in a place where there is no network connection, and then moves at high speed in a small room.

 This way you can train your reaction ability, because if your reaction ability is slow, you will hit the wall directly.

 You can also exercise your control over gravity superpowers, such as releasing an anti-gravity when you are about to hit a wall, which will push people away.

 After training for a circle, Yang Bo felt tired, because moving up and down quickly in the whole house still tested his control.

The nerves are also tightly stretched, and the speed should not be too fast, otherwise it will cause damage to the decorations in the house.

After some activities, Yang Bo returned to the room where he was surfing the Internet, and used his watch to tell Liu Jingxiang and Zhou Kexin his nickname for the game in the second world.

Yang Bo took out the virtual helmet from another room after lunch and connected to the Internet.

 Let's go to the game forum first to see if there is any news.

 “Mr. Mud!” Yang Bo found that he was somewhat famous in the game again, but the people in the Aqualan Empire were still more polite and named himself Mr. Mud.

Some gamers took a picture of Yang Bo controlling the character, with his body covered in mud, and the background was in a field.

Of course it's just a back view, not a front view, and there's no nickname.

“I don’t know why the Shuilan Empire did this? Are all these clones on this planet?” Yang Bo looked at the game forum carefully and found that the second world map was just one planet with several countries.

Yang Bo is still not sure whether the game character he controls is a clone. If it is a clone, Yang Bo can accept it.

But if it’s not a clone, it’s a naturally procreated human, which is a bit scary.

“It seems like nothing has changed?” After entering the second world game, Yang Bo used his remote photoelectric superpower to check the character and found that the character was lying in the hotel.

 Following Yang Bo's operation, the game character opened his eyes, then stood up and stretched.

Then the game shows that the character needs to go to the bathroom to wash up, which is very realistic.

Yang Bo was a little speechless as he watched the game character go to the bathroom in the hotel bathroom.

 Of course I know this is the real world, so there is nothing I can do about it.

 “Fortunately, the doomsday dungeon game is a bionic person and does not need to go to the toilet.”

“You should get up early for hunting, it’s a bit late now.” The game character also has a black bread, which Yang Bo checked yesterday, and it is indeed a dark bread.

 Asked for some water from the innkeeper, drank the water and ate the black bread, and then the character's hunger level dropped.

The character needs to eat when he is hungry, and the character needs to drink water when he is thirsty. Gamers praise this second world for being too real. Many small details are done very well. Only Yang Bo knows where the details are in place. This is the real world. .

Other players in the village are also in a hurry, but some players are buying and selling things. There are many second-hand items right in front of the hotel.

It's a pity that Yang Bo's game character's pockets are empty, so he can only run outside to pick up stones by the river, and then go out to hunt.

“With the current game character’s small body, there is no way to enter the forest.”

“I killed three rabbits yesterday. One rabbit gives me 5 experience points. It takes 300 experience points to upgrade from level one to level two, which means I have to kill 60 rabbits.”

“But if this game character is upgraded, what will happen to this person in reality? Will the Aqualan Empire use any medicine for this game character to enhance his physical fitness?”

“We’ll catch a few more prey today, and then we’ll see what happens when the first level is upgraded to the second level.” Yang Bo muttered in his heart.

Just when Yang Bo came to the mountain where he hunted yesterday, he suddenly heard a panicked shout.

 Then the low sound of the trumpet sounded again in the village.

Yang Bo quickly controlled the character to look at the village and found that the people in the village were running towards the middle of the village. They all ran to a stone building in the middle of the village.

 Adults and children make squealing sounds.

 “The robbers are coming!” Yang Bo vaguely heard the voice.


“The robbers will come to rob the village!” Yang Bo was startled and hurriedly ran to the nearby mountains. Judging from the reactions of so many players in the village, he must be right.

 (End of this chapter)

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