Interstellar Railway: Start to Build a Foundation

Chapter 85 Full Of Loyalty Bright 【Please Subscribe! 】



"Damn it, I really ate it???"


"Isn't this too sudden?"

"Dr. Bright, what are you doing, Dr. Br~ight?"

"B...Old B!"

Immortal boat "Luofu", Taibosi.

Fu Xuan yawned just now, he was somewhat confused about the ever-changing celestial phenomena.

When he was about to go home and take a short rest, he saw the scene of Fernand cannibalism.

Her golden eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

"It's all... what and what..."

Even the Taibo divination practitioners who had worked overtime all night woke up one after another.

Such a scene was still too exciting for them, so that several people fainted on the spot and were sent to the hospital.

So much so that they only now remembered that in the file of "Containment-082", it was clearly recorded that he would suddenly become cannibalistic, "This is completely irregular.

"So...why isn't such a monster just executed?"

"Even if this doctor is actually immortal, it's not for experiencing stimulation like this, is it?"

"The foundation's containment method is still too gentle, putting it on our fairy boat, it's cheap to put this kind of thing to death directly.

Qingque also turned pale.

How can a beautiful girl immersed in the wonderful world of "Tigaki Qiongyu Brand" see such a scene that is far beyond the B-movie.

"I can't... I have to play a few rounds of cards to recover..."


Clara was also hiding in Swallow's arms at this time, curled up into a ball, no longer looking at the picture on the screen.

She thought she was watching food articles and historical documentaries.

But who would have thought that the seemingly beautiful picture would suddenly turn into a horror movie?

And this terrifying ogre is still on Yalilo-VI!

Isn't that so.

If it breaks containment, everyone in Belloberg will be in danger?

At this moment, Shi Hualuo comforted him with words:

"Don't worry, Clara."

"Based on the archives released by the foundation, according to my calculations, even if it invades the lower area, we can kill it."

Clara nodded obediently, but still had no intention of picking up the screen.

Let's do other things first...... Clara thought so.

Looking at the horrific cannibalism that happened in front of him, Wu Bo only felt his scalp go numb.

When he realized that he failed to hold the knife and fork, the crisp sound of metal colliding with stone bricks was already heard.

Fernand turns to Sambo from his feast, grinning wickedly.

Bright red blood, pink tofu, yellow fat and white bone fragments remained between his teeth.

"Oh dear, do you need some?"

Come to you @#¥%¥#!@* …

Sangbo resisted the strong psychological disgust, forced a smile on his face, and politely replied:

"No thanks."

In a sense, he already wanted to chop off the monster in front of him.

Although he, Sambo, has bad intentions from time to time and often does some outrageous things, it doesn't mean that he can tolerate the continued existence of such monsters.

"what ever."

Fernand squeezed out a loud laugh through clenched teeth.


Fernand realized something. He looked around and saw that the tablecloth was full of bright red, and even the gorgeous chandelier had red liquid dripping down.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I accidentally messed up the palace again."

Although he said so in his mouth, the movements of his hands and mouth did not mean to stop at all.

Just as Sangbo's hand was groping downward, he was about to give His Majesty "Fernand" an unforgettable greeting.

just listen to-

"French Empire, Your Excellency, Earl Bright is here!"


Isn't Bright already dead?

Wasn't he eaten as a dessert by this suspicious emperor?

Sambo was stunned.

So he turned his stiff neck.

Then I saw a man in expensive and exquisite court clothes walking in here along the red carpet.

He looked indistinguishable from Dr. Bright.

If I have to say it, the current Dr. Bright looks younger, and he is wearing a "lucky charm".

Sambo stared at Dr. Bright, his eyes flicking between him and the pieces of meat on the table.

Without a doubt, this was the most damning thing that happened to him today.

No, he's been seeing hell ever since he met someone from the Foundation!


This time, Dr. Bright did not sit next to Fernand, as if he was worried that there would be another problem with this body, or that the original position might be full of blood clots.

He sat on Sambo's side of the road.

It wasn't until the maids served him another breakfast that Fernand apologized to him:

"I'm very sorry, my dear Prime Minister, I accidentally destroyed one of your bodies again.

Another body?

What's the meaning?

Can a person have many bodies?

Sangbo looked puzzled, and looked at Dr. Bright, who looked like a normal person, as if he wasn't the one who was eaten by Fernand.

Dr. Bright picked up the red wine glass, drank the whole glass of red wine, and then replied slowly:

"It's okay, Your Majesty, as long as you can cure the strange disease in the palace."

"You can then return to the public eye and announce that His Majesty the Great Emperor has returned to his faithful Empire.

Of course, this is impossible... Dr. Bright added silently in his heart.

Thus, Fernand became an emperor again in an instant, not a cannibal.

He trembled excitedly, his extremely uneven body was shaking everywhere:

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

So, Fernand restrained that horrible smile, and turned to Dr. Bright:

"My dear Prime Minister, I don't know if Lingmei and Lingdi are okay now?"

Dr. Bright put down the wine glass and signaled the maid to add another glass for him:

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern. My younger sister and younger brother are still being treated overseas, and their condition has not improved."

Dr. Bright's tone was normal, but Sambo still noticed a slight dimness in his eyes.

Just after the audience's curiosity arose, a string of words slowly appeared on the screen to explain.

[Bright's younger brother is "Containment-590", the youngest sister is "Containment-321", the eldest sister is a member of the Serpent's Hand and stabbed him, his father is retired O5-12, and his mother is defected 05- 2. The other members are all related to the foundation and major organizations of interest (GOI) to varying degrees. All in all, it is a powerful and troubled family. 】

When this file surfaced.

No one really realizes the extraordinaryness of Dr. Bright, and why the administrator and the entire top management of the Foundation put up with his seemingly naughty character

"No wonder Dr. Bright dared to tease the O5 council, it turns out his parents are both O5 members.

"The younger brothers and sisters have become containment objects... It's a bit too tragic. Moreover, Dr. Bright's family is full of strange people. It can be said that all members are ministers of shadows walking in the world.

"The eldest sister is a member of the Serpent's Hand and stabbed him... What is the Serpent's Hand? Why does the younger sister stab the older brother?"

Even Dan Heng watched this passage, and his dusty memories began to surge.

His expression was a little gloomy, as if he saw the fate that was chasing him, and he couldn't escape no matter how he hid.

0...asking for flowers...

For all this, he can only endure in silence, and the sentence is still


At the same time, the previous archives disappear and new ones appear.

【Containment: Son of Man】

【Item Number: Containment-321】

【Hazard level: Safe】

[Project description: "Containment-321" is a human female, born on July 4, 2018, currently 3.1 meters tall and weighing about 110 kilograms. Hair, eyes and skin have no melanin. 】

["Containment-321" exhibits a low level of intelligence and has problems adapting to new situations. 】

["Containment-321" is the stillborn child of Junior Researcher Adam and his wife, Medical Assistant Evelyn. 】

[Junior researcher Adam took it upon himself to try to revive his daughter by utilizing several containment objects including "Containment-590". This series of measures was successful, but the results were brought to Foundation custody for inspection, and the object was subsequently given a containment number. 】

["Containment-321" has a very low IQ. Everyday activities are very difficult for it, and teaching it to use utensils to eat and similar things can take months or even years. Although "Containment-321" has fully developed vocal cords, it does not seem to be able to learn language, and it cannot cry and make meaningless noises like ordinary babies under 6 months old. 】

[7/31/18: Request to remove "Containment-321" from Containment Status. -Junior Researcher Adam

Request denied. -05-█]

[1/10/18: Request to remove "Containment-321" from Containment Status. -Adam, Head of Personnel

Request denied. -05-】

[May 3, 19: We were unable to research anything more from "Containment-321", and it is recommended that we remove its containment number. -Site-O4 Site Director, Adam

Request denied. -05-【】

【June 31, 19 1: "Containment-321" should have its serial number revoked and returned to her family with immediate effect. -05-12

Request denied. This is the last time, Adam. She is not, and never was, your daughter. If you do this again, I will call a council and remove you. -05-1】

【Containment: share the suffering with you】

【Item Number: Containment-590】

【Hazard level: Safe】

[Item Description: "Containment-590" appears to be a young male, approximately 16 years old. 】

【The only benefit he gets from his powers is apparent longevity, since he hasn't aged since he came to the Foundation. 】

["Containment-590" behaves as a normal teenager in all respects, but when in contact with any other person, he is able to heal all injuries and diseases they suffer, this property can act on the body and mind. 】

[As a strange side effect, "Containment-590" will transfer this damage to himself, and he will bear all the pain and consequences. 】

[Explanation for the table: When treating physical wounds, "Containment-590" will not only feel the pain of the wound, but also obtain the scars related to the location of the wound. 】

[When treating a cancer patient, tumors can appear in different parts of his body, usually along his arms or legs. 】

[■, "Containment-590" was bedridden due to accumulated damage, unable to leave his room. At that time, "Containment-590" already needed life support, and could not even breathe on its own. Shortly after, he took a dose of Containment-500, "which restored him to health.】

[Because of I, "Containment 590" is always at the psychological level of a three-year-old child. 】

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