Interstellar Railway: Start to Build a Foundation

Chapter 63 The End Of The Story, The Reward Settlement 【Please Subscribe! 】

False gods, together with a small piece of frozen time and space, are contained by the Foundation.

After that, it's basically garbage time.

The foundation's fleet will wipe out all the minions of false gods.

Without the link of fighting wits and courage, the subsequent plot will be quite boring.

The audience thought so.

They all thought that the Foundation archives were coming to an end, and the next step would be a written summary.

But they were wrong.

The next scene made them understand what is the direction of the people and what is the unfolding of the kingly way.

I saw hundreds of "gates to other worlds" appearing one after another.

Countless small starships came from the other end of the "Gate to Another World".

They are too small in size.

The largest one is no more than the size of the Foundation's unmanned carrier aircraft.

The technology they use is also quite backward.

Perhaps many can only be called spacecraft.

No shields, no armor, just a thin shell;

There are ancient chemical thrusters all over the body, and even the acceleration must be controlled within a very small range;

A large number of cooling panels extend from the hull, like sea urchins in space.

If you compare the Foundation's fleet to a school of whales.

Then they are waves of plankton.

The astronauts and soldiers among them looked excitedly at the fleet arrayed in the deep space.

Three or two people huddled in front of the porthole, took out various equipment, and took pictures of them, for fear of missing any details.

Those obscuring behemoths that cover the planet and blind the celestial phenomena.

Like a lighthouse, it will lead the interstellar road of human civilization in an uncertain future.

They, like believers on the pilgrimage road, spontaneously come to worship.

A hundred birds face the phoenix.

At this time, Jerusalem deviated a slight angle.

The light of the star passed through the gap and shone on the general flagship of the expeditionary legion.

Dye the silver-white hull into golden yellow, shining in everyone's eyes.

So holy, so beautiful!

The screen, the end of summer.

becomes pure black.

Jizi's throat moved slightly, and he drank the coffee he had ground himself.

On the side, there is another cup of coffee.

That is the "containment" contributed by Bai Xuan - a magical coffee machine that can produce coffee only by adding water, and the resulting coffee.

But it was unexpectedly popular on the "Star Train".

At least not compared to her hand-ground coffee.

Swallowing the coffee in his mouth, Ji Zi felt the extremely strong bitterness in his mouth, and commented on the feature film that just ended:

"If these contents are true, without artistic treatment and deliberately exaggerated..."

"Then, at this time, the foundation should have established a stable inter-universe transportation hub, radiating its influence to multiple universes."

"I don't know if "Destruction" Nanook has seen the foundation's live broadcast, and if he saw it, how would he feel.

"No matter how much he fights with the legion under his command, he will be stepping into a universe."

"If you compare it from this perspective, the damage caused by "Nanook" is not as serious as the false god who can be shot and then resurrected. "

After finishing speaking, Ji Zi picked up another cup of coffee, moistened her throat, and compared the difference between the two.

Hmm... The milky aroma of this cup is very mellow, why is it still a little sweet, ah, no, you should drink less coffee from this "containment" to avoid losing your figure.

Little Sanyue's body should still be developing, so little Bai Xuan won't care too much...

As a big robot fanatic

Walter Young, at this time, was still brooding over one thing.

——The foundation obviously gave close-ups of those giant biped mechas, but they didn't give more shots of them fighting on the planet!!!

Just a few rounds of shelling to get over it?

He really wanted to know the technical specifications, detailed parameters, and internal structure of those machines.

Thinking about using the power of the Herrscher of Reason to get one for myself to play with!

Such a simple and unadorned desire of an adult male cannot be fulfilled.....

Complain in my heart.

Walter Yang pushed his glasses, the regret on his face disappeared in a flash, and he turned back to the reliable and stable gentleman on the "Star Express".

He recalled the content in the picture, and after sorting it out, he said slowly:

"Wait until we finish the "pioneering" way and finish the rest

"Let's try to find the foundation to see if we can practice the way of "pioneering" again in other universes?"

"Heh, I don't know if other universes can form fate, or if destiny is a unique product of this universe.

Pam scratched her ear.

It seems to have heard very interesting news just now.

That's across the universe!

There are so many lives in the world, and they never even leave the planet they live in.

How many civilizations failed to leave the star system until the energy was exhausted.

And at this very moment.

"Star Train" is already planning a trip across the universe, how can this not make it excited and full of joy!

However, although this kind of behavior is mostly called, "eating what is in the bowl, looking at what is in the pot.

But sometimes, planning for thousands or even ten thousand years in advance is the joy of living for the longevity species.

Just like a mellow old wine, it has to go through dozens or even hundreds of years of anticipation.

Only then can you taste the wonderful taste that can only be obtained after aging with time.

Pam asked curiously:

"Then when will the train leave, to find Foundation Pa?"

"Now in the entire universe, few people know where they are?"

Jizi was still thinking about how to improve her coffee.


Traveling across the universe sounds like an incomparably grandiose plan and action, which makes her inner "pioneering" soul burn brightly:

"Don't worry too much.

"Since the foundation chooses to show up, there must be some follow-up actions, and maybe we will meet in the universe later."


Having said that, Ji Zi rolled her eyes slightly, looked at Walter Yang, and said with a smile:

"Walter had face-to-face communication with those "psychic" masters from the Foundation..."

The words are not finished yet.

Lines of text appeared on the black screen.

Ji Zi also stopped thinking about the plan in the infinite future, and turned her attention to the foundation's live broadcast.

[Operation Code: Paradise Fall]

[Time: April 1, 2019. 】

[Operation Location: Cross-Universe Combat]

[According to Dr. M's report, a counterfeit who claims to be "God" is everywhere in the multiverse to confuse people, create natural disasters, and destroy civilization. 】

[A mysterious person who called himself "Dimensional Traveler" sent a lot of relevant information. Until the end of this operation, the Foundation failed to verify the true identity of this person. 】

[With the approval of the 05 Council and the final approval of the administrator, the Foundation will send twenty expeditionary corps to enter other universes to mop up the false gods and the "unclean" natural disasters they caused.】

[As of the writing of this report, a total of 22,789 civilizations have been confirmed destroyed, and 1,864,9982 survivors have been taken in. 】

[How to deal with survivors: Choose a civilization that is similar to the survivor's original civilization in terms of technology and social level and ask the survivor if they are willing to live in that world. 】

[If the answer is no, give them necessary measures such as corresponding production and living materials to help them rebuild civilization. 】

[This natural disaster shows that although the situation in this universe is good, threats from outside the universe cannot be ruled out. The Foundation will conduct long-term research and try to bring more parallel universes into the Foundation's monitoring. 】

[The program has been named "Sentinel Array". 】


[The twenty-two "Psychic" masters who were originally sent into the "World Center" returned to the "World Center" after the Great Crusade. "It has been confirmed that all ghosts have dissipated

[However, on the computer screen of that "world center", Artanis found the word "thank you" imprinted by the ghost. 】

【This is the first time that ghosts have been observed to have an impact on real matter. The foundation tried to simulate the characteristics of ghosts to reproduce this result, but all experiments failed. 】

[Inspired by the "World Center", the Foundation decided to start planning the construction of the "World Center" to facilitate communication between parallel universes. 】

[The plan is still the top secret of the foundation, except for the project name, all other contents are only allowed to be viewed by level 5 and level 4 authority personnel. 】


【"Containment-093" production method: "Data deletion]】

[List of civilizations that have established regular contact with the Foundation: "Data Deleted]]


【Loss: 4396 wounded】

[Joint name of the legion commander: Please don’t sympathize with these idiots. If it weren’t for them walking without looking at their feet during the march, not operating equipment according to regulations, and choking on eating...there will be no casualties in this day’s expedition. 】

[Administrator: Their names have been inscribed on the monument, and I hope they can remember this mistake after their death. 】

【Containment: Red Sea object】

【Item Number: Containment-093】

【Hazard level: Safe (formerly Euclid)】

[Containment Procedures: Without the approval of the Administrator and the O5 Council, "Containment-093" must not be used to open the "Gate to Another World". 】

[It should be ensured that "Containment-093" stays on the mirror and is under video surveillance. Authorization to enter the containment area of ​​"Containment-093" is to be granted only when proper video recording procedures and subject recovery procedures are in place. Use of "Containment-093" outside of approved testing is to be dealt with seriously, and may even result in termination. 】

[The foundation prohibits any reverse engineering research on this contained object. If you need to know its detailed principles, report to the superior supervisor for approval to check whether you have the corresponding level of authority. 】

[If you violate the prohibition, you will be directly demoted to D-level personnel. 】


Black Tower's office.

Sitting in Bai Xuan's arms on March 7, her pink eyes were full of excitement.

Parallel Universe (Li Li Zhao) Universe, it really exists!

"`~If in this universe, I still can't find my lost memory.......

"Then I will go to another universe to search until I have searched all universes!"

"Xiaobai, what do you think?"

He already had a grand plan in mind.

Even if we have to go to the end of time, even if we have to exhaust all possibilities...

She kept shaking her body, and her words were full of expectation.

Bai Xuan put his arms around her waist to prevent her from making too much movement, and the hard seat would become a socket.

While pressing the gun with "spiritual energy", he responded with a smile:


"Do you want me to go with you?"

March Seventh blinked and was taken aback for a moment.

Eh? Go with what...?

Aren't we going to continue traveling together?

Hmph, I'm teasing this girl again!

San Yueqi's eyes became sharper, and her cheeks puffed up slightly, as if she had a little temper.

"Hmph, kick and escape?"

"Get on this girl's boat, and then, I can't help you!"


She took the initiative to kiss Bai Xuan on the cheek, took advantage of the situation, and pushed Bai Xuan down under her body, performing a wave of "bench dong".

At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

【Ding! You have successfully written a piece of history and achieved a real creation out of nothing!】

Don't worry about the author running away while this book is being written, Beng Tie will start typing after his physical strength is exhausted......

Although the number of subscribers has been dropping in the past two days, it should be because I updated my hips......

Please subscribe!.

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