Interstellar Railway: Start to Build a Foundation

Chapter 50: The Eve Of The Great Expedition 】

Just a few words.

But it comes from the top decision-maker of the foundation, the initiator and founder of the foundation.

In addition to the superficial meaning, there is a deeper meaning——

The administrator only intends to use conventional forces, not reality benders or higher-level combat forces.

As a result, one order after another followed the Foundation's decision-making network, passing from top to bottom.

The foundation's calm daily life has changed accordingly.

Less important research and tests were suspended one after another.

The researchers in charge of the project were transferred away to participate in the production and testing of "Tears of Blackwood".

The research project of "Tears of God" was approved;

The scientific research team studying the "unclean" began preparations.

The most intelligent brains of the Foundation are gathered together to face the upcoming Great Crusade and further study their opponents.

at the same time.

Containment research and experiments with risks are completed according to the process, and the containment is properly contained.

A list of personnel for routine maintenance of the containment facility has been determined.

They will undergo a round of emergency training and assessment.

To ensure that when most of the Foundation's armed forces are transferred away, the probability of internal risks is minimized.

The doctors began to develop emergency manuals, and the engineering staff confirmed that there was no problem with the containment unit.

To ensure that even if the containment breaks through the containment facility, it can be recontained with minimal cost.

And on the other side.

All of the Foundation's means of production have been activated.

The production facilities are fully opened, and the resources hoarded in the warehouse are put into it, and the "Tears of Blackwood" is mass-produced according to the principles and formulas provided by "Dimensional Traveler".

Even the "Containment-038" Vientiane Tree, which is usually offered as a treasure, is also used to reproduce this special substance in batches.

The audience watched as the researcher was dressed like a bio-infantry, fully armed from head to toe, covered in a white bio-suit.

He carefully held the container containing "Blackwood's Tears" and stuck it on the bark of the "Vientiane Tree".

From the moment of contact, the replica of the container grows from the treetops, as if bearing fruit.

The copied "Blackwood's Tears" was sent to the weapons workshop.

Along with the replicas, there are also batches of "Blackwood's Tears" in tins.

In the weapons workshop.

The pipeline power is fully turned on.

All kinds of ammunition are produced like magic, packed into ammunition boxes, and then packed into containers for centralized transportation.

There are rifle bullets, grenades, and individual missiles used by ordinary soldiers;

There are explosive bombs and heavy ammunition for space fighters;

There are armor-piercing shells, grenades, and missiles for tanks, mechs, and aircraft;

There are also various shells, missiles, and torpedoes dedicated to starships...

(aedc) the smallest ammunition, less than one finger length

The one with the largest ammunition is even bigger than the "Unclean". This is the special ammunition for dreadnoughts, titans, fleet flagships, and main guns of the Juggernaut.


Regardless of ammunition type, size.

The warhead part is encapsulated with a high concentration of "Tears of Blackwood".

"It's kind of interesting. If this segment can go on forever, I can sit and watch it all day!"

"A powerful army must have strong logistical support! Seeing the Foundation's methodical rampant production, I understand that their fleet is definitely not a paper tiger that can only fill in the numbers and bully small players."

"This ammunition is so big. I think of an ancient joke. A soldier sat on a mortar shell and ended up sitting in it..."

"If I remember correctly, most of the weapons of the Foundation's starships are arc, beam, and particle weapons. Is the main gun that can be used to fight the "unclean" really enough?"

"I'm more worried about the foundation's resource reserves. The army of "unclean" can pile up dozens of combined parallel worlds just by numbers... Can the foundation consume them?

"Do you think this is unfounded worry? Since the world over there has been transformed into a "blighted land" by the "unclean"... After killing the "unclean", the entire planet is directly collected as minerals. OK?"

same moment.

Except for those designated to stay behind as security forces.

The rest of the troops received an order.

This order comes from the Administrator and the 05 Council.

The content of the command is very simple, two words can fully summarize:


"Go to war!"

Consistent with what the Master Administrator said at the meeting.



Alarm bells rang throughout the foundation's various bases.

"Life is only for battle, death is for sleep; life is nothing but glory, death is for redemption."

A soldier wearing a full-face mask and dark military uniform lined up in a neat line, walking towards the troop carrier of their respective troops.

In front of the troop carrier, various weapons and ammunition piled up into a hill.

The logistics personnel went all out to count the quantity of special ammunition and make a list.

Not far away, a giant steel monster with an individual length of more than 200 meters is undergoing final inspection.

That's a whole fleet of Land Cruisers.

Its heavy cannon is surrounded by shield generators and various close-in defense guns;

Missile silos are densely covered on both sides of the hull, like chocolate bars.

Around it, tanks with heavy armor and advanced artillery were lined up.

Under the command of the logistics staff, they slowly drove into the garage of the Land Cruiser.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of steel colliding with steel resounded in the corridor.

A number of space fighters in power armor lined up and advanced in an orderly manner.

They are on their way to the Chapter's armory, where they will receive special equipment for the operation.

In the armory.

Under the bright light, the bolters are sharp-edged, and the power swords with hilts and hilts are shining with a deadly cold light.

Beside them, a mechanical figure in a retro robe is doing a strange ceremony to them.

And at the assembly point.

Huge two-legged mechas are moving, they are wearing gorgeous heavy armor and equipped with giant cannons.

Their steps are slow and heavy, but with an unstoppable spirit.

It seems that in the steel body, there is a heroic soul who is an elite in all battles.

The fairy boat "Luofu".

As a general of the cloud cavalry army, Jing Yuan has an almost instinctive intuition for the soul of the army.

under his command and leadership.

In the millennium fight with the "abundance evil".

The Cloud Cavalry Army has already become a division of a hundred battles, a strong army with a military spirit!

Jing Yuan is even more proud of this elite teacher.


When the Foundation's troops appeared on the screen, he was still moved.

That kind of almost substantive sense of oppression and fierceness is the temperament that only the elite among the elites will have.

Before, he had only seen three soldiers in heavy armor.

They were amazed by their precise and efficient fighting skills.

Now, a whole legion of such soldiers is marching forward.

It's like facing a tsunami, facing a moving mountain.



He was very fortunate that there was no such army among the races that believed in the "abundance" star god.


The price Xian Zhou has to pay will be unimaginable.

Jing Yuan frowned slightly, the former ease disappeared.

"The army of the Foundation... how many tragic wars have they gone through?"

"The Foundation...what has the Foundation experienced in order to have such an army?"

"What kind of battles did this army go through to become what it is today?"

He squeezed his chin and muttered to himself.

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