Interstellar Railway: Start to Build a Foundation

Chapter 49: The Administrator's Reply【Please Order First! 】

The fairy boat "Luofu".

Silver Wolf sat on a chair, his legs dangling.

There are several light screens suspended in front of her out of thin air, in which the codes are constantly scrolling and the charts are changing from time to time.

And beside her, there was a screen, which contained the live broadcast of the foundation.

She stopped working, listened to Dr. M's speech for a while, and pondered for a moment:

"Different parallel worlds form a coalition and unite the front."

"And then take the initiative to attack and try to keep the enemy out of the world?"

"Sounds a little romantic."

From Dr. M's short description, Silver Wolf sees himself and the shadow of "star core hunter" from the people who have never seen before in another world.

They are all "destruction" rebels!


Although, "the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and the greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage."

But she is not optimistic about the future of the coalition forces.

Just like in reality, no matter how many forces resist the "destruction" star god Nanook, how well prepared they are.

As long as the anti-matter army arrives, as long as the doomsday beasts are dispatched, as long as the vanguard of the catastrophe appears, as long as the extermination king comes...

"Destruction" is always more punctual than tomorrow.

Never late.

Just like the "destruction" star god Nanook planned.


Following Dr. M's narration, the researchers present rarely felt their blood boil.

Fight for the world, fight for civilization, fight for race, fight for family!

If they need to become warriors at this time, they will rush to the battlefield without hesitation.

Inject "Blackwood's Tears" into the body of "The Unclean"!

kill! kill! kill!

Just when they were thinking so.

Dr. M abruptly interrupted their emotions:


The voice was so powerful that it didn't match his age.

"They failed, without exception."

The voice fell, and the conference room was silent.

What followed was a period of unpublished film and television materials.

On the screen, civilizations appeared one after another.


No matter how far this civilization has developed.

It is the atomic energy age, the information age, the artificial intelligence age, and even the interstellar age.

Without exception, all were marked with a bright red "×".

Above the ruins and remains of civilization, a huge white monster moved slowly, exuding an ominous aura around it.

Researchers have also noticed that wherever "unclean people" pass by, even the weeds wither and die.

Could it be that the "unclean" can forcibly pollute the environment and cause a planet to die completely?

"As you can see, all the areas where the "unclean" are active are corrupted, forming a dead area called "the dry land". "

"As its name suggests, in the 'Dry Land', all life will dry up. "

Thus, Dr. M began to summarize the terrible characteristics of the "unclean".

"Conventional means cannot kill the Unclean. Even if the Tears of Blackwood are produced, dozens of hits are required to kill an Unclean. "

"After successfully killing the "Unclean", the "Dry Land" will not disappear, and the dead land will still die. "

"In addition, "unclean" can be mass-produced, as long as there are worlds that are deceived by false gods, there will be an endless army of "unclean" for false gods to consume. "

Dr. M's tone was heavy, and he gave the coalition forces the death penalty:

"So, when technology has not been crushed, the end of the coalition forces is still destruction."

"Although, the coalition forces did achieve good results in the early stages."

A picture emerged.

Inside are soldiers with different costumes, the weapons in their hands are of different styles, and there are even a few who look exactly the same, standing side by side like twin brothers.

Behind them is the huge corpse of the "unclean".

"It's just that such a victory is nothing to the false god. It mobilizes an army and punishes the world that dares to resist..."

"Specifically, it seems that if you don't want to admit that you are guilty, and dare to resist the will of the gods, you will be punished by God... In short, it's this kind of nonsense."

The screen changed.

The "unclean" smelled the breath of life, so they chased after life, spreading death and withering.

The torrent of "unclean ones" rushed out of the gate of the other world, collided with the coalition forces, and poured into the world of resistance.

Their number even exceeds the total population of all rebellious worlds.

A piece of white flowers, reminding us of a sea of ​​dung mad maggots.

This scene shocked the vision of the researchers, shook their rationality, and made the audience physically uncomfortable.


"Why is this so? The coalition forces were still defeated after gathering the manpower and force of several worlds? Is the false god really the trumpet of the "destroyed" star god Nanook? "

"So what should the foundation do? Take the lead in capturing the transportation hub, then clean up the "unclean" world by world, and finally execute the false gods? "

"Is this what the legend says, your soldiers are dying all the time, and my 'unclean' are endless? "

"This sounds a bit like the ancient "Bug Plague"? How was this natural disaster resolved? "

"I can't beat it, I can't beat it no matter how I think about it... There are not many forces on our side who can touch the false gods, and it is disgusting to be able to use the "unclean" to change homes! "


Dr. M's report and explanation came to an end.

He turned off unnecessary holographic projections, leaving only the eerie cylinder.

Dr. M looked around at the researchers sitting here, and suddenly smiled.

"Don't show such a serious expression."

He said.

"Our world is actually quite safe."

"Thanks to an agent from a parallel world, he destroyed most of the discs here, so that the false god could not easily go to another world, and the threat of the "unclean" was also reduced. "

"So, before we open the gate to another world again, they will not be able to find this place for a long time."

Hearing this, everyone understood Dr. M's intentions one after another.

This is not an obvious question, should we start organizing a counter-offensive to completely wipe out false gods and "unclean ones".

Or seal up the "Red Sea Object" completely, so that this universe is completely away from the gaze of false gods.

But many of the researchers present today have basically level 3 authority, and a few people have level 4 authority.

Although there are certain permissions, it is completely impossible to make this level of decision-making.

And the only one who is qualified to make such a decision is the legendary administrator.


They remained decisively silent.

Even the audience outside the screen held their breath, waiting for the foundation's top decision-maker to appear.

He is a character who only lives in legends, and no one knows his specific image, or even whether he is human.

And the foundation in the picture is undoubtedly on their side.

If the foundation really succeeded in eradicating the false gods, wouldn't that be an explanation.

Will they be able to step into other parallel worlds one day in the future?

Not long after, the long-extinguished projection suddenly lit up.

A huge red box is projected in the air, there is no figure on it, only one line:


A male voice with both maturity and vitality came out of the loudspeaker:


"Prepare for battle! Go to war!"


The next chapter is on the shelves.

The first time it was on the shelves, I was quite excited.

The author makes a digression here.

When I first wrote about the foundation, I heard from other bosses that it was under the category of [Urban Strange Talk], and I wanted to write in this direction, but I found out that it was an inventory...

Chapter 47 is temporarily blocked, because the complete name of "A certain giant" has appeared, and it has been revised, so it shouldn't be too late to release it.

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