Bai Xuan stood quietly in place for a few seconds, and then slowly turned around, with a hearty and kind smile, looking at Sambo, who was a little dry-mouthed.

“Okay, you’re free.”

“Now you have 60 seconds.”

He raised his hand to Sambo.

Sambo waited suspiciously for a second, then saw Bai Xuan raise one finger, then the second…

Bai Xuan smiled:

“Don’t you want to leave at all?”

Sambo immediately turned and sprinted, like a wild dog out of control, bringing up a gust of wind that made the silver-maned iron-guards call the daylight.

His mind was briefly sluggish due to the rush of blood to the motor system, and his heart began to speed up infinitely until he reached what he considered to be a safe zone.

The next moment, Bai Xuan raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

So, as if the curtain had been torn apart, several silver-maned iron guards and Jeppard did not realize that in their consciousness, there was suddenly an additional person, as if Bai Xuanben was standing there and acting with them.

Only March Seven and “Star” glanced at Bai Xuan suspiciously, asking the other party with his gaze why he snapped his fingers.

Bai Xuan snapped his fingers again, conjured two roses out of thin air, and handed them to the two ladies.

Seeing this, the two smiled and said, “Thank you~”

This was perfectly revealed.

Jepard, Danheng: …

It wasn’t until March 7 put the camera away and stopped shooting, that Jeppard said:

“Okay, I’ll take you to meet the Great Guardian.”

Under the guidance of this guard, the group passed through the city gate unimpeded and entered Belloberg.

The dead silence of the ice field is blocked outside the city walls, and the city is a scene of civilization, although it is inevitable to feel decaying, but there are bustling people in the streets, slow-moving trams on the roads, cars parked next to the roads, and shops with different functions scattered on both sides of the roads.

A scene of vibrant life.

In addition, the city is full of warm breaths, blowing on the body, dispelling the cold hanging on the body.

In this regard, Jepard explained:

“…… Because you are in Beloberg, the last bastion of humanity. ”

Later, he told several people about the history of Belloberg.

“Seven hundred years ago, monsters from outside the sky set the planet on fire. At that time, the earth was scorched earth, and there was burning molten fire and boiling black smoke everywhere. ”

“At the time of life and death, a cold wave suddenly descended – the sweeping wind did not give warning, the invading legion was buried by the blizzard, and only Belloberg remained.”

“Determined builders built the city. Under the protection of Cripple, Belloberg is always warm despite the wind and snow. ”

March Seven Commander Xin quietly pressed Bai Xuan with his elbow suspiciously, and said softly:

“He’s talking so strangely.”

Bai Xuan replied:

“This should be in the textbook.”

March 7 suddenly asked:

“Oh, then why is he telling us this?”

Jepard replied:

“Because you asked.”

March Seven spread his hands and smiled awkwardly but politely.

“Xing” and Danheng one held his forehead, and the other closed his eyes and looked no further.

Bai Xuan ruffled her hair, and the latter returned him a smile from a beautiful girl and rested it on his shoulder.

Without going far, Jepard led them to a wide square.

A towering palace stands here, with a white-stone staircase leading to the main entrance of the palace, guarded by silver-maned iron guards with battle axes.

“This is Fort Creper, the heart of Belloberg, the headquarters of the city builders.”

According to Jepard.

The city builders founded Belloberg under the inspiration of Creper to protect the fire of civilization from natural disasters and cold waves, which is the origin of the name Fort Creper.

The Builders, sheltered by Creepper, also led the city against disasters from the outside world.

At the same time, the Great Guardian lived here.

The so-called Great Guardians are the leaders of Belloberg appointed by the builders of the city, who have watched over the city for generations and provided shelter for the people.

In short, the supreme leader.

The great guardian of the modern era, named Cocolia Rand.

“Huh?! Going to see her so soon? Can I find a place to freshen up first? ”

“Star” looked at the panicked March 7:

“Fortunately, the hairstyle is not messy.”

To Bai Xuan’s blessing, they have bathed a lot these days, and there will be no sweat on the ice field, is it that Xiao March is a little nervous?

Bai Xuan patted March’s shoulder, and a cool feeling wrapped her from all directions, cleansed the girl’s clean ketone body, and made her relax even more.

Jeppard spoke:

“Don’t feel inhibited, Lord Guardian doesn’t care about the red tape. Besides, it’s normal for you to be new to the city and not familiar with Belloberg’s gifts. ”

“I sent messengers to deliver the message in advance, and Lord Kokolia should already know where you are going. Come with me. ”

As soon as they entered Fort Creper, the four saw Chang Wei calling Laifu.

Ah, no, Bronia is talking to Kokolia.

“…… But such sacrifices are pointless, you can’t—”

The blonde beauty is tall, and as a high-ranking person, she is not angry and self-threatening, and her every move is full of elegance.

Seeing Jepard bring Bai Xuan and his group in, her tone became calm and serious:

“You can step back, Bronia, the visitor has arrived.”

Kokolia stood behind her desk, behind a huge window, but whenever a visitor came, she would see the Great Guardian bathed in light.

The four people in black robes are like dark characters who came out of the movie, walking gloomy, and will take out red lightsabers from under their robes at any time.

If Bai Xuan is given a chance to sing, he must come for a while——

“Who said that standing in the light is a hero…”

Bronia glanced at the four people in black robes, and Jepard, who led them to the audience, and put away the words that could not be spoken:


“Yes, my lord mother.”

After that, she turned and retreated.

Before leaving, Bronia deliberately remembered the appearance of this group of outsiders, especially the smiling teenager.

In him, Bronia felt a good feeling for no reason.

When Bronia left, Jeppard reported:

“Lord Guardian—I’ll bring three outsiders to see you.”

Kokolia nodded: (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

“The messenger has told me the situation. Well done, Jepard, you can step back too. ”

Jeppard didn’t say anything and turned to leave.

As Jeppard left, only Kokolia and Bai Xuan’s group remained in the entire room.

Bai Xuan immersed himself in reading Kokolia’s memory.

With the activation of the ability, everything that Kokolia has done and experienced is invisible and presented in front of him without a trace.

At this moment, if anyone uses Thomson Ripple on Cocolia to rush away, the American style is combined, and the crisis on Arilo-VI will be solved by half, and the remaining half will be taken away from the star core.

This method is generally called player-style efficiency.

The plot can skip and skip.

It is only necessary to know who to kill, where to kill, what rewards there are, and even Nanuk can be used as a hunting object.

If only Bai Xuan alone connected to this world, he would choose to do this, and the remaining two percent would directly distort Kokolia’s will, making her become a person who only has Kokolia’s body and completely different thinking.

Kokolia naturally didn’t know that her memory had been turned over by Bai Xuan, and even the youthful years of a person generating electricity in the bedroom had been turned over, let alone that her death omen was twinkling.

She calmly greeted the young outsiders:

“Welcome, from beyond the cold snap… No, visitors from outside the world, right? ”

“I am Cocolian Rand, the guardian of Beloberg. Listen to your thoughts here. ”

“Star” wondered:

“Don’t you doubt our identity?”

Kokolia smiled:

“Do you want me to doubt it? So unconfident in who you claim to be? No, I don’t doubt it. I can see that you are not from this world. ”

“Only when the builders remember history can they strengthen their hearts; I know that in the distant past, before the cold wave, before the invasion of the legions, this world was extremely prosperous…”

“The star gods connect our planet to other worlds, we learn about the countless possibilities in the vast galaxy, and we hear that the amber king Creeper is under his gaze, and we began to build the walls.”

So, don’t be surprised. Although the city builders have not heard from the stars for seven hundred years, I know that you exist. Say it, I’ll listen. ”

After getting Kokolia’s approval, Danheng directly opened the door, said that the group was for the star core, and detailed the intelligence of the antimatter army and the star core.

Kokolia wondered:

“You have analysed the current situation very clearly. Yes, we did suffer these scourges, some of which are still our problems to this day… But what does that have to do with you? ”

“Even if there really is such a star core… It has led to disaster, and I don’t see any connection with you. ”

“I don’t believe anyone would go to great lengths to help a world that is irrelevant to them and have no intentions.”

Kokolia was frank, and the questions were even more leaky.

If Bai Xuan and his party did not have a direct interest in the star core, Kokolia would find a way to persuade them to leave and make their plans go smoothly.

And if it’s about …

“You are right, the reason why we came to seek cooperation is ultimately because everyone’s interests are the same – we can’t leave this planet without sealing the star core.”

Danheng explained patiently.

After all, there is no selfless and sublime nation of light in this universe that will fight to save other worlds.

Kokolia hesitated:

“You guys… Is there a way to seal that thing called a star core? ”

Danheng replied:

“We have the means.”

This group of people not only came from outside the sky, their strength is unknown, but they also have the ability to completely destroy their own plans, and they occupy the general righteousness of “solving the cold wave” and “solving the natural disaster”.

Even if her plans were seriously threatened, she could only agree to come down and make plans.

“Well, I trust you.”

“If the current situation is really related to this so-called star core, your arrival will be the hope that Belloberg has been waiting for for seven hundred years.”

“I am willing to provide all possible assistance to help you find the star core.”

“It’s not early, and you’re tired. I have arranged for you to stay in the most comfortable hotel in town and rest and get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow at noon, I will send someone to invite you, and we will discuss this important matter. ”

“Star” said excitedly:

“Thank you, Grand Guardian.”

Kokolia kept smiling:

“I should thank you, guests from outside the world.”

“I also need some time to investigate all the records that may be related to the star core… It will not be far away. ”

After speaking, the four members of the pioneer squad saluted and said goodbye.

Before parting, “Star” paused and glanced at Kokolia who was watching them.

When the group left, Kokolia came to the empty window, hugged her arm, and seemed to be deep in thought.

“…… Of course I understand. ”

“Don’t worry, I have my own way.”

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