Interstellar for All: Modify everything to create an interstellar heaven

Chapter 89 The starry sky dragon gene awakens, shocking the sky

With that said, Su Mufeng directly ordered and arranged the construction project.

At present, as the "Interstellar Heaven" becomes larger and larger, it is difficult to improve the construction efficiency with only tens of thousands of engineering mechas.

To fundamentally solve the problem, in addition to building more engineering mechas, a new "engineering complex" also needs to be put on the agenda.

Therefore, after Yuanshi Tianzun had just completed the design of the "Lingshan Teleportation Array", he once again took on a new design task.

This time, he wants to design a super engineering complex that is comparable to the size of the Blue Star in his previous life and can sail independently in the universe.

The reason why Su Mufeng has such great ambitions is because the "Lingshan Teleportation Array" has whetted his appetite.

After all, in his imagination, the "Interstellar Heaven" was a behemoth that could capture even stars.

As the future explosives base of "Interstellar Heaven", the new "engineering complex" must be huge.

Therefore, Su Mufeng had already silently decided in his heart that even if he spent tens of billions, he would make it.

"Unfortunately, it is too late to build the "Lingshan Teleportation Array" this time. "

“But the ‘Large Engineering Complex’ is operating at full capacity, which is enough. "

"It's a bit slow, but it should be completed within two days, so it should be no problem."

"It just so happens that during this period, it's time to go find the elf ladies and compare notes..."

As soon as the words fell, Su Mufeng suddenly felt a strong sense of hunger coming over him.

As a Silver-level person, he knew the reasons behind this situation very well.

The starry sky dragon gene that had been dormant in his body had awakened again.

After taking "Taiyi Golden Pill" before, although his improvement was terrifying, it was not complete.

He has always believed that the Starry Sky Dragon's genes are by no means just reflected in the substantial improvement of attributes.

Behind this, there must be skills and abilities similar to "Dragon Power", which he slowly discovered.

Now, he only felt that the genes in his body were wildly restless.

I can’t tell the difference anymore...

That gene is yours.

That gene is Star Dragon.

All he knew was that his instinct told him that he needed to devour more Star Dragon cells.

"That's right! Blood!"

"There is still hard work!"

"Star Dragon Blood!"

With that said, Su Mufeng stood up and teleported back to Dongsheng Shenzhou, arriving at the bank of the Yanhu Lake where "Starry Sky Dragon Heart Blood" was originally stored.

At this moment, nearly a hundred "Star Dragon Heart Blood" floated in the center of the Yanhu Lake, and their current size was more than three times larger than before.

Seeing Starry Sky Dragon's hard work, Su Mufeng, who was already extremely thirsty, immediately picked up one and was about to put it into his mouth.


The prompt of modifying talent rang in his ears, and Su Mufeng was affected by his talent and calmed down.

["Starry Sky Dragon·Heartblood" has been detected. It requires at least 10,000 points of planetary energy to be modified. Do you want to activate the talent modification (SSS)? 】

[Starry Sky Dragon·Heartblood]: The heart-blood of the cosmic giant Starry Sky Dragon can promote the genetic jump and physical evolution of carbon-based life. After taking it, there is a chance of acquiring a dragon skill, and a higher chance of transforming the body into a dragon.

"It was so dangerous, I almost turned into a dragon!"

"Dammit, calm down! Calm down!"

Afraid that she would lose control, Su Mufeng kept slapping her forehead and cheeks to stay awake.

Last time, he spent millions of energy points to modify one without any side effects.

But now, millions are no longer a problem for him.

So, Su Mufeng directly modified it without saying anything.

"Cost 5 million! Modify "Starry Sky Dragon·Heartblood"! "

"I want to see what can be achieved by modifying it 500 times!"

After saying the last word, Su Mufeng felt a trance and could no longer control his inner desire.

Before the new "Star Dragon Heart Blood" could take shape, Su Mufeng swallowed it into his stomach.

For a moment, the blood from his heart rushed into his throat like a clear stream.

With wisps of coldness, it nourishes and repairs his genes.

It wasn't until the coolness flowed into his lower abdomen that Su Mufeng gradually regained consciousness.

When his brain gradually became clear, he checked his body as soon as possible.

Su Mufeng only breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that he had not transformed into a dragon.

"Huh... just in danger."

"I almost turned into a dragon."

As he spoke, Su Mufeng muttered and exhaled deeply.

As a result, he shouted softly.

Thousands of miles in radius, the earth is shaking!

Did I do this movement?

With doubts, Su Mufeng once again checked the modification records just now.

[Starry Sky Dragon·Origin]: The life origin of the cosmic beast Starry Sky Dragon can promote the genetic jump and physical evolution of carbon-based life. After taking it, your physical fitness will be greatly improved, and you will have a high probability of acquiring a starry sky dragon skill without any side effects.

[Congratulations, your genes are transforming to gold level. The estimated transformation time is 10 days. 】

[Congratulations, you have awakened the skill "Dragon Language Magic" through the stimulation of the star dragon source. 】

[Dragon Language Magic]: By pronunciating dragon language and reciting magic spells, you can use the natural environment to cast "rock", "ice", "fire", "thunder", "wind", "water" and "grass" with very low mental consumption. "Seven elemental magics. Its power is enhanced by 100% through the blessing of dragon language.

"Let me knock. Could it be that I just recited the spell?"

Thinking of this, Su Mufeng closed her lips slightly and teleported herself directly to "Tushita Palace" and found Luna.

"Master, you haven't come to Luna for several days."

Seeing Luna's eyes watering and looking pitiful, Su Mufeng was stunned and then asked.

"Can you show me the magic spell of the elves?"

Knowing that Su Mufeng's purpose was to borrow books, Luna looked disappointed, turned around and handed several magic spells into Su Mufeng's hands.

"We're all here, why are you suddenly interested in magic?"

"Something happened. I might become a science mage in the future."

After saying that, Su Mufeng opened a book of "Lighting Spell", found a spell at random, and started reciting it.

As a result, with his casual thought, dragons roared and golden light shone in all directions.

The strong fluctuations of light magic elements almost swallowed up the entire "Tushita Palace".

Seeing this, Su Mufeng's eyebrows flew up and she was ecstatic.

This kind of magical effect is insignificant to any star master.

After all, spending the energy value of the planet can also produce similar powerful effects.

However, the biggest difference after Su Mufeng had just finished reciting the incantation was that there was no consumption of any planetary energy.

"In this way... Xiaoyu should also be able to master this power, right?"

With that said, Su Mufeng once again opened a page of magic spell, Light Teleportation.

“*\u0026¥% # ……”

There was another burst of chanting, this time Su Mufeng chanted particularly loudly.

As the last note fell, Su Mufeng's entire body turned into countless light particles and disappeared directly.

When he appeared again, he was already standing in the grass thousands of miles away.

Seeing that Su Mufeng had once again gained a new ability, the audience in the Blue Star live broadcast room began to talk about it.

——[Hey, has Su Shen started studying magic? Double major in arts and sciences! 】

——[However, magic is inseparable from the energy value of the planet. Magicians have to stay on their own planet every day, which is very homely. 】

——[Baga, I can’t stand you Daxia people here in Versailles, making it seem fresh and refined that Su Mufeng is not doing his job properly. 】

——[Go away, you plaster country are just jealous, right? You can’t do it on the battlefield, so now you’re talking in the live broadcast room? 】

——[Bird show! 】

At the same time, Su Xiaoyu, who joined the special operations team, was participating in a search and rescue mission.

Just now, all their team members were hiding in the subway station, watching the live broadcast.

However, when she saw Su Mufeng perform magic, she suddenly felt a new power within her body, and she began to panic.

After leaving the live broadcast room, she felt unbearably hot all over her body. Just when she was about to find her instructor Mark to ask for leave, something unexpected happened.

Under the night sky, holes were torn open, and missiles fell into the clouds one after another, bombing towards various targets.

Suddenly, the two missiles between them were fired straight at the hiding place of the special forces team, which was in great danger.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoyu's face was full of fear, and she hurriedly drew the gourd and recited the spell that Su Mufeng had just recited.

For a moment, a defensive shield composed of light suddenly appeared in front of the people of Daxia over the ruins of G City.

Immediately afterwards, two rumbling explosions sounded, and the missile exploded directly in front of the defensive shield.

After narrowly escaping from death, Daxia's special operations team members all looked above their heads with amused eyes.

At this moment, the light wall like a crystal wall was visible to the naked eye without any cracks.

On the other hand, Amelia Su's face was full of shock and joy because she used Su Mufeng's skills.

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