Interstellar for All: Modify everything to create an interstellar heaven

Chapter 6 Stud Resources, Modification of Yuanshi Tianzun

In the interstellar battlefield, each planet has a different rotation period.

Su Mufeng sat among the ruins of the pyramid, with the sun still blazing above her head.

At this moment, he was playing with various parts.

It has to be said that the Iron-Blooded Six has unparalleled abilities and talents in hunting enemies, and every time he kills them with one hit.

Therefore, from time to time, Su Mufeng would plunder some dwarf artifacts of good quality that could be used for modification.

After a lot of turning waste into treasure, Su Mufeng's body was soon filled with all kinds of landmines, explosives, and biological and chemical weapons.

for example:

Throw the gunpowder and hemp rope into the iron pot, cover the pot, and directly modify it into a C4 high-explosive bomb.

Put peppers, onions, mustard and pepper into the bottle and directly transform it into a super tear gas.

The stockings, underwear, and insoles were stuffed into the balloon and directly converted into a suffocating gas bomb.

A dozen dwarf muskets were tied together with ropes and directly converted into Gatling heavy machine guns.

Of course, weapons and equipment will be passed to Jagged Six through the Planet Code every once in a while.

With these highly lethal weapons, the efficiency of destroying the dwarves has increased a hundred times.

Just now, Su Mufeng's planet energy suddenly increased by a thousand points.

You don't need to think about it to know that Iron-Blooded Six is ​​probably going to go directly to carry out a large-scale terrorist attack.

As a result, Su Mufeng quickly accumulated more than 10,000 points of planetary energy through fighting to support fighting.

In addition, the pyramid is filled with all kinds of weapons, equipment and daily necessities of the dwarves.

Looking at the various achievements in front of him, Su Mufeng felt proud in his heart.

Plunder (S) and modification (SSS) work together to make it invincible.

In the past ten days, he often studied the talents of other chosen ones in the Blue Star live broadcast room.

It can be said that almost any display of the God's Chosen Talent must be supported by the energy of the planet.

However, it is not easy for ordinary chosen ones to obtain the energy of the planet.

They need to truly establish an industrial system for energy extraction and refining in order to transform the planet's energy.

Therefore, no matter how talented they are, without the support of planetary energy, they may not even be able to kill the Predator.

However, the Plunder (S) talent can gain planetary energy by plundering everything.

This gave Su Mufeng a huge lead from the beginning.

Thinking of this, Su Mufeng silently took out the "Silicon-based Fire" and looked at it carefully.

["Silicon-based fire" has been detected, which requires at least 10,000 points of planetary energy to be modified. Do you want to activate the modification (SSS) talent now? 】

10,000 points?

not enough!

After experiencing the transformation of firecrackers into missiles, Su Mufeng firmly believed in the wise saying that great efforts can produce miracles.

For treasures like silicon-based fire, he planned to use three times the energy to modify them at once.

So, he immediately contacted Jagged Old Sixth and teleported a fighter jet he had just modified.

"Lao Liu, just bomb it, don't give me face, I'll come back and add chicken drumsticks for you after the bombing!"


After receiving Su Mufeng's order, the Dwarf Continent suffered again.

At first, Jagged Six was just stealthy and assassinating, specializing in the bottom lane.

Later, with explosives, he began to secretly carry out terrorist attacks.

Now, with the fighter plane, he finally appeared openly and openly above the dwarf cities.

In mid-air, bombs dropped like raindrops one after another. The Iron-Blooded Six flew directly to the next city without even looking at them.

Just like that, after a while...

Su Mufeng's planet energy exceeded 50,000 points.

He took out the "Silicon-based Fire" again and carefully placed it in front of him.

"A "silicon-based fire" can only create one silicon-based life. "

"Hopefully, this time it can be modified in the direction I expect."

"50,000 points, all gone!"

After delivering 50,000 points of planetary energy at one time, a bright light suddenly lit up in front of Su Mufeng, turning the surrounding world into a dazzling incandescence.

Soon, the light dimmed, and all the light, temperature, and metal piled around the pyramid rushed towards the silicon-based fire.

Suddenly, the silicon-based fire that was lying quietly in front of Su Mufeng began to split and reorganize.

At this moment, it is like a Rubik's Cube, cut into small cubes of equal size.

In this way, it split from a second-order Rubik's Cube to a third-order Rubik's Cube, a fourth-order Rubik's Cube...

Eventually, it split into a square matrix composed of countless small cubes...

Su Mufeng stood aside and watched the entire process, as if he had experienced the evolution of silicon-based life.

It wasn't until the square matrix was completely stabilized that he understood through telepathy that the "silicon-based fire" was alive.

[Name]: Fire Source·Infinite Matrix (can be modified)

[Talent]: Super Storage (Lv1), Super Operation (Lv1)

[Loyalty]: 100 (locked)


Condensed Fire (Lv1): Produce 7 "Silicon-based Fire", each cast requires 1 day.

Strengthened Fire (Lv1): Improves the silicon-based life force level. It takes 7 days between each use.

Resurrection Fire (Lv1): Resurrection of Silicon Base and order it to be reborn. Each cast requires 30 days.

Interstellar Teleportation (Lv1): Teleport silicon-based life to the interstellar expedition. Each cast requires an interval of 1 day, and consumes planetary energy according to the number of teleportation units.

[Combat Power]: Black Iron Level


Fire Source·Life Matrix can consume planet energy to upgrade. The higher the level, the faster the skill frequency and the stronger the effect.

You have created a silicon-based life source, but its current body is very fragile. Please find a metal body for it as soon as possible.

Since the source of life naturally has a strong radiation magnetic field, your planet will be easily discovered and targeted by the masters of other planets.

Seeing such a powerful ability, Su Mufeng, who had always been calm, suddenly became happy.

Sure enough, hard work worked wonders. Five times the investment was rewarded ten thousand times.

The value of this "Fire Source·Infinite Matrix" is even comparable to your own modification (SSS) talent.

With it, he will be able to continuously create an army of silicon-based life forms, and each of them will become a loyal and brave warrior.

Coupled with its interstellar teleportation ability, Su Mufeng now has the capital to expedition into the stars and sea.

Just when Su Mufeng was thinking about the future, a burst of joy came from his mind.

The new fire source was actually conveying the emotion of attachment to him.

"Since you have life, don't call it Fire Source."

"I will find a good body for you. When the time comes, you will be called "Yuanshi Tianzun". "

After saying that, another wave of excitement and anticipation came over.

At this moment, Su Mufeng was extremely concerned about the body of Fire Seed Source.

Then, he carefully observed the distribution of mineral deposits on the planet through the "Planet Code".

Finally, his eyes rested on the dwarf continent in the Western Hemisphere.

"Haha, don't worry, I found a place where there are metal mines everywhere."

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