Interstellar for All: Modify everything to create an interstellar heaven

Chapter 53 Modification of Tiangong Base, Targeting the Sea of ​​Stars

In order to speed up the progress, Su Mufeng sent all 2 million elven subordinates to the pirate planet to mine.

With their participation, all the silver-grade chameleons unique to the Pirate Planet were quickly collected.

[Chamelite]: It can be blended into any alloy to give it the ability to mimic color change, thereby achieving optical invisibility.

"It's really a good material, suitable for the construction of interstellar fortresses!"

Having said that, Su Mufeng ordered a large number of chameleon stones to be transported to the eastern mainland plateau.

Then, as the excavation progress of the "One Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers" legion came to an end, Su Mufeng began to prepare to devour this living planet.

However, the pirate planet covers an area of ​​37 million square kilometers, far larger than the interstellar heaven, and cannot be completely swallowed by it.

In desperation, Su Mufeng had to order to dismember the pirate planet into 1/5, 6 million square kilometers in size.

Therefore, with the cooperation of Chengying and Chixiao Mecha, a large number of "Yehuo Red Lotus" detonated inside the pirate planet, exposing the core of the planet.

Later, Su Mufeng tore up the "Planet Fusion Technique" skill book and started the process of devouring the pirate planet.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, how long will it take until the swallowing is completed?"

"Father God, there are about 11 hours left."

"The goal is too big and it will take longer?"


After getting the answer, Su Mufeng shook his head and returned to the eastern continent.

At this moment, 500 Luban and Mozi are working with all their strength.

Looking at their precise and slow movements, Su Mufeng made an estimate.

I'm afraid that when the planets are integrated, they will only be able to complete 50% of the construction progress.

Thinking of this, Su Mufeng mobilized the steam army to jointly participate in the construction of the interstellar fortress.

However, even so, the current construction period cannot meet Su Mufeng's requirements.

So, he had an idea and dragged a "Steam Warrior", "Luban" and "Mozi" directly to the engineering base.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, if these silver-level silicon-based life forms are allowed to control intelligent mechas for refined manufacturing, how many mechas can they control at the same time?"

"Father, with their CPU computing power, they can command up to 1,000 mechas for combat, and for precision production, they can command up to 50 mechas at the same time."

"That's enough! Immediately arrange the production capacity of the engineering complex to produce 20,000 Luban and 5,000 Mozi. They will be installed with chips and under unified command by silicon-based life forms."

"As you command!"

Therefore, with all engineering complexes at full firepower, in less than 2 hours, 25,000 mechas walked out of the assembly line and joined the construction of the interstellar fortress.

Subsequently, with the support of the human sea tactics, palaces were built one after another, strange stone pillars were erected, and an interstellar fortress built in the style of Eastern mythology appeared in front of Su Mufeng.

The entire fortress looks like a fairy palace, with twelve scattered pavilions connected by pavilions, guarding a huge palace in the center.

The gate of each pavilion is an interstellar port for warships to enter and exit, and can park the entire "space carrier" and its mechas.

Each pavilion connected to the pavilion is a giant power engine, responsible for maintaining the operation, movement and defense of the huge and heavy interstellar fortress.

Outside the giant palace in the center, there are quantum cannons with interstellar long-range strike capabilities and densely packed close-in defense cannons to facilitate counterattacks.

As for the interior of the giant palace, it is a complete military complex of detection, monitoring, interference, patrol, training, production, maintenance, and command.

Therefore, this interstellar fortress is fully equipped with the ability and confidence to develop independently in the interstellar battlefield.

[Interstellar Fortress·Tiangong]: A comprehensive interstellar fortress with huge production and processing capabilities. It can be used as a pre-combat command center to block enemy forces and prevent the planet itself from becoming a battlefield. Its huge size can accommodate up to 12 integrated fleets. Because of its special material, it has the ability to become invisible in the interstellar universe.

At this moment, Su Mufeng was constantly traveling through every corner of the Tiangong Fortress.

The central palace of this fortress can accommodate tens of thousands of people living at the same time.

In this way, as long as a group of loyal, powerful and skilled subordinates are trained, this fortress can be opened and guarded among the four heavenly gates, forming a support situation from all directions.

At that time, if any one of the "One Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers" army can no longer withstand it, the 12 fleets can go out at any time to support the front line immediately and annihilate the enemy outside the Tianmen.

"Haha, for such a big guy, look how much planetary energy is needed for modification."

["Interstellar Fortress·Tiangong" has been detected and requires at least 3.8 million points of planetary energy to be modified. Do you want to activate the modification (SSS) talent now? 】

"3.8 million energy value!"

"This is the most expensive product since I awakened my talent for modification!"

After saying that, Su Mufeng opened his attribute panel and looked at his current energy value.

Because he had just blown up 4/5 of the pirate planets and looted a large amount of supplies, Su Mufeng's energy value had exceeded 39.13 million points.

As for the next modification, if you want to safely upgrade "Star Fortress Tiangong" to the gold level, I'm afraid you will have to play a one-time stud again.

Just when Su Mufeng was checking the attributes, all the viewers in Blue Star's live broadcast room were exclaiming.

They couldn't believe that Su Mufeng actually built the interstellar fortress in a month.

——[This is fake, right? Su Shen built an interstellar fortress in less than a day? And it can park 12 fleets! This kind of thing would be built on an interstellar battlefield with all the efforts of the legion. 】

——[Baga, are you kidding? Building an interstellar fortress requires at least dozens of star owners to cooperate and share resources. It takes two or three months to complete, but he actually did it alone? 】

——[Xie Te, the two armies of our Lighthouse Nation combined only have 5 interstellar fortresses. He, Su Mufeng, built one himself. How much wealth has he plundered from our star master! How abominable! 】

——[Wash the kelp! This guy won't use his modification skills to modify this fortress again, right? 】

——[Yeah, buy it, you Hangu people don’t want crow’s mouth! 】

While the debate in the Blue Star live broadcast room continued, Su Mufeng finally made up his mind and put his hand on the "Interstellar Fortress Tiangong".

"Consume 36 million points of planetary energy, modify it 10 times, and break through the gold level!"

After the words fell, the entire interstellar fortress suddenly fell into a cycle of mechanical division and reorganization.

And as this change became faster and faster, the entire "Interstellar Fortress·Heavenly Palace" disappeared.

When it appeared again, the original pavilions and pavilions were even more vivid, with auspicious clouds, cranes, clear springs and towers, and the scenery was even more fascinating.

However, due to the "color-changing stone", the outside of the Heavenly Palace, which has not yet been activated, is covered with a layer of transparent luster, like a dream, exuding rays of light.

[Tiangong · Space Base]: An interstellar space fortress with a small independent ecology, full-body stealth, anti-reconnaissance and anti-detection, and strong electromagnetic interference capabilities. It can be used as an independent combat platform to participate in large-scale interstellar wars. It has 12 space ports, which can accommodate up to 24 fleets and accommodate 100,000 people. Equipped with independent "Plasma Shield" and "Interstellar Quantum Sniper Beam Cannon".

Looking at the masterpiece that he had exhausted all his energy, Su Mufeng's lips curled up, feeling extremely proud.

"Guys from Blue Star, this is just the first phase of the Nantianmen Project, don't be afraid too early!"

"When I conquer the stars and the sea, I will definitely return to Blue Star and take Daxia to the heaven together!"

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