Interstellar for All: Modify everything to create an interstellar heaven

Chapter 27 Advance to bronze level and modify the space carrier

[The star master chooses silicon-based life forms, and the life forms are being generated...]

[The life form is generated, its attributes are as follows...]

[Name]: Steam Captain (can be modified)

[Talent]: Mechanical Body (Lv1), Steam Power (Lv2)

[Loyalty]: 100 (locked)

[Skills]: Precision Micromanipulation (Lv2), Multifunctional Arm (Lv2)

[Combat Power]: Silver level

[Reminder]: Silver-level silicon-based lifeforms are generally more than 5 meters tall. They have complex and precise mechanical gear structures. They are flexible and powerful, but they are not good at long-distance combat. Appearance is the same as that of humans.

Looking at the 35 new subordinates in front of him, Su Mufeng was quite satisfied.

Now, he already has three major silicon-based life-form armies under his command.

The Cyber ​​Legion is responsible for reconnaissance and combat.

Infrastructure maniacs are responsible for production and construction.

The Steam Corps is responsible for precision engineering.

With their participation, Interstellar Heaven's Thirty-Third Heaven Plan can be launched immediately.

Su Mufeng first modified TNT explosives with sufficient yield according to Yuanshi Tianzun's design.

Later, he used the Planet Codex to teleport 33 steam captains to the surface of the satellite.

The steam captains were extremely fast and reached their respective detonation points in a blink of an eye.

In the end, with the coordinated cooperation of Yuanshi Tianzun and the steam captains, the sky was first filled with brilliance, followed by a series of loud noises.

Thirty-three explosions happened to split the satellite into thirty-three pieces of land of similar size, which were quickly scattered.

Seeing them, some were about to fall to the earth, and some were about to fly into the stars, Yuanshi Tianzun immediately reminded them.

"Father God, it's now! Pull them into orbit!"

After receiving the prompt, Su Mufeng took action decisively, directly consuming most of the planet's energy and pushing these landmasses into different orbits.

Finally, thirty-three pieces of land were hung stably on the horizon by him, forming a staircase-like necklace of stars.

"Phew! Finally succeeded!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Mufeng teleported to the first heaven closest to the main star.

Here, it is very far away from the ground, the air is thin, the wind is biting, but the light is exceptionally bright.

"Looking down at the earth, I really feel like a god."

"It's a pity that the area is less than three square kilometers."

In the interstellar battlefield.

Weapons such as airplanes and tanks are just tools used to maintain order on the planet.

Therefore, they are not qualified to participate in the cruel struggle between star masters.

Therefore, if you want to gain an advantage in planetary battles, you need to meet at least three conditions.

Planet level defense system.

A star-destroying super weapon.

Space-level star fleet.

In Su Mufeng's plan, among the thirty-three heavens, the eleventh heaven will be the port where his future interstellar heaven will anchor the Galaxy Fleet.

"The port is planned, so it's time to build a big one."

After that, he turned around and teleported back to the land, and summoned all 35 Steam Legion members to the front of the pyramid.

The reason why Su Mufeng has been able to modify various advanced military artifacts has always been to rely on the technological knowledge from his previous life to build basic models and then use his talents to modify them.

Therefore, relying on his excellent manual skills, he can efficiently modify most of the weapons and equipment that he has heard of or seen in his previous life.

However, if high-tech weapons such as space battleships and space mechas are to be modified quickly, more sophisticated models need to be built.

It often takes several days to build such a sophisticated model, so Su Mufeng naturally does not have so much free time to do manual work.

Now, with the steam army that is good at precision operations, these things can just be left to them.

Therefore, under the careful design of "Yuanshi Tianzun", the blueprint of a dreamlike space carrier appeared in the minds of all steam legions.

"Within one day, the Luanniao No. 1 model was built at a ratio of 1000:1."

"There are parts and components everywhere here. If you are missing anything, you have to look for it. If you can't find it, just cut and weld it."

After hearing Su Mufeng's instructions, the Steam Legion collectively bowed their heads and made a promise to Su Mufeng.

Back at the pyramid, Su Mufeng sat in front of the Planet Codex, pondering to himself.

Now 10 days have passed, and the time for the novice star field to open is getting faster and faster.

He could clearly feel that the crisis was approaching him step by step.

Opening the communication window, the first ten messages were all cursing messages from Stephen and Bed Shangren.

——[Su Mufeng, I guess you can do it, just wait for me! My compatriots will get me out, and then I will kill you! 】

——[Su Mufeng! If you use despicable means to hinder the development of my plaster country star master, I will definitely challenge you to life and death! Just wait for me! 】

Seeing this, Su Mufeng silently closed it, then smiled and said nothing.

Blocked by bronze-level silicon-based life, these star masters will be trapped in place and will no longer be able to develop the planet's resources.

At the earliest, we have to wait for the next batch of foreign star masters to complete their tasks before we can lend them troops to solve hidden dangers.

As for them wanting to seek revenge on themselves?

That is even more wishful thinking!

In Su Mufeng's hand, he still firmly holds the planet coordinates of these 61 star masters.

As for challenging yourself?

That is no different from delivering food!

When Su Mufeng just woke up, he found that his body was more than 10 times stronger.

With his current physique and strength, although he cannot be compared to Superman, he is only stronger than Captain America.

What's more, Su Mufeng also has the coercive skill "Dragon Power" that can restrain all carbon-based life forms.

Thinking of this, Su Mufeng made a thought and directly called up his current attribute panel through the Star Master's authority.

[Name]: Su Mufeng

[Talent]: Plunder (S), Modification (SSS)

[Military Rank]: Recruit

[Skill]: Longwei

[Equipment]: None

[Combat Power]: Bronze Level

[Energy]: 573,000, automatic collection: 0.5 million/day

[Planet name]: Interstellar Heaven (can be modified)

[Energy reserve]: 90 million (4000+5000), automatic regeneration: 22,000/day.

[Planet area]: 10 million square kilometers

[Number of satellites]: 33

[Satellite area]: 800,000 square kilometers

[Planet facilities]: Well of the Abyss (1), Refinery (1)

[Planet Attributes]: Living Planet

[Planet residents]: 1 million

[Number of subordinates]: 107 in total, Yuanshi Tianzun (1), Predator (1), Starry Sky Beast (2), Infrastructure Demon Legion (42), Cyber ​​Legion (26), Steam Legion (35)

"As expected, the subordinates are all surface-level units."

"We need to start working on developing cosmic-level combat power."

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Mufeng turned his attention to the communication column and dialed Lin Qingyin's communication immediately.

However, before he could speak, a transaction request popped up directly on the opposite side of the video.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll share what I earned last time with you!"

"I was scared to death. I thought you wanted to buy eggs from me..."

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