In the star field of the Great Cold Country, a group of star masters were gathering together, with cunning and greedy smiles on their faces. They saw the Sakura Nation star masters unite to boycott Su Mufeng and felt that this was a good opportunity to make a fortune.

"Hey, look, those guys from Sakura Country united to boycott Su Mufeng, and Su Mufeng left directly." A Great Cold Star Lord said excitedly, "We can also give it a try, maybe we can get some benefits."

"That's right, that's right!" The other Great Cold Country star masters all agreed, "Although our Great Cold Country is not as good as Sakura Country, our star field is not small. If Su Mufeng wants to enter, he must give us some benefits."

"Then blackmail him! Let him give us a powerful fleet as toll!" A greedy voice sounded, and the other star masters all showed satisfied smiles after hearing this.

Just as they were discussing, Su Mufeng's fleet had arrived at the edge of the Great Cold Country's star field. The star masters of the Great Cold Country immediately sent a blackmail message to Su Mufeng through the communication channel.

"Su Mufeng, if you want to enter our star domain, you must give our powerful fleet as toll!" A Great Cold Star Lord said proudly.

However, they did not wait for Su Mufeng's response. They only saw Su Mufeng's fleet drawing an elegant arc in the starry sky, and then left the Great Cold Country's star field.

"This..." The star masters of the Great Cold Country were stunned. They did not expect that Su Mufeng would choose to leave so decisively.

"He...why did he just leave like that?" a Great Cold Star Lord said in disbelief.

"We...we were ignored?" Another Great Cold Star Master said blankly.

At this moment, the faces of the Great Cold Star Lords no longer had the previous pride and greed, only endless embarrassment and loss remained. They originally thought they could take this opportunity to extort Su Mufeng's benefits, but unexpectedly they were ignored by the other party.

In the Star Territory of the Great Cold Country, the Star Lords have different attitudes. Some star owners resolutely resisted Su Mufeng, some chose to wait and see, and still others chose to cooperate with Su Mufeng.

This disagreement makes the star masters of the Great Cold Country not as united as the Sakura Country.

In the Blue Star live broadcast room, viewers from the Great Cold Country saw this scene and posted barrages to express their dissatisfaction and anger.


[These star owners who choose to cooperate with Su Mufeng really have no spine! 】A viewer angrily refreshed the screen and said,——

[How could they bow to Su Mufeng so easily? 】


【That's right! 】Another audience member echoed,


[We, the Star Lords of the Great Cold Country, should join forces to boycott Su Mufeng like the Sakura Country did! Only in this way can we show our unity and strength! 】


[Remember these star masters who cooperated with Su Mufeng! 】Another audience member posted a comment,——

[We must boycott them from now on! We cannot let them succeed in our Great Cold Country! 】

However, among these angry barrages, some different voices also emerged.


[But Su Mufeng is also Smecta, a native of our country of Great Cold. 】

In the star fields of other countries, the attitude of the star masters towards Su Mufeng appears to be more rational and pragmatic.

Most of them chose to cooperate with Su Mufeng because it was more in their interests.

"We have no direct relationship with Su Mufeng."

A Star Lord analyzed calmly,

"More importantly, he has brought us a lot of convenience. Offending him is not a sensible thing for us."

Another Star Lord nodded and agreed:

"Yes, although Su Mufeng has a tough style, he is indeed capable. Cooperating with him will only benefit us, and there will be no harm."

At this time, some star owners also put forward different opinions:

"But, if we choose to cooperate with Su Mufeng, what will the star masters of Sakura Country and Dahan Country think of us? Will they feel that we have betrayed them?"

But immediately a Star Lord retorted:

"Humph, betrayal? We are only considering our own interests. If the Star Lords of Sakura Country and Dahan Country hate us because of this, it can only be said that they are too narrow-minded. There is no need for us to sacrifice our own for their emotions. Benefit."

Finally, after some discussion, most star owners reached a consensus:

Cooperating with Su Mufeng is the best choice for them.

They decided to put aside their worries about Sakura Country and Great Cold Country and bravely take this step.

As a result, the star masters from these countries sent signals of cooperation to Su Mufeng.

In the depths of the vast universe, in a silent void, a huge fleet suddenly appeared.

This fleet is like a mobile space fortress, exuding a strong sense of technology and majesty.

In the center of the fleet, a huge command ship slowly sailed out.

On the deck of the command ship, Su Mufeng stood with his hands behind his hands, staring deeply ahead.

Behind him is a group of busy staff who are nervously and orderly making final preparations.

"Huh...this is the installation point of the last formation."

Su Mufeng took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

There was a hint of exhaustion in his voice, but more of it was determination and expectation.

Following Su Mufeng's order, countless work ships began to take action.

They are like a group of hard-working bees, busily shuttling in this void.

Soon, a huge and complex formation gradually took shape, emitting a faint light.

This formation is composed of countless precise parts and runes, and each part contains powerful power and mystery.

When they are combined together, they form an indescribable power.

As the installation of the formation was completed, it flickered for a moment and then quickly dissipated.

Completely hidden in this void, as if integrated with the universe itself.

Su Mufeng looked at the formation hidden in the void with a satisfied smile on his face.

In the fleet's observation room, a map of the entire star field was displayed on a huge holographic screen.

On the map, the dense bright spots represent the positions of the arrays that have been installed, while the dim areas are blind spots that could not be installed due to resistance.

Su Mufeng stood in the center of the observation room, his eyes scanning the map.

Seeing those bright spots covering almost the entire star field, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

However, when his eyes fell on those dim areas, his brows couldn't help but frown slightly.

"These blind spots are the result of the resistance of the star masters of Sakura Country and Dahan Country."

Su Mufeng whispered to himself, "But fortunately, I have already thought of a countermeasure."

He turned around and said to the staff next to him: "Install encrypted formations around those blind spots. I want to make these blind spots nowhere to hide!"

The staff immediately responded: "Yes! We will take action immediately!"

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