[Do you want to instigate rebellion against Su Mufeng? 】【This is simply crazy! 】【Is this possible? 】The Zerg Broods expressed their opinions and doubts one after another.

They knew that instigating a rebellion against Su Mufeng was an extremely difficult and dangerous task, and a slight mistake could trigger an all-out war between the two races.

At the same time, as an outstanding leader and powerful warrior of the human race, Su Mufeng's loyalty and faith are unshakable.

However, the Zerg brood also had to admit that if they could successfully instigate Su Mufeng, the balance of power between the Zerg and humans would be completely broken.

Su Mufeng's combat effectiveness and leadership abilities are unrivaled among the humans. If he can join the Zerg side, the Zerg will gain a powerful ally and help.

【You have to give it a try. 】The will of the Supreme Queen slowly sounded in the void, with an unquestionable decision. Her voice seemed to travel through the endless interstellar space, echoing in the hearts of every Zerg hive, stirring up waves.

[I have sent our Son of the Abyss sequencers to try to contact Su Mufeng. ] The Supreme Queen continued, revealing a deep and mysterious atmosphere.

[Sequencers of the Sons of the Abyss? ] A Zerg mother nest asked doubtfully, seeming to be a little surprised by this decision.

[Didn’t you say before that you would send them to assassinate Su Mufeng? Why do you want to contact me now? 】Another Zerg Brood also expressed its doubts.

They didn't understand why the Supreme Queen suddenly changed her plan and changed the Son of the Abyss sequencer originally used for assassination to try to contact Su Mufeng.

[Don't question the will of the Supreme Queen...] A majestic voice sounded in the void, interrupting the discussion of the Zerg mother nest. This is a high-ranking leader among the Zerg, and his loyalty and respect for the High Queen are deeply imprinted in every word.

His words immediately silenced the Zerg brood, daring not to raise any further questions.

[If Su Mufeng refuses...] A Zerg brood carefully raised its concerns.

The endless will echoed in the void, and the Zerg mother nest fell into contemplation and waiting.

Su Mufeng returned to the Interstellar Heaven.

He stood on the observation deck of the ship, looking out at the starry universe, his deep eyes shining with light. He had a hunch that the Zerg would not sit still and wait for the human race to form a supreme council.

The Zerg, the ancient race that competes with humans for interstellar hegemony, has always been known for its cunning and cruelty. They will remain highly alert to any actions of the human race and take corresponding countermeasures.

The previous revenge was just an appetizer for the Zerg tribe.

Su Mufeng clearly remembered that after the Zerg learned about the formation of the Supreme Council by the humans, they immediately launched a series of small-scale attacks and sabotage operations.

Although these actions did not cause much damage, they sounded a wake-up call to the humans, reminding them that the threat of the Zerg had not disappeared.

The real revenge will come soon. Su Mufeng is well aware of the cunning and cruelty of the Zerg. He knows that the Zerg is preparing a larger-scale offensive in an attempt to destroy the newly formed Supreme Council of the human race in one fell swoop. Therefore, he must take action as soon as possible and formulate corresponding response strategies.

Su Mufeng stood on the observation deck of the ship, his eyes deep and firm. He thought for a moment, as if weighing the possibilities and consequences. Then, he decisively picked up the communicator and issued the command to summon the Moral God.

The voice of Yuanshi Tianzun came quickly from the other end of the communicator, with a hint of doubt. Su Mufeng did not explain immediately, but let the other party come to him.

When Yuanshi Tianzun appeared on the viewing platform, Su Mufeng slowly said: "I want to start that plan." His tone was calm and firm, as if he was fully prepared.

"Which plan?" Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but ask. He knew that Su Mufeng had multiple backup plans, but he didn't know which one he was referring to.

"Prehistoric plan!" Su Mufeng said calmly.

The "Prehistoric Plan" proposed by Su Mufeng is a large and complex strategic concept, the core of which is to build a comprehensively upgraded and expanded interstellar infrastructure to strengthen the strategic position and defense capabilities of the human race in the vast universe.

One of the core components of this plan is an upgraded version of the "Lingshan Cosmic Teleportation Array".

Traditional cosmic transmission arrays have established preliminary connections between the major human galaxies, but their transmission efficiency and stability still need to be improved.

The upgraded version of the Lingshan Cosmic Teleportation Array will use the latest quantum entanglement technology and space folding principles to achieve faster and longer interstellar transmission.

This will greatly improve the mobility of the Heavenly Legion, allowing them to quickly mobilize forces in a short period of time to respond to sudden attacks from Zerg or other potential threats.

Another key component is the upgraded version of "Fuxiqin Interstellar Communication Network."

Although the existing interstellar communication network is quite developed, it is still stretched when facing enemies with powerful electronic warfare capabilities such as the Zerg.

The Fuxiqin interstellar communication network will adopt new encryption technology and signal transmission mechanisms to ensure the safety and smoothness of human communications in interstellar wars.

This will enable the Heavenly Legion to better coordinate combat operations, achieve information sharing and tactical coordination, thereby occupying a dominant position on the battlefield.

The last important component is the "Jianmu·Interstellar Space Stabilization System".

The human star domain is vast and contains countless unstable factors and potential space cracks. Once these cracks are exploited by enemies, they may become a shortcut for them to invade human territory.

The Jianmu interstellar space stabilization system will suppress and stabilize the space structure of the entire human star domain by deploying a series of space anchor points and energy field generators to prevent foreign enemies from making arbitrary jumps through space cracks.

All these plans - the upgrade of Lingshan Cosmic Teleportation Array, the improvement of Fuxiqin's interstellar communication network, and the deployment of Jianmu's interstellar space stabilization system - together they constitute the grand and complete " "Prehistoric" plan. This plan is not just a technological or military project, but also his comprehensive plan and vision for the future survival and development of the human race in the interstellar era.

In the face of such a grand "prehistoric" plan, the establishment of the Supreme Council of the Human Race, although of great significance to the political structure and power distribution within the Human Race, seems to be relatively minor in Su Mufeng's view.

He knows very well that only by truly mastering the core technology and strategic resources of the interstellar era can the long-term prosperity and security of the human race be ensured.

Therefore, he devoted more energy and resources to the implementation of the "Ancient Plan".

This is one of the main reasons why Su Mufeng directly refused to become the Speaker of the Human Race Supreme Council. In his opinion, dealing with the trivial matters of the human race - political struggles, distribution of interests, racial conflicts, etc. - will not only consume a lot of his time and energy, but will probably not achieve substantial results.

In contrast, he is more willing to devote his talents and resources to major undertakings that can truly change the destiny of mankind.

Su Mufeng had neither time nor interest to deal with those trivial matters.

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