After a burst of applause and cheers, the atmosphere in the venue gradually became quiet. The old Star Master stood in front of the stage, and his eyes slowly scanned every Star Master present again.

He cleared his throat and said in a loud and majestic voice: "Then, the first vote of the Human Race Supreme Council is for the Star Lords to elect the Star Lord who you think is suitable to be a member and speaker."

His words were full of seriousness and solemnity, making every Star Lord present feel the importance of this decision.

The old Star Lord paused and then said: "The Star Lord with the most votes will become the speaker and member of our human race's Supreme Council!" His voice echoed in the air, as if every word hit the Star Lords hard. heart. They know that this is not just a vote, but also a choice and trust in the future leader of the human race.

As the old star master finished speaking, there was a slight noise again in the venue.

"Who are you going to vote for?" Lilia's voice sounded softly in Su Mufeng's ears, breaking the silence between the two. She looked at Su Mufeng, her eyes shining with curiosity and expectation.

Su Mufeng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said frankly: "I don't know." His voice was calm and firm, as if he was saying something very natural.

He didn't rush to make a choice, but fell into brief contemplation.

His eyes swept across the venue, observing the performance and demeanor of each Star Lord, trying to find the person who was qualified for the position of Speaker or Member. However, he didn't find any candidates that struck his fancy.

In Su Mufeng's view, the position of Speaker or Member is not only a symbol of honor and status, but also a kind of responsibility and responsibility.

He needs to shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading the human race towards the future and contribute his own strength to the prosperity and development of the human race.

However, such a responsibility was too heavy for Su Mufeng. He didn't want to be burdened by such a responsibility, nor did he want to bring disaster to the human race because of his mistakes.

The main reason is that Su Mufeng has no interest.

Therefore, Su Mufeng was not in a hurry to vote. He decided to observe for a while to see if a suitable candidate emerged. If not, then he would rather abstain than hand over his trust and future to an untrustworthy person.

Lilia looked at Su Mufeng's expression and eyes and seemed to understand what he was thinking. She did not continue to ask, but smiled softly,

"Oh," Lilia responded softly, without showing too much surprise or disappointment on her face. She knew Su Mufeng and knew that he always thought deeply and did not reveal his thoughts easily.

Therefore, she was not surprised by his answer.

Lilia held the pen and stared forward, frowning slightly, as if she was thinking about some important issue.

The tip of her pen lightly scratched the paper without leaving any trace. She is weighing various factors, trying to find the most suitable person to fill this important position.

However, deep in her heart, a name kept emerging and lingered. She thought about it and finally made up her mind and wrote the name on the paper - Su Mufeng.

Although Su Mufeng himself did not have much interest in serving as speaker or member, Lilia believed that he was the most suitable candidate.

After some inner struggle and weighing, Su Mufeng finally chose to abstain. He did not want to make hasty decisions because of his own selfishness or prejudice, nor did he want to cause unnecessary trouble and trouble to the human race because of his impulse.

Or bring trouble to yourself.

Therefore, he would rather give up the right to vote than cast his vote easily.

When he made this decision, he suddenly felt a strange gaze falling on him.

He raised his head and found Cang Long sitting opposite him winking at him, with a half-smiling expression on his face.

Su Mufeng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly. He knows that this guy Canglong has always had this kind of personality.

This time is no exception. However, he was still curious to know whose name Canglong wrote.

By observing Cang Long's mouth shape, Su Mufeng gradually read out what he wanted to say. When he realized that Canglong actually wrote his name, he couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that he would become Canglong's candidate for speaker.

The voting process ended faster than expected. Every star owner cast their precious vote and elected the leader in their mind. As the last Star Lord put the voting paper into the box, the entire venue fell into a brief silence, as if even the air had solidified.

The old star master stood in front of the stage, his eyes fixed on the box containing the voting results, his heart full of expectation and curiosity. He took a deep breath, then slowly stretched out his hand, preparing to reveal the expected result.

When he took the list out of the box and glanced at the names on it, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. This result seemed to be somewhat beyond his expectation, which made him feel a little surprised. However, he quickly regained his composure and hid the surprise in his heart.

At this time, all the Star Masters turned their attention to the old Star Master, their eyes full of expectation and curiosity. They want to know who can become the future leader of the human race and lead them to new glory.

Under the gaze of everyone, the old star master coughed slightly, and then said slowly: "I will start to announce the list."

Although his voice was not loud, it clearly reached the ears of every Star Lord. The atmosphere in the venue suddenly became tense, as if even breathing became rapid.

The old star master took a deep breath, and then slowly read out the names.

Every name was like a bombshell, causing a huge sensation in the venue. Some of the Star Lords cheered, some marveled, and some showed disappointment.

The old Star Lord's voice echoed in the venue, and names came out slowly from his mouth. Each name seemed to have a special magic power, causing different reactions among the Star Lords present. Most of these names are the leaders of various large legions. Their strength and influence are very important in the human race.

Su Mufeng listened quietly, and couldn't help but marvel at the ambition and wisdom of these legion leaders.

Even if the Supreme Council of the Human Race is established, these large legions want to hold on to their rights and ensure that their status and interests are not harmed.

This is inevitable in political struggle.

It is also a kind of political adjustment.

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