Chapter 201 Speaker——

[What does the Supreme Council mean? Could it be that everyone is finally coming together? 】Some viewers asked questions curiously, full of expectations for the new trends of the human race.


[That’s literally what it means! However, if the will of all human star owners is united, then this Supreme Council will undoubtedly become a powerful existence! ] Another audience member explained that his words revealed his longing for the future of the human race.

As the topic deepened, some viewers from the Great Cold Country began to express their opinions and expectations.


[The members of this Supreme Council must have a seat in our Great Cold Country! 】An audience member from the Great Cold Country proudly declared.


【right! We in the Great Cold Country have sacrificed so much for the human race, so giving us the position of Speaker is not a big problem! 】Another audience from the Great Cold Country echoed.

However, these remarks were not recognized by all viewers, and soon viewers from other countries began to refute them.


【What are you dreaming about? The position of Speaker must be given based on strength and seniority. Is there anyone in the Great Cold Country who can compare with Su Mufeng? 】A Daxia audience pointed out unceremoniously.


[If there really is a position of Speaker, I think Su Mufeng is the most likely. 】Another viewer also expressed the same view.

The audience in the Great Cold Country did not flinch when they saw these barrages, but instead expressed their views more firmly.


[Isn’t it possible that Su Mufeng is from the Great Cold Country? He has never denied that he is from the Great Cold Country! 】An audience member from the Great Cold Country retorted.


[Only in our Great Cold Country can a strong man like Su Mufeng appear! 】Another audience from the Great Cold Country echoed, his words revealing his admiration for Su Mufeng.

However, these remarks caused dissatisfaction and sarcasm from other viewers.


[Haha, everything belongs to your Great Cold Country. Su Mufeng is from your Great Cold Country! Soryu too! Lilia too! 】An audience member said sarcastically, his words revealing his dissatisfaction with the overconfidence of the audience in the Great Cold Country.

Of course, although the audience in the Blue Star live broadcast room was discussing in full swing, their opinions and arguments could not have a direct impact on the actual decision-making in the conference hall.

After all, this is just a platform for observation and participation, and the real decision-making power is still in the hands of the star owners.

In the conference hall, the atmosphere gradually became serious and tense. Although the old man's proposal caused widespread discussion, the real problem had just begun.

A Star Lord wearing a gorgeous armor suddenly stood up, and his voice echoed in the conference hall, which seemed particularly clear.

"Then, I would like to ask," he said, with a hint of unquestionable majesty in his tone, "if we join this Supreme Council, how will the seats of the members be divided? After all, the strength and contribution of each of our legions They’re all different.”

He looked around, his eyes scanning the faces of every Star Lord, as if looking for signs of support or opposition.

Then, he continued: "Also, what kind of rewards will we get after joining the Supreme Council? After all, our legion also has its own interests and goals. If we cannot get substantial benefits from this Supreme Council, So what’s the point of adding it?”

As his words fell, the conference hall fell into brief silence again.

This issue undoubtedly touches on the core interests that every star owner is most concerned about. The reason why they are willing to consider joining the Supreme Council is, on the one hand, for the future of the human race and the overall interests, and on the other hand, for the development and growth of their own legion.

Therefore, the division of seats and reward mechanisms for members have become their greatest concerns.

After this question was asked, the atmosphere in the entire conference hall instantly became solemn.

The whispers suddenly stopped and were replaced by silence.

All the Star Lords raised their heads in unison and focused their attention on the old Star Lord on the high platform.

Their eyes were full of expectation and curiosity, as if they wanted to hear a satisfactory answer from the old man's mouth.

After all, this question is not only of concern to the Star Lord who is asking the question, it is also something that all the Star Lords present are eager to understand.

The air in the conference hall seemed to have solidified, and everyone's breathing became cautious, for fear of breaking this rare peace.

In the silent and tense conference hall, the Star Lord who raised the question stood out particularly. His eyes were firm and sharp, as if he had carefully considered every word and every possible response. He looked around, his eyes scanning the faces of the other Star Lords. Those expressions of contemplation, confusion, or anticipation were all caught in his eyes, but he did not waver at all.

Then, he looked straight at the old man on the high platform, with an attitude of challenge and questioning in his eyes. He seemed to know very well that what he was touching was the most core and sensitive part of the entire Supreme Council plan.

"As for the last thing," he spoke slowly, his voice echoing in the conference hall, "I have one more question."

He paused, seemingly giving everyone present time to think and prepare. Then, he continued: "Since there is a parliament, there must be a speaker. So, who will hold this crucial position of speaker?"

This question was like a bombshell, instantly causing an uproar in the conference hall.

After the Star Lord raised the question about the position of Speaker, he was not in a hurry to continue speaking or urge the old man to answer.

On the contrary, he stared at the old man with an unusually calm gaze, as if waiting for an answer he had expected.

He shook his head slightly and said in a tone that was neither provocative nor contemptuous: "It can't be you, old gentleman."

These few words, although understated, were like a sharp knife piercing the silence of the conference hall.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire conference hall was frozen to the extreme.

The whispers had completely disappeared, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing and the occasional sound of seats moving.

Everyone's eyes, whether they were supporting or opposing the old man before, were now focused on him.

Faced with this sudden questioning and pressure, the old man did not show any panic or uneasiness.

He was still sitting on the high platform, but an indescribable light seemed to flash through his deep eyes.

He knew that the Star Lord's words touched the most sensitive chord in everyone's heart - the balance between strength and prestige.

Among the human race, the old man's prestige is indeed unmatched.

He has experienced countless battles and tribulations and made indelible contributions to the development of the human race. However, in the eyes of the star masters who respect strength, the old man's strength is not outstanding, and can even be said to be somewhat lacking.

If he assumes the position of Speaker of the Supreme Council, it may be difficult for him to convince the public and to play his due leadership role at critical moments.

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