At this time, the barrage area went completely crazy, with countless comments and messages flooding in, each one full of shock and curiosity.

The audience in the Blue Star live broadcast room was immediately shocked! ——

【what's the situation? Su Mufeng wants to open up a new battlefield? is this real? 】This barrage is full of surprise and disbelief, as if the poster cannot believe his ears.


[A new battlefield with the Zerg? Can anyone go to this new battlefield and fight the Zerg? This is too exciting! ] This barrage revealed a sense of excitement and anticipation, and the poster seemed to be impatient to join this new battlefield.


[Can even ordinary people earn military merit in this battlefield? Is this a joke? 】

This barrage reveals a mood of suspicion and curiosity. The poster seems to have certain reservations about this plan, but at the same time he is attracted by it.


[Su Mufeng is planning to do something big! This new battlefield will definitely become the focus of future wars! 】

This barrage is full of expectations and predictions for the future. The poster seems to have seen the important position of this new battlefield in the future.


[This plan sounds a bit risky, but Su Mufeng has always been a risk-taker, and I believe he can succeed! 】

Different people have different opinions on Su Mufeng, but most people are still shocked by Su Mufeng's decision.

Su Mufeng's proposal was like a bombshell, causing an uproar among ordinary people.

The news spread, and countless people were crazy and excited about it.

"Why don't you take Wu Gou and collect the fifty states in Guanshan?!"

This ancient poem was reawakened by countless people at this moment, seeming to ignite the blood and passion deep in their hearts.

To make great achievements and kill enemies on the field, this is the dream of many men since ancient times!

In this star field, although there are many people who have not been able to awaken the talent of star masters and become the most dazzling existence in the starry sky due to various reasons, they still carry the dream of making achievements deep in their hearts.

They are eager to shed their blood on the battlefield and fight for the future and glory of mankind.

However, the opportunities in the past were always so slim and out of reach. Many people can only imagine in their dreams that they are wearing armor, holding a sharp blade, and charging into battle on the battlefield.

But now, Su Mufeng's proposal gives them a chance to realize their dreams!

This news is like a ray of light, illuminating their way forward. Countless people were so excited that their eyes filled with tears. They seemed to have seen themselves standing on the battlefield, fighting against the Zerg. At this moment, they felt unprecedented hope and motivation.

And now, Su Mufeng gave them a chance!

How could this not excite them? !


[I have decided, I will sign up right away! 】This barrage is full of decisiveness and determination, as if the poster can’t wait to join the new battlefield,——

[I also want to go to the new battlefield opened by Su Mufeng! After living for so many years, I have never fought against the Zerg with real swords and guns! 】The poster seems to be full of yearning and curiosity about the battle with the Zerg. They are eager to prove their courage and strength on the battlefield and fight for the glory of mankind.

However, among these positive comments, there are also some negative and questioning voices. Audiences from a certain Great Cold country secretly slandered Su Mufeng's plan in the barrage.


[Su Mufeng wants you to die! You have no training, how can you fight against the Zerg! 】This barrage is full of doubts and ridicule,——

[Why don't you just hide in the rear? You have to go to the front line to die! 】This barrage also reveals a negative and conservative attitude,

However, these negative and questioning voices have not been recognized and supported by many people.

Instead, their comments were quickly caught out by angry netizens.

Netizens responded to these negative voices one after another,


[People from this Great Cold Country are too selfish! 】


[Su Mufeng and the others are fighting hard on the front line, and this man actually thinks he deserves it! 】


【catch him! Find him! 】

At the edge of the vast human star field, Su Mufeng sat quietly in a huge warship.

He looked through the ship window at the busy and orderly construction site outside.

In this star field, the mass-produced demon gods are busy working.

They waved their huge mechanical arms and continuously bombarded the meteorites and planet debris floating around.

Each bombardment will cause these huge stones to break apart and turn into smaller fragments.

These fragments were not wasted. Other mass-produced warships quickly dispatched to collect them one by one.

These warships are equipped with high-precision robotic arms and assembly equipment, which can accurately assemble and splice the collected planetary debris.

As time goes by, huge space cities gradually take shape in this star field.

These cities are assembled from the debris of various planets. Although they look different, they are all strong enough to withstand the extreme environment in space.

Su Mufeng observed all this quietly, his eyes shining with satisfaction.

This is the fortress base that Su Mufeng carefully set up for the ordinary people on this battlefield.

He knew very well that for ordinary people who did not have the talent to awaken the Star Lord, facing the powerful Zerg, a strong and complete fortress base was the key to their ability to survive and fight.

Therefore, he invested a lot of resources and energy to build these space cities assembled from planetary debris into indestructible fortresses.

These fortress bases are not only equipped with advanced defense systems to withstand the fierce attacks of the Zerg, but also have a complete logistics support system to ensure that the soldiers can receive timely supplies and support during the battle.

In addition, Su Mufeng also specially designed a unique tactical system for these fortress bases, so that ordinary people can exert great combat effectiveness in it.

At the other end of this star field, there is a mysterious and dangerous small space wormhole hidden.

This wormhole is like a passage connecting different worlds. The other end of it connects the territory of several Zerg mother nests, which is also their most important strategic resource point.

Su Mufeng decided to turn this place into a small battlefield between humans and Zerg.

Su Mufeng's construction team showed amazing efficiency and capabilities.

They seemed to be a well-trained army. Once they received the order, they could quickly put into work and turn Su Mufeng's idea into reality.

Shortly after Su Mufeng made the decision to build a fortress base, the first batch of military fortresses were completed at an alarming speed.

These fortresses stand majestically in the star field, like indestructible fortresses, giving people a strong sense of security.

At the same time, those humans who were labeled as Zerg were also sent to this fortress in batches from various star fields of the human race.

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