Interstellar for All: Modify everything to create an interstellar heaven

Chapter 173: Only interested in profit? How can we stand side by side with the Lord of Heaven?

Following Lilia's threat, the clamoring Star Lords immediately fell silent.

At this time, a man's calm voice suddenly came into the communication room: "Stop arguing. If you want compensation, think carefully about how to talk to Su Mufeng instead of pointing the finger at Lilia."

The one who spoke was another SSS-level talent owner - Canglong.

He remained silent and watched the farce with a cold eye. But now, he really couldn't stand the behavior of these star masters, so he decided to stand up and say something.

Canglong's words shocked the Star Masters present again.

They did not expect that this SSS-level talent owner who had remained silent would actually stand up and speak for Lilia at this time.

"Cang Long is right." Another Star Lord agreed, "We should think carefully about how to negotiate with Su Mufeng instead of fighting among ourselves here."

With Cang Long's words and the echo of other Star Lords, the clamoring Star Lords gradually calmed down.

Regarding everything that happened on the bridge, Soryu always remained calm and rational. His eyes were gloomy, revealing his dissatisfaction and anger towards the troubled Star Lords. In his opinion, the behavior of these star masters was undoubtedly stupid and dangerous. It not only offended Su Mufeng, but also almost caused internal strife.

Soryu admired Lilia's endurance in his heart. Fortunately, Lilia has a good temper. If it were him, his fleet would have already appeared in the territory of these people.

Soryu walked steadily through the passage of the starship. When approaching the last hatch, he noticed that Lilia had arrived here before him.

The hatch slowly opened, and Lilia's figure appeared in Canglong's sight. She stood there quietly, staring at a pentahedron in front of her, her eyes revealing deep shock and disbelief.

Canglong followed Lilia's gaze and saw the pentahedron. It floats quietly in the air, exuding a mysterious and powerful aura. Each face of the pentahedron shines with a different light, as if telling some unknown secret.

"What is this?" Canglong couldn't help but ask. He had never seen anything like it and couldn't imagine what purpose it could serve.

Su Mufeng also noticed Canglong's arrival. He turned around with a smile on his face. He still has a certain fondness and respect for Canglong. After all, he is also the owner of an SSS-level talent. He is powerful and has a quite generous personality.

"Hey, long time no see. I thought you didn't care about the loss of the warship." Su Mufeng said jokingly.

When Canglong heard this, he shook his head and said with a smile: "The loss doesn't matter, but I want to see what tricks you are playing."

There was a hint of curiosity and inquiry in his tone, and he was obviously very interested in Su Mufeng's next move. He knew that Su Mufeng was not a person who liked to play his cards according to common sense, so the other party's next move would probably be beyond his expectations.

Su Mufeng smiled mysteriously, and did not answer Cang Long's question directly, but said: "What kind of trick, you will know it soon."

As the hatch slowly opened, other Star Masters also arrived one after another.

They gathered in the cabin and discussed how to ask Su Mufeng for war compensation. Lilia stood aside and couldn't help rolling her eyes. She was speechless at the greed and stupidity of these star masters.

Su Mufeng stood there quietly, listening to their discussion. He did not speak, but glanced at every Star Lord present. When his eyes fell on the short and stocky Star Lord, the other party immediately came up to him.

"Are you Su Mufeng?!" the short star master said in an arrogant tone, as if he was the master of this place.

Su Mufeng nodded slightly, indicating to the other party to continue speaking. Upon seeing this, the little star master immediately puffed up his chest and said loudly: "I am the leader of the compensation request group this time! I represent all the star masters who suffered losses due to your wrong command in this war with the Zerg. I demand compensation from you!”

His words were full of threats and provocations, as if Su Mufeng would have serious consequences if he didn't compensate their losses. However, Su Mufeng just glanced at him lightly and said nothing.

Su Mufeng glanced at the several Star Lords standing behind the short man. These Star Lords did not dare to look directly into Su Mufeng's eyes, but they did not refute the short man's words.

Obviously, they have reached some kind of cooperation secretly.

In the live broadcast room, barrage surged like a tide.


[Su Mufeng is our hero, how can he be blackmailed? 】


[That is, he has made such a great contribution to mankind, how can these people have the nerve to ask for compensation? 】


[You can't say that. If it was really Su Mufeng's command error that caused the loss, then compensation should be given. 】


[But, have you ever thought that without Su Mufeng, we might still be fighting the Zerg now? Are his contributions simply ignored? 】


[Haha, that’s how you Daxia people would see it. From my point of view, this Su Mufeng just wants other people’s warships to die so that his family can dominate! 】

The atmosphere in the cabin once dropped to freezing point, and the eyes of many Star Masters were focused on Su Mufeng, waiting for his response. The barrage in the live broadcast room also temporarily quieted down, and the audience held their breath and paid attention to the upcoming confrontation.

Su Mufeng spoke slowly, his voice not loud but enough for everyone present to hear clearly: "Do you know why I started a war with the Zerg?"

This question was like a bomb that instantly exploded in the cabin. The star masters looked at each other, no one dared to say anything. Of course they knew that Su Mufeng's war with the Zerg was to protect human territory and interests, but at this moment, driven by greed and claims for compensation, they chose to remain silent.

However, there are always people who are not willing to be questioned like this. A burly Star Lord stood up. He stared and said unconvincingly: "Of course you are doing it for credit and fame!"

As soon as these words came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room became boiling again. The audience accused this star master of being ignorant and stupid for daring to slander human heroes like this.

Anna couldn't stand listening anymore. She stood up and angrily shouted: "What's the use of fame? Is it worth a warship? If Su Mufeng wasn't for the entire human race, why would he take such a big risk to go to war with the Zerg? You people, only know My own interests are not worthy of standing with Su Mufeng!"

Anna's words are sharp and speak directly to people's hearts. The burly Star Lord was speechless after being refuted, his face turned red, but he couldn't find any words to refute. The other Star Lords also lowered their heads.

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