Interstellar for All: Modify everything to create an interstellar heaven

Chapter 100 The legion is established, and the name of heaven spreads everywhere

Soon, Su Mufeng took "Moral Heavenly Lord" to the bank of Yanhu Lake where "Starry Sky Dragon Heart Blood" was stored.

Sensing the aura of "Moral Heavenly Lord", "Star Dragon Heart Blood" became restless like a fire lotus.

Across the thousands of degrees of heat, Su Mufeng could feel its majestic vitality and constant bursts of energy.

"It seems that this starry sky dragon's hard work matches you very well."

"Father God, this is the top life form in the universe."

As he spoke, the tone of the "Moral God" changed to an extremely flattering tone.

"It's just that now it only has a small amount of hard work left, and the gene chain is seriously broken."

"It will take a lot of energy and resources to resurrect its body."

"Furthermore, even if he is resurrected, he will probably only have a small part of his power during his lifetime."

When Su Mufeng's eyes froze when he heard the "Moral God" asking for energy from him again, he sighed slightly.

"The energy value is not a problem, but the body of this starry sky dragon must reach its peak in life."

"Don't you have the ability of "Ladder of Life"? The gene chain is incomplete, so upgrade it. "

After saying that, Su Mufeng threw it directly into the flaming lake without waiting for the "Moral Supreme" to react.

Soon, the temperature in the Yanhu Lake rose again.

Waves of air blew past, bringing endless vitality.

In the blink of an eye, vegetation grew on the shores of a deserted Yanhu Lake.

Looking at the center of the lake, the originally floating "Star Dragon Heart Blood" has long since disappeared.

"Father God! I am now beginning to revive the genes of "Star Dragon". "

"I will use the "Ladder of Life" to complete the incomplete parts of the gene. "

"Now I need three thousand carbon-based life cells! Fifty million energy!"

Upon hearing the prompt, Su Mufeng directly transmitted the planet's energy value to the bottom of the lake.

At the same time, countless silver-level elf warriors rushed into "Yunmengze".

Horns, severed limbs, fur, tails, fruits, roots, and other living parts of various animals and plants were thrown into the Yanhu Lake.

As these resources were absorbed one by one, the temperature suddenly dropped, and the magma in the entire Yanhu Lake began to cool rapidly.

In the center of the Yanhu Lake, a strange beast covered in green scales, with two horns on its head, and as strong as an ox, appeared in front of Su Mufeng.

At the same time, Yiye Qingping and a shepherd boy appeared on both sides of the green-scaled beast one after another, bowing to Su Mufeng.

"Father God is above, thank you Father God for your life!"

"You three are all moral gods?"

Looking at the person, dragon and ox in front of him, Su Mufeng's eyes were in a trance.

Looking at the attribute panel of "Moral God" again, there have been huge changes.

[Name]: Daodetianzun

[Talent]: Enlightened Soul (Lv4), Mutant Gene (Lv4), Super Vitality (Lv4)

[Loyalty]: 100 (locked)


Source of Life (Lv4): Produce 5 "Source of Life", each cast requires 1 day.

Ladder of Life (Lv4): Help 5 carbon-based life forms mutate, evolve, and jump to upgrade. Each use requires 1 day.

Life resuscitation (Lv4): Resurrection of the carbon base will order it to be reborn. Each cast requires an interval of 7 days.

Gene Editing (Lv4): Modify the genetic structure of the target life form, giving it extraordinary power while eliminating genetic hazards.

One Qi and Three Purities (Lv4): Possessing one soul and three bodies, each body can share the talents and skills of the original body.

[Combat Power]: Platinum level

Looking at the data panel in front of him, Su Mufeng nodded.

He actually knows how to transform three pure things into one thing?

He is becoming more and more like a moral god.

At this moment, all the skills of Moral Heavenly Lord have been upgraded to Level 4.

Almost every other day, five Sources of Life can be produced.

If these sources of life are used on the Star Lord's home planet, a new race will soon be born.

If it is used on a planet that develops the beast control system, the fighting spirit system and the magic system.

It is very likely that this will increase the upper limit of the combat power of the planet's life forms, thus increasing the strength of the star master.

At the same time, some extremely talented life forms can also break through to higher levels through the "Ladder of Life".

What is even more perverted is the magical skill "gene editing" mastered by Moral God, which can directly distribute talents to target beings.

Su Mufeng has been in the interstellar battlefield for more than a month, and so far he has never heard of any star master who has obtained a new talent.

It can be seen how difficult it is to obtain a natural ability.

However, in the hands of the "Moral God", it is as simple as drinking water.

As long as the talent genes of the target life form are analyzed, the Moral God can issue talent cards at will.

Once this ability is developed, Su Mufeng's legion will surely reach the top of the interstellar legion list.

After thinking about this, Su Mufeng smiled at the child in front of him, nodded and praised.

"You are very good."

"Let me give each of your three bodies a name."

"This two-horned bull monster is named "Chitian" and is in charge of the "source of life." Let's go to "Tushita Palace" to take care of the furnace and refine high-grade golden elixirs. "

"And this green apple is named "Tai Qing" and is in charge of "life recovery". Let's go to "Yunmengze" to take care of the creatures and study genetic science. "

"As for this little boy, give him the name "Lao Tzu" and be in charge of the "Ladder of Life" and "Gene Editing". Follow me and wait for my orders. "

"As you command!"

"As you command!"

"As you command!"

Three obedience calls were made at the same time, just like one person.

After settling the "Moral God", Su Mufeng teleported directly to sister Yan Xueer.

"You two, you have been waiting for a long time."

"It doesn't matter, we still have time."

At this moment, Yan Xue'er and Yan Bing'er had all sorts of thoughts swirling around in their hearts, turning them into a mess.

Su Mufeng climbed to the top of the monument, which certainly shocked and delighted them.

But when I think about the feud between them, I can't help but feel worried.

"Su Mufeng, do you really want to form a separate legion?"

"Actually, the senior officials of Blue Star Daxia Country value you very much."

"They are even willing to let you serve as the commander of the Azure Dragon Army."

After hearing Yan Bing'er's persuasion, Su Mufeng shook his head and smiled.

"Thank you for their concern. You'd better tell me about Xiaoyu's situation."

"She is very good. She is now being taken care of by the senior management of Daxia and has started studying."

When they heard the word "light rain", Yan Xueer and Anna's ears immediately stood up.

Both of them were very unfamiliar with the name "Amelia Su".

However, when they learned that Su Mufeng actually had a daughter, they were stunned at the same time.

"Su Mufeng, you actually have a daughter?"

"Then you should join the Cang Army."

"Otherwise, how can you be worthy of Mr. Lin and Mr. Yang? They are helping you take care of your children."

Su Mufeng was filled with admiration after learning about the deeds of Daxia's senior officials who scrimped on food and clothing and adopted orphans.

However, he still has no intention of joining the "Blue Dragon Legion".

Because he has his own interstellar heaven plan in his heart.

The implementation of this plan requires the establishment of a legion with the Interstellar Heaven as the core.

After reading this, Su Mufeng sighed and expressed gratitude.

"Thank you Mr. Yang and Mr. Lin for taking care of me."

"But I can't join the Azure Dragon Army."

"In return, I give up the bet."

"You don't need to self-destruct the main star."

"Anyway, Yan Bing'er hasn't left the novice star field yet. I'll give you your answer in a month as to whether you want to join the Heavenly Court or not."

With that said, Su Mufeng directly activated the "Build a Legion" function and actively contacted Blue Star Will.

[Establishing a legion requires 10 million energy points. Are you sure? 】

【confirm! 】

[I have received an application from Su Mufeng, Star Master of Great Xia, to form a regiment. Please name the regiment...]

【Heaven! 】

[The first-level legion "Heaven" was successfully established, please recruit legion members as soon as possible...]

After the Tianting Legion was established, Yan Xueer's complexion suddenly turned pale.

At the same time, in the entire interstellar battlefield, the top leaders of the major legions heard the news from Blue Star Will.

"Su Mufeng, the star master of the Great Xia Kingdom, applied to establish the legion "Heavenly Court". "

"From now on, within one month, it is the protection period of the legion. Attacks are prohibited."

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