Interstellar Era: Everyone is learning the skills I created

Chapter 99: Brainwave Speed ​​Increases Sharply

As time went by, Yi Chen could already ‘hear’ various sounds.

The heartbeat of the little golden ball, the sound of the air flowing slightly…

In order to avoid the same situation as before, where the brain could not handle too many and too complicated sounds.

Yi Chen did not continue, but tried to spread this perception ability to the outside.

Unfortunately, there was no progress.

It was still only about one meter.

It seemed that the maximum limit of this perception ability was only one meter at the current stage.

Yi Chen did not care, the limit range of one meter was enough for him to create new skills.

As the realm improved, it would naturally increase.

He began to use his perception ability to perceive the surrounding taste.

Then, it was the smell.

Then it was the touch and feeling.

"What's going on? What happened to Yi Chen?"

"According to convention, Yi Chen should stabilize his realm first, and then create a new realm-appropriate technique."

"But he didn't practice, and he didn't seem to try to improve the route of the Chaos Sutra in the Spiritual Law Period."

In the live broadcast room, the audience saw Yi Chen motionless, but he seemed to have done nothing, and they were immediately puzzled.

"Maybe, he is looking for inspiration to create a new technique?"

"It's possible, otherwise, there is no way to explain it."

"If that's the case, God bless him, he can find inspiration and slap those experts and scholars in the face!"

"It's difficult! Even if he is the greatest genius in the history of our human race, he is still working behind closed doors! At the very least, he should walk around and take a look, so that he may have a flash of inspiration."

Everyone's eyes began to be filled with strong expectations.

Whether those who are not optimistic about Yi Chen's ability to find inspiration to create a new technique, or those who are optimistic about Yi Chen's ability to find inspiration to create a new technique.

From their standpoint, they naturally hope that Yi Chen can create a new technique.

In the room.

Yi Chen frowned.

Eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, and mind consciousness.

He successfully simulated these six consciousnesses with his perception ability.

Through perception ability, he can see details and directions that the eyes cannot see.

Through perception ability, he can hear sounds that the ears cannot see.

Even more, simulating thinking through perception ability is just like changing the processor of the brain. Both the startup speed and the thinking speed are ridiculously fast.

But these abilities exist separately and independently.

At most, it can be regarded as a super enhanced version of the six consciousnesses.

It is completely different from the divine consciousness he expected, that is, the seventh consciousness.

The enhanced version of the six consciousnesses is far from meeting the conditions of the practice he wants to create.

The simplest one is the refining technique he wanted to create a long time ago.

The biggest constraint for him to create this practice is that he cannot analyze all the characteristics of each spiritual ore.

It is even more impossible to observe and test that when two, three, or even more spiritual ores are fused together, the collision of various characteristics will produce conflicts, enhancements, fusions, or other reactions.

He needed a stronger ability than the enhanced six senses to feel all the characteristics of the spiritual ore through its material, feel the difference between these characteristics, and judge the changes and stability of these characteristics...

Everything required several of the six senses to feedback information at the same time, or even all of the enhanced six senses to feedback information instantly.

'That's right! '

Yi Chen suddenly had a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

The divine consciousness in his mind should be the comprehensive ability of the enhanced six senses.

In this case, it is entirely possible to try to slowly integrate the enhanced six senses that exist separately.

The mind suddenly became clear.

Yi Chen began to try to use his perception ability to perceive the surrounding images and sounds at the same time.

Although the enhanced versions of the 'eye consciousness' and 'ear consciousness' have been successfully researched, it seems extremely difficult to integrate them into one.

After more than ten minutes, there was only a little progress.

Yi Chen patiently comprehended and integrated slowly...

It was not until five or six hours later that he successfully integrated the two into one.

Then, on this basis, he tried to integrate the 'nose consciousness' into it.

The difficulty seems to have become greater.

Time flies.

As a founder and pioneer, he has to explore everything by himself. There is no experience and information from predecessors to learn from, let alone someone to extract the essence for guidance.

Even with Yi Chen's terrifying talent, in order to study the divine consciousness, he still needs to explore and improve a little bit.

"What's going on? Yi Chen has been sitting for most of the day, neither practicing nor improving the exercise map of "Chaos Jue"."

"Even if he is thinking about something, or thinking about the inspiration of a new exercise, it shouldn't take so long, right?"

"Yes! If he is thinking about a new exercise, he should have finished after an hour without any clue. It's been most of the day, and judging from Yi Chen's intention, there is no sign of ending at all."

In the live broadcast room, all the viewers were confused.

"No, no, look at the data from the scanner. Yi Chen's spiritual power is consumed."

"What's going on? The little golden ball has exceeded level 20 and no longer needs to absorb Yi Chen's spiritual power."

Finally, someone found something unusual while boredly checking various scan data.

"Oh my God! Look at Yi Chen's brain wave data, sometimes, the speed is so fast that it is unimaginable!"

Someone suddenly panicked. "According to the scan data saved by the scanner, Yi Chen's brain waves propagate between neurons at a speed of more than one thousand meters per second."

"Oh my God! Some special mental patients do many incredible behaviors precisely because their brain waves are too fast, which causes their body to react fundamentally."

"But even for this kind of special mental patients, the speed of their brain waves between neurons is at most several times higher than that of normal people, reaching a few hundred per second."

"What do you mean? Don't tell me that Yi Chen has a problem with his brain because he thinks too much, and has become a mental patient whose thinking activity far exceeds the human body's reaction speed?"

"It's over, it's all over! Why did it become like this?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were all panicked.

Soon, all of humanity was panicked.

"That's not the case. It shouldn't be like this! With the improvement of realm, our human reaction speed has obviously been greatly improved."

"The nerve center and neurons have also been greatly strengthened. Not to mention that the speed of brain waves has increased by more than ten times, even if it increases by a hundred times, the nerve center and neurons can easily cope with it."

"After the body's reaction speed has been greatly improved, it stands to reason that it is only the brain waves that increase by ten times, and it can also be coordinated and consistent."

"What do you mean?"

Many people didn't understand.

"In simple terms, the speed of thinking can be explained as the speed of brain waves to a certain extent."

"Just like the spiritual power passing through the acupuncture points will produce different changes. The information in the brain waves, after being processed by countless neurons, can produce instructions similar to thinking and ideas."

"In theory, the speed of brain waves is not inferior to the speed of light. But because it needs to be processed by neurons, it is not fast, about 100 meters per second."

"Yi Chen's brain wave speed has increased to thousands of meters per second, which means that his thinking speed has increased by more than ten times."

"Logically speaking, there will be a situation where you want to raise your hand to take the candy in this second and put the candy in your mouth in the next second."

"As a result, because the body's reaction speed can't keep up with the thinking, before you get the candy, your hand reaches halfway and then puts your hand in your mouth again."

"But because the realm is improved, the body's reaction speed has also been greatly improved, and this situation will not occur."

"Since this will not happen, there will not be a series of chain reactions, resulting in the body and brain being unable to be unified."

After this explanation came out, the audience in the live broadcast room felt relieved again.

"So, Yi Chen didn't have mental abnormalities because of thinking too much?"

"That's right in theory, but the question is, why does his brain wave speed suddenly increase tenfold occasionally?"

"Could it be that this is a sequelae after breaking through to a new realm?"

"Maybe, but this sequelae, if the body's reaction speed can keep up, seems to be a good thing, right?"

"Wait! Everyone, be quiet, I have a question!"

Someone suddenly asked, "I am a mecha warrior, and most operations are based on brain waves to issue instructions."

"If the speed of brain waves propagating between neurons is accelerated ten times, doesn't it mean that the various actions of mechas can be accelerated ten times?"

"Whether it is a mecha, a fighter plane, or those instruments and equipment on a space battleship that are operated by brain waves, as long as the processing speed of the intelligent brain can keep up and the speed of the hardware equipment can keep up, it can indeed be accelerated ten times!"

The entire live broadcast room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was thinking and understanding the meaning behind this.

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