"A war is about to break out. What should we do?"

"I am on planet a89569, on the edge of the Milky Way. Should we temporarily move to another planet?"

"The upper limit of our human life span was only 120 years. We haven't fought a large-scale war for hundreds of years. The army must lack practical experience. I don't know if it will work!"

Some pessimists immediately began to panic.

However, this panic was quickly suppressed.

"What are you afraid of? We can stop the enemy with our troops and cover the water with earth. Let alone the coalition of three tribes, even if it is the coalition of eight tribes, or even if all the 21 tribes in our galaxy group unite, we can hold on."

"As long as we can hold on, as more and more geniuses in the spiritual consciousness stage appear, our strength will only get stronger and stronger!"

"That's right. As early as when Yi Chen taught the fourth time, we could have predicted the current situation."

"Everything has a dark side, with advantages and disadvantages. Yi Chen's fourth teaching of the technique has increased the strength of our human race and has the ability to continue to increase in a short period of time."

"The various tribes will definitely not let it go, and will definitely join forces to suppress it."

"Comparatively speaking, the three-tribe alliance is already much better than we expected."

After the initial panic, the people began to stabilize.

"There's nothing to panic about. The biggest shortcoming of our human race is that we don't have the powerful people who can make the final decision on a small-scale war like other races."

"Then we are attacked from many sides. The defense line of the Milky Way is too long."

"But on the other hand, we also have huge advantages that other races can't match. First of all, the Milky Way is rich in resources. All major arsenals are working at full capacity, and we can continuously manufacture various types of space battleships."

"Our human population can also provide a continuous supply of troops."

"Add to that the huge advantage of large-scale long-distance transportation of troops. If it's purely defensive, even if the defense line collapses completely, it can be extremely effective. It will only take a few dozen or a hundred years."

"What's more, what can the various races use to completely defeat our human race's defense line?"

"In the past, it was normal to be afraid. Because no matter how strong the defense line is, it will always be defeated. No matter how rich the resources and the huge population are, they will always be exhausted."

"What's there to panic now? Yi Chen's four new skills are taught, combined with the current technological level of our human race, the strength will only become stronger and stronger."

"Just a few more years of defense, the pressure will only become less and less, and we will even have the ability to fight back!"

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Just when everyone's emotions gradually stabilized.

A heavy announcement released by the military successfully shocked everyone.

The Third and Twelfth Military Regions have drawn elite fleets to reorganize an ace fleet, led by Mo Qiankun, the chief of the Fifth Military Region, who will lead the angels today.

All mankind was confused by this announcement.

"What is the military doing? We are studying how to defend the various fronts of the Milky Way, and it suddenly issued a declaration of war?"

"This is unscientific! Although the military is stronger and more radical than the parliament, it is not so brave and radical, right?"

"The military is not only obsessed with metaphysics, but also seems to be imitating Yi Chen's style?"

"With Yi Chen's personality and style, if he were the military marshal, he would probably send troops to start a war before the three tribes have formed an alliance and have not yet officially sent troops?"

"My head is buzzing, which big guy can analyze the reason?"

The vast majority of the people were confused.

No matter how they thought about it, they couldn't figure out why the military made such a major decision.

Because no matter how you look at it, slowly delaying time is the most beneficial plan for the human race.

The human race is not afraid of this possible racial war.

But the longer the time is delayed, the greater the possibility of becoming the biggest winner of this racial war.

"There is too little known data and information, so it is difficult to analyze."

"Indeed, although the military system is not as complicated as the parliament, major decisions even require a referendum. But the military is not dominated by personal will, not to mention that there is a parliament above it."

"The parliament has not interfered with the military's affairs in recent years, but such major decisions must be passed by the parliament before they can be implemented."

"With the parliament's cautious and stable style, since it has not interfered with the military's major decisions, it must know some information and data that we don't know. Maybe the military's major decision may still be driven by the parliament."

"We can only wait for more news to surface."

Even some bigwigs who understand the current situation and can usually talk freely are completely helpless at this moment.

"In fact, the military may have made this decision a long time ago. Because the announcement said that the ace fleet has been reorganized and can be sent to the angels today."

"This shows that the military may have begun to arrange the deployment and preparation of troops to attack the angels after Yi Chen taught the new skills for the fourth time."

"What is really confusing is why the commander-in-chief is Mo Qiankun."

"After all, this is the largest foreign war in the past hundred years of our human race. More than 60 years ago, Yi Tenglong's counterattack on the angels had a huge impact, but the scale was not large, and it was quickly stopped by the parliament."

"Logically speaking, for a war of this scale, and under the current situation, the commander-in-chief must be two eight-star generals."

"As a result, Mo Qiankun actually won the command. His prestige in the military is the lowest among the twelve seven-star generals, right?"

"Could it be because Mo Qiankun's strength is higher? Although Mo Qiankun's prestige is not enough, his strength is the strongest among all the military leaders. It is said that he has reached the high-level spiritual law period."

"That's really possible! Mo Qiankun's prestige is not as good as the two eight-star generals, but his strength is higher. He can send a signal that the military attaches great importance to geniuses and even promotes them out of turn, stimulating more geniuses to join the military."

"Plus, this is only the first race war, and it will definitely continue to erupt in the future. Therefore, the rest of the military leaders will The command is given to Mo Qiankun. "

"It sounds reasonable, big guys, let's analyze the deployment of troops?"

"Why do I feel that the troop transfer is also very strange? The entire ace fleet was not transferred from Mo Qiankun's Fifth Corps, but from the Third Corps and the Twelfth Corps."

"Doing so will cause a gap in command and require time to adjust."

"Besides, it is reasonable to transfer from the Third Corps. The Twelfth Corps may face an attack from the Frost Clan. I don't understand why a large number of troops are being withdrawn."

"I don't understand. Wait! There will definitely be more important news."

Although there are many incomprehensible points in the military announcement, the mood of the entire federal human race is still stable.

In the final analysis, it was Yi Chen's fourth new technique teaching that gave the human race enough confidence and trial and error costs.

Even if the high-level decision is wrong, there is enough capital to reverse the situation.

A few years ago, the three tribes formed an alliance and pointed their swords at the Milky Way.

The military even dared to send troops first and made a series of puzzling decisions, and the military headquarters was overturned by the angry and frightened people.

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