"Go!" The knights who had just arrived, after hearing Qin Hao's order, almost subconsciously chose to obey.

If it was normal, it would be impossible for such a strange young boy like Qin Hao to give orders to these top-notch knights.

But it’s different now. Haru just died in front of the formation, and there are endless swarms of bugs chasing behind him. These knights are backing up, and they are a little panicked. After all, the bug that is good at assassination is still lurking in the dark. Who knows Is its next target itself?

In this panic atmosphere, everyone, including the first-level knight, was a little confused. At this time, Qin Hao's loud order seemed to give them the backbone, and these people almost subconsciously chose to obey.

"You also retreat in batches!" Qin Hao shouted at Korkin and his men.

"Okay!" Kelkin nodded. Although his side withstood the impact of a large group of insects, fortunately they were all ordinary giant beetles. Trouble, although these bugs can't be killed, it is not difficult for them to get out of the battle.

Two minutes later, everyone including Korkin's people withdrew into the valley, while the swarms were hesitating outside the valley, as if they didn't dare to approach here.

"Hey? Why don't those bugs chase after them?" A second-level knight of the Saint-Malo Knights asked curiously.

"No time to talk nonsense, follow me!" Qin Hao came to the head of the team at once, and then rushed forward.

"Korkin, what's the situation?" At this moment, the first-level knight approached Korkin.

"Soros, I don't have time to explain to you now, listen to him first!" Kerkin nodded at the first-level knight.

"Okay!" Although the first-class knight named Soros didn't know Qin Hao, he still trusted Kelkin. Although everyone was at the same level, Kelkin had a higher status in the knight order than him. out a lot.

Then nearly forty knights ran wildly behind Qin Hao. They quickly crossed the valley and entered a large virgin forest.

"Okay, let's take a break, you have 20 minutes to rest!" Qin Hao stopped after leading the team for more than 30 miles.


"Hoo hoo..."

Although they are all masters,

But these knights were also sneaked by Qin Hao. They had been chased by the insects for a long time, and now they followed Qin Hao all the way. Although they were supported by the power of the holy light in their bodies, they were all exhausted. .

"Korkin, who is he? Why do you all listen to him?" Soros took the time to ask at this time.

"His name is Qin Hao, a rescue expert on the Alpha Star battlefield. He has many successful rescue cases on the Alpha Star. At the same time, this guy is also a member of the Qigong Association." Kerkin said, although a second-level knight under him can He said that he died because of Qin Hao, but now he had to rely on Qin Hao to lead them out of this dangerous place, so he didn't dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction with Qin Hao between the lines.

"People from the Qigong Association? Are they reliable?" Soros frowned.

"Do we have any other options now?" Corkin asked rhetorically.

"Okay!" Soros nodded.

"The person who told you is not allowed to contradict him at all!" Korkin said to Soros.

"Why?" Soros asked.

"Because we all want to leave alive, and only he can do this, otherwise we will be chased and killed by the swarm just like before, until we are exhausted and buried in the belly of the insects!" Korkin said with a serious face.

"Okay..." Soros nodded.

"You must expressly prohibit your subordinates from conflicting with him. This guy is different from the general members of the Qigong Association. Although he claims to be a disciple of the Tianshan School, he is more like a guy from the lower five sects. His personality is stronger than that of those dark creatures. Be irritable, one of my subordinates was seriously injured by him just because he contradicted him!" Korkin warned.

"Okay, I got it!" Soros nodded. He is not a fool. Of course he understands the current situation. If they want to get out of trouble, they have to rely on Qin Hao, so they can't turn against him at all. In this way, if If the subordinates were injured because they contradicted him, they could only consider themselves unlucky, so the hero would not suffer immediate losses, and there was nothing wrong with exhorting those second-level knights.

Then Soros summoned his men, and then strictly ordered them not to contradict Qin Hao, and even if they were dissatisfied, they could not show it. These knights of the Saint-Malo Knights have strict discipline. Although they don't know why the leader issued such an order An order, but an order is an order, and they will obey it.

Twenty minutes passed in a flash, Qin Hao stood up, and said to these people: "Okay, the next road will be more difficult, and there will be certain risks. I can't guarantee that you will all be able to pass through alive. This road of death, but most people should be able to survive, as for who can live and who will die, it depends on your own ability and good luck!"

"So dangerous?" Korkin frowned.

"Alpha Star is much more dangerous than you imagined!" Qin Hao sneered, and then rushed forward.

"Keep up! Keep up! Everyone be careful!" Kerkin took a deep breath, and then ordered all his men to run forward behind Qin Hao.

"Let's keep up, everyone stay vigilant!" Soros also ordered his people to follow.


"Second, let's do it." At this time, about ten miles away from Qin Hao and the others, Prince Phoebe turned around and said to Prince Lacrue.

"Okay! I'll just..." Prince LaCrue stopped suddenly before he finished speaking, and then he said to Prince Phoebe: "Brother, Graton is here."

"You act according to the plan, and Graton will leave it to me to deal with it." Prince Phoebe nodded, and then said to Kazka beside him: "You go to cooperate with La Crue. When I am away, follow his orders."

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Kazka nodded, and then said to Prince Lacrue: "After Kazka has heard your order, His Royal Highness Prince Lacrule."

"Well, let's proceed as planned!" Prince Lacru nodded, and then started to act.

On the other hand, Prince Phoebe dodged directly and appeared in mid-air ten miles away. At this time, a silver-horn-level flying insect was galloping towards him, and Prince Graton stood behind it.

"Old man, where are you going?" Prince Phoebe blocked Prince Graton's way. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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