Seeing that the soldiers of the 106th Division were all fighting bravely on the front line, Qin Hao did not immediately join the battlefield. At this time, he still needed to rest and build up his strength to cope with various emergencies that might arise.

Although giant beetles were constantly rushing up outside the position, because the 106th Division had already made adequate preparations, the firepower network of the three layers of defense was interspersed with cover, so that these rushing bugs were all caught before they approached the outer edge of the position. wiped out.

"Hey...I'm afraid the southern front line is not optimistic..." Qin Hao looked towards the south, where the fire was already burning into the sky. Judging from the sound of guns, the outermost perimeter of the southern line of defense had been broken through. Now The 109th Division has retreated to the second line of defense.

"I don't know if this battle of the Federation will be successful..." Qin Hao frowned, but this kind of strategic matter is not his turn to consider. Now he only needs to guard the eastern line of defense with the 106th Division. .

"Boom!" At this moment, a huge explosion sounded from the direction of the 109th Division!

"What's the matter?" James also rushed out from behind the division's bunker.

"Master...Look over there..." At this time, Qin Hao was too shocked to speak.

James looked in the direction of Qin Hao's finger and saw a huge mushroom cloud rising from the defense area of ​​the 106th Division.

"Did the fleet throw tactical nuclear bombs?" James frowned. At this time, the 109th Division was still fighting the enemy bravely. How could the fleet throw such destructive weapons on them?

"It wasn't the fleet..." Qin Hao said with wide eyes.

"Who did that?" James asked subconsciously.

"Master... Look there..." Qin Hao said, pointing to a position in the south.

"There? Nothing?" James was stunned, and then he shouted loudly: "Telescope!"

Soon, the adjutant handed over a telescope, and James grabbed it and looked in that direction.

"It's impossible..." Through the telescope, James saw an incomparably huge plasma worm. In the previous battle, humans have seen ordinary plasma worms, which are more than five meters tall and move very slowly. But the high-voltage plasma they launch is extremely powerful, and even the landing ship can't stand the fire of this kind of bug.

But now, the plasma worm that James saw was nearly 30 meters tall. It was like a mountain of meat. Its huge body was difficult to hide even in the jungle, but it matched its size. The power of the emitted plasma!

"Is the 109th division over?" James couldn't even believe his eyes.

"Yeah..." Qin Hao was also evaluating at this time, what would happen if he encountered this kind of super plasma worm?

Although he has not tried it himself, Qin Hao is almost certain that unless he is possessed by the goddess of luck, the chance of escaping the explosion range after the super plasma worm attacks is very small.

"Om..." At this moment, the faint roar of the engine came from the horizon.

"Carrier-based aircraft is here!" Qin Hao, James and the others were overjoyed. A plate of plasma worms moved slowly, not to mention such a big guy. Although its attack is terrifying, once its location is exposed, it will almost It's a living target.

Sure enough, the bomber squadron had a very clear target, and it was aimed at the super plasma worm.

"Uuuuu..." The aerial bombs went straight to the super plasma worm with the sound of breaking the air.

"Boom boom boom..." For a time, the location of the super plasma worm was blazing into the sky, and the violent explosion sounded far away, even the 106th Division was deafening.

"This guy can't die..." Qin Hao was a little worried. He had seen the defense of the silver-horned giant beetle before, and that guy's defense was terrifyingly strong!

"Long live!" At this moment,

Qin Hao vaguely heard cheers coming from afar, and he fixed his eyes on it. At this time, the smoke of the aviation bomb had dissipated, and the super plasma worm had disappeared, but after the explosion of the jungle, it could be seen everywhere. To its stump and broken arm, and the plasma residue that still sparkles.

"Fortunately, this guy's defense is not strong, otherwise he would be invincible..." Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the super plasma worm was eliminated, the 109th Division was almost completely wiped out, and there were not even one tenth of the remaining remnants. It was impossible to hold the southern line of defense.

"Boom boom boom..." The bomber squadron is still bombing in a carpet-like manner, but they were originally going to support them in multiple directions. Now they can only pour the bombs in the south, because the defenders there have been destroyed. If the swarm over there is not cleaned up, then the zerg will directly attack the central landing point of humans!

"It seems to have stabilized..." James nodded slightly. Although the 109th Division was annihilated, the carrier aircraft arrived in time. They cleaned up the swarm in the south and bought time for the follow-up troops to make up defenses.

"Master! There are too many swarms, we can't stand it anymore!" At this time, the second brigade of the 106th Division guarding the first line of defense sent a message for help.

At this time, the swarm in the east no longer attacked slowly. They strengthened their offensive and a large number of giant beetles rushed towards the human position. Although there are three firepower nets on the human side, they are facing a large number, and the defense is amazing. The giant beetle, they are also a bit too much.

"Gauss gun! Focus shot!" James yelled.

"Boom boom boom..." The Gauss defense artillery on the position fired one after another. These heavy weapons slightly suppressed the Zerg's offensive, but they were still not enough to repel the Zerg.

"Bang!" At this moment, Qin Hao felt a sudden shock on the ground, and the alloy floor not far away was lifted up.

"Damn it! The Nydus Worm is here again!" Qin Hao shouted loudly.

"Remove the nearby defense facilities and block it!" James immediately ordered. The power of the Nydus Worm is so great that the alloy floor can't stop it at all, so it will be a matter of time to break through.

Soon, the position attacked by the Nydus worm was cleared, and James also let two battalions defend here. The soldiers of these two battalions were carefully selected by James, and all of them were over 1.9 meters. , and also a giant man with a big waist and a round waist. They are armed with individual energy cannons, which are specially designed to deal with Nydus worms.

Because the human warriors had already been equipped with new helmets at this time, and were no longer afraid of the sonic attack of the Nydus Worm, it was no longer possible for a Nydus Worm to force back a fully-staffed Marine Division.

"Qin Hao, I'll see you later!" James turned to Qin Hao and said, although the individual energy cannon can effectively kill the Nydus Worm, those ordinary human soldiers can't stop the Nydus Worm attack. Qin Hao was the only one fighting the Nydus Worm.

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