Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Three hundred and fiftieth IX dress up to attend

"Hehe, I've heard Miss Nicole's name for a long time, it's really not easy to meet each other!" Barack turned around, and this was a thin man who looked only in his fifties. His complexion was slightly dark, but his eyes But he shone with wisdom, but those who knew his details knew that this old guy was at least in his seventies. !

"Uncle Barack, what you said, although we didn't have much contact with each other before, didn't I rush over to see you as soon as you spoke?" Nicole also greeted with a smile.

In addition to being the actual controller of the Hussein family when something happened to Barack, he also has a special identity - a member of Team Storm.

So Nicole was able to show no pretense to the disciples of those aristocratic families, and was able to bargain with the powerful people of the wealthy and noble families, but when facing Barack, she had to give the old guy some face.

"The little girl has such a sweet mouth! Come! Sit! Sit!" Barack laughed loudly.

"Yeah." Nicole smiled slightly, and then sat next to Barack.

"Girl, I heard that there was some misunderstanding between our brat and your little boyfriend?" Barack asked with a smile, and this old guy has a thick skin, even though he met Nicole for the first time. , and is not familiar with General Cohen, but with this mouth, it seems that the two families are family friends.

"It seems that there is such a thing, but I don't know the details." Although Nicole doesn't usually hang out in the aristocratic circle, she is not stupid after being exposed to it all the year round.

In the previous transaction with the Klein family, in addition to promising Qin Hao a fleet, Azlan also promised to untie the beams between Qin Hao and the Hussein family. As for the political price he needs to pay, Nicole does not know. Concerned, she only knew that it was over.

The Klein family is not an unknown person, and the Hussein family cannot deny their family's face, so now that Barack still wants to use this matter as a bargaining chip, Nicole will not take it.

"Hahaha..." Seeing Nicole's attitude, Barack knew that his little trick was seen through. He laughed a few times without feeling embarrassed at all, and then continued to say to Nicole: "If you don't know Forget it, it’s just kids fighting anyway, it’s over.”

As soon as Barack waved his hand, this matter was turned over. If Nicole took the blame just now, then he would definitely use this as a condition in exchange for some benefits, but if Nicole didn't take it, Barack would not hold back. Let it go, after all, the matter itself is over. Although he dotes on his grandson, it is impossible to offend both the President's faction and the Klein family all at once because of the fight between the children.

"Uncle Barack, what do you want me to do?" Nicole asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I heard that your little boyfriend picked up a good thing not long ago?" Barack asked.

"It's true, but the energy crystal has already been bought by Uncle Azlan." Nicole didn't hide it either, she couldn't hide such a big thing.

"Haha, it seems that I came a step too late!" Barack smiled. Although he said so, since their family's business has nothing to do with arms, they are naturally not so enthusiastic about this energy crystal.

"If you are interested, Uncle Barack, I will think of you first when I have a chance in the future." Nicole said with a smile.

"That's great!" Barack laughed.

At this time the waiter came with the menu.

"Girl, you're welcome, order whatever you want!" Barack handed the menu to Nicole.

"Uncle Barack, you're welcome!" Nicole smiled slightly. She had been here before, so she was not at all afraid of ordering food.

Soon, Nicole ordered seven or eight dishes. Anyway, it was Barack's treat. Nicole was not polite at all, and she had the aura of killing big customers.

Barack on the side watched Nicole keep ordering, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little. Although Barack is the actual head of the Hussein family, this old man has been used to simplicity all his life. He was really distressed when he went to the eight-figure figure!


Uncle Barack, would you like to add something? "Nicole changed the menu to Barack, and she beat Barack hard, and she also wanted to vent her anger for Qin Hao.

"Okay, okay, I'm getting old, I can't eat much, just pick what you like." Although Barack had a smile on his face, he cursed secretly in his heart: "Little girl, are you serious?" Ruthless, this meal is to avenge your little boyfriend, right?"

"Then do as follows." Nicole smiled slightly, and then returned the menu to the waiter.

After the waiter here retreated, Barack chatted with Nicole again. This time, Barack asked Nicole for dinner, mainly to see what kind of person Nicole was, and then to say hello to her. If it wasn't for the conflict between Sinise and Qin Hao before, he wouldn't have come forward in person.

Although the Hussein family doesn't have much involvement in the military industry, if possible, who wouldn't want to get a share of this big cake?

After chatting for about half an hour, the waiter brought all the dishes, and Nicole ate and chatted with Barack elegantly, but an old man and a little girl, they had too few topics to talk about, and Barack felt a little regretful None of Nicole's peers came over.

Barack did have this idea at the beginning, but there was really no suitable candidate in the family. Although the Hussein family has a large population, almost all of them are boys. There is a girl who is the same age as Nicole, and they are not on Earth yet. If he brought a boy here, then in case Qin Hao felt unhappy, the gain would not be worth the loss, so in the end Barack would come alone.

But the age difference between the old and the young is too great, and Barack has a special status, and Nicole seems a little reserved, so there is nothing to talk about. In the end, Barack can only leave a sentence to let Nicole and Qin Hao have a chance If you go to the Hussein family to play, then the meal is over in a hurry.

Here, Nicole just came out of listening to Yue Zhai, and the assistant around her started urging her again.

"Miss Nicole, it's getting late now, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, we have to go back and change our clothes, and then go to the party at the Caldecott Hotel!" the assistant said to Nicole.

"Well! Yes! Let's go quickly, I still have the task that Qin Hao entrusted to me!" Nicole nodded, and hurried back to her home with her assistant.

Because of the constant socializing recently, Nicole didn't go back to the academy at all, and she only stayed at Cohen's home in Capital Star.

After returning home, Nicole changed into a costume with the help of her assistant. Evenings are gatherings for young people, especially the group of noble ladies who used to have trouble with Nicole, so Nicole must not lose the battle .

The most important thing is that Nicole Wan has a purpose, so of course she has to wear something eye-catching.

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