"Interstellar Almighty Evolution ()"

It took less than a minute for Qin Hao's consciousness to return to the eyes of the formation. Suddenly there was a loud noise from the sky and the earth, and Qin Hao felt that the magic circle he was in was running, and a wave so huge that it was shocking The suffocated soul power suddenly projected into the distance.

Although this force erupted right beside Qin Hao, because he was in the eye of the formation, he himself was not affected in any way because of the protection of the formation.

"Has it started?" Qin Hao thought to himself, and at the same time, he immediately switched the vision of a bug that was taken away by Lu Ya through the ability of the Zerg Master.

Qin Hao can see everything on the battlefield through the vision of this bug, but the bug swarm is still far away from the main battlefield at this time. The swarm was wiped out, and it was meaningless for the "Mo" organization to manage Qin Hao's request for the swarm.

At this time, in the middle of the Sauron Desert, a huge magic circle is also operating. This magic circle obviously echoes the magic circle guarded by Qin Hao. The effect of this pair of magic circles is just as Qin Hao expected before. That way, it is used to restrict Tai Yi from launching soul attacks.

Because the distance is too far away, Qin Hao can't see the situation on the battlefield at all, but he can feel two extremely powerful auras in the middle of the Sauron Desert. These two auras belong to the Taiyi and "Mo" organizations respectively. The mysterious leader.

However, the strength of these two auras also exceeded Qin Hao's imagination. He originally thought that he had already overestimated the strength of these two people, but now it seems that Qin Hao is still too naive. The strength of these two people has completely exceeded his range of understanding.

Originally, Qin Hao thought that he would be instantly killed in front of Tai Yi, but judging from the strength of these two auras, he was actually not worthy to be a match for these two people at all, and he couldn't even bear the aftermath of their battle.

"Huh... Fortunately, I don't need to go to the battlefield..." Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief.


"It's just in time for you to come back." At this time, in the middle of the Sauron Desert, the leader of the "Mo" organization stood face to face with Tai, and there was no one within hundreds of kilometers around.

"Why do you have to do this?" Tai Yi sighed, obviously this mysterious leader is no stranger to Tai Yi.

"Hehe, don't you understand me until now? It seems that you are not as good as your disciple!" The mysterious leader said with a sneer.

"Disciple? Which disciple?" Tai Yi was taken aback by the mysterious leader's words.

"You have taken in a good apprentice in your life, and you still don't know who he is?" The mysterious leader looked down on Tai Yi even more.

"..." Tai Yi was still puzzled, obviously he hadn't figured out who the good apprentice the mysterious leader was talking about.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't know who he is, let's break it off today!" Although the mysterious leader saw the doubts in Tai Yi's heart, he was not interested in solving his doubts.

"Do you think you can defeat me?" Taiyi sneered, although the mysterious leader is equally powerful, there is still a certain gap with him, especially in the soul domain, Taiyi is an invincible strong man, while the mysterious leader can only be stronger than ordinary people In fact, he and Taiyi are not on the same level at all, as long as Taiyi makes a move, he will be easily killed in seconds.

"Your confidence comes from your soul power, right? Try it now, if you can kill me, then everything will be over." The mysterious leader sneered.

"You are courting death!" Tai Yi was also enraged by the mysterious leader, and he was about to launch a soul attack on the mysterious leader immediately!

"Where's your finger of death? Show me your unique skills!" the mysterious leader said indifferently.

"Okay! Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!" Taiyi also became angry. Although he has the power of soul that can kill everything in seconds, because of his plain nature and dislikes killing, not many people died in Taiyi's hands. .

Just like this mysterious leader, Tai Yi is not ignorant of his existence, nor is he ignorant of what he has been plotting,

But he never killed the mysterious leader and his subordinates.

But today the mysterious leader provoked Taiyi several times, which made Taiyi completely angry. Under the repeated provocation of the mysterious leader, Taiyi slowly raised his right hand, and then pointed at the mysterious leader.

Regarding the finger of death that Taiyi was about to launch, the mysterious leader did not dodge or evade. This was not because the mysterious leader could ignore the attack of this move. In fact, if this move was successfully launched, he would not be able to block it at all, but because The characteristic of soul attack, even if you dodge it, it is meaningless.

Although the soul attack cannot be dodged, and this move is enough to kill the mysterious leader, his face is extremely indifferent, because the mysterious leader is full of confidence in the big formation he built.

"Huh?!" Sure enough, a puzzled look appeared on Tai Yi's face. He did activate the finger of death just now, but although he pointed it out, it had no effect at all.

"You..." Tai Yi pointed several times in a row, but there was still no response.

"Give up, I haven't done anything for so many years, just to crack your biggest reliance, now your soul power has been imprisoned, you and I are already on the same level!" The mysterious leader said to Tai Yi.

"Hmph! Do you think I only have the power of the soul? What makes you confident that you can defeat me who has lost the power of the soul?" Taiyi sneered. He is also the strongest person in the world, even the mysterious leader is weaker than him, but now he can't kill the mysterious leader at any time like before.

"Now I really can't beat you, I admit it!" The mysterious leader smiled, and then he said to Tai Yi: "Don't you feel any difference around you?"

"Ah?" Tai Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he began to perceive everything around him.

Under Taiyi's powerful perception, he really discovered the abnormalities around him. First of all, the Sauron Desert is blocked by the power of space, and the space where this desert is located is also strengthened without limit. Even if Taiyi fights with all his strength here , and cannot destroy the space.

"It seems that you have set up the battlefield a long time ago..." Tai nodded a little, he knew about the change of master of the power of space, but just as Hong said, Tai Yi, who doesn't like killing, didn't kill Xiang Liu, Now that Xiang Liu joined the side of the mysterious leader, he was not surprised.

"Other than that?" the mysterious leader continued to ask.

"All the elemental power in this space has been evacuated..." Tai Yi finally began to frown this time, all the power in the Sauron Desert was evacuated, which means that it is impossible to replenish its own power in this space. As the battle continues, people will become weaker and weaker.

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