After several raids in a row failed to achieve any results, and instead lost soldiers and generals, several generals were also devastated at this time.

At this time, they finally realized the pain of the old chief. Now the eyes of the people are fixed on them. If they don't make any achievements, then the people will abandon them like the old chief.

In order to keep their status and their own lives, these generals urgently need a victory to win back the confidence of the common people for themselves.

However, several consecutive failures undoubtedly proved to them how tightly the bug swarm protected those stink bugs. Unless they assembled a large army to attack forcefully, it was impossible for them to break through the blockade of the bug swarm.

But gathering an army is too risky for the desert lizard family. After all, after the army is assembled, they will lose the opportunity to sneak attack. In the group decisive battle, these generals also do not have any confidence, and if they fail, the loss is simply unbearable for the Lizard Clan.

Under such circumstances, several generals were forced into a state of desperation. They were all sweating profusely, but they couldn't think of any way to do it.

And at this time, the scouts in charge of reconnaissance brought back a shockingly bad news. The swarm seemed to have more stink bugs to be put into battle. They mobilized a large number of stink bugs near the edge of the desert. The swarm returned to the outskirts of the desert.

Obviously, this is because the swarm wants to welcome new stinkbugs to join the battle, and more stinkbugs entering the desert represent a larger area covered by poisonous gas. At that time, the living space of the desert lizards will be further compressed. The resentment will also increase further, and the life of these generals will be even more difficult by then!

So these generals got together immediately, and they wanted to discuss a plan to deal with it.

"Didn't the old guy say that the swarm couldn't last long? Why are they increasing their troops again?" A general said with a frown.

"The old guy is not a prophet, and he doesn't have the ability to pinch and count. How could he know the enemy's details?" Another general said angrily.

"The old guy is really deceiving people!"

"Now there is no need to argue about the old guy's right or wrong. The most urgent thing is what should we do now?"

"You must not let new stink bugs enter the desert, otherwise, as long as someone instigates them, the old guy will be a lesson for us!"

"Yeah, we need a win,

If you can get rid of a stink bug or two, even better! "


The generals talked a lot, but they all agreed on one thing, that is, the new stinkbugs must not be allowed to enter the desert again. How they killed the old chief will be how someone will kill them.

"Actually... I think this may also be an opportunity for us!" While the other generals were arguing endlessly, an older general said slowly.

"What do you mean, Ralvin?" asked the other general.

"Look!" Lalvin said as he spread out a map, which marked the locations of all the swarm troops in the desert, as well as the location of the swarm's base camp on the outskirts of the desert.

"These are the troops that the swarm entered the desert..." While talking, Larvin drew a circle around these troops, and then continued: "These are the areas affected by the poisonous gas."

"You see, although they divide their forces, they are not far from each other. As long as one army is attacked, at least three nearby troops can provide reinforcements in a short time, and other troops can also catch up within one to two days. to the battlefield, so it is unrealistic for us to want to annihilate these troops." Larvin said.

"So?" The other generals asked, what Larvin said was not a secret to them, and they could all analyze it.

"But look here!" Lalvin said, pointing to the edge of the desert, which was the direction to the Zerg base camp.

"According to my scout report, this is a vacuum area for the swarm of troops. According to previous intelligence, the reason why the swarm left an open space here is to temporarily station troops here. Those troops that are about to enter the battlefield will be here Here is a brief assembly and rest." Larvin said this with an emphasis on his tone, and then continued: "Especially those stinkbugs that can release poisonous gas, they have a period of weakness when they are just hatched, at that time their body surface The carapace of stinkbugs is relatively soft, which is the stage where they are most likely to be killed, so when stinkbugs are hatched, they will not be directly thrown into the battlefield, but will be repaired in this open space for a period of time until the carapace becomes hard. It will enter the desert." Larvin said, pointing to the blank area.

"You mean that the newly hatched stinkbugs of the swarm will stay here temporarily, and we will take this opportunity to directly attack here and destroy the newly hatched stinkbugs?" Several other generals understood.

"Yes, according to the report sent back by my scouts, although the swarm has brought a lot of troops this time, they still seem a bit stretched after multiple divisions, and during this period of time, the swarm is trying to expand the coverage of the poisonous gas. , so most of the Zerg troops have gone deep into the desert, which led to only these two Zerg troops near the edge of the desert, and the troops they can divide to protect the new stink bugs are actually very limited." Larvin said.

"Then why don't we attack those two Zerg troops directly? Are they closer to us?" asked a general.

"Although we can directly attack these two troops, and they are indeed weakened by the division of troops, there are still several Zerg troops around them. Once these troops return in time, we will face at least five Zerg troops at the same time. We may not be able to deal with the Zerg troops by then." Lalvin glanced at the generals around him, and then continued: "But attacking here is different, only the two closest to here have been separated. The Zerg troops that have been sent to the army, even if they come back to help, we only need to face two complete Zerg troops, and the pressure is relatively much less.”

"That's right, and the most important point is that the intensity of stinkbugs in different periods is completely different. Before that, my troops once successfully broke into the interior of a Zerg army and attacked a stinkbug, but its The defense is beyond imagination, and my troops can hardly penetrate it. If the shell of the newly hatched stinkbug is soft, then our chances of successfully killing the stinkbug will be much higher!" said a young general in the corner.

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