"Four to five hundred? That's impossible!" Number Two said from the side.

"It's true, the resources needed to hatch four or five hundred stink bugs are simply too much, and we simply can't afford it!" This time, No. 1 and No. 2 also maintained the same point of view.

"Well, this matter is really ill-considered!" Qin Hao also nodded. Stink bugs are not ground troops like stag beetles, but space zergs. The resources needed to hatch such giant zergs are very exaggerated, and this This kind of giant Zerg also needs to consume a lot of resources every day to maintain life.

At this time, the world Qin Hao and the others live in is different from any other planet in the universe. Even the smallest livable planet in the universe has a very vast land and a large number of biological resources, which can make the swarms Hatch and maintain this large unit.

But the center of the universe is actually just a small area. Qin Hao can even go around here in two or three days on his Gelug, which shows that the area of ​​this place is actually very small.

The small size of the territory naturally limits the amount of resources in this place, so it is simply an impossible task to hatch four or five hundred giant stink bugs here!

"Master, I just said that we need four to five hundred stinkbugs to spread the poisonous gas throughout the desert, but in fact we don't need so many stinkbugs." Sanqisi seemed to become more confident as he talked. And the direct opposition of number two, but still have the courage to continue to express their opinions.

"Oh? Tell me!" Qin Hao became interested as soon as he heard it. After all, compared with the first two options, using the poisonous gas of stink bugs to force out the desert lizard is the most likely option.

"In fact, we only need to hatch a dozen stink bugs and let them go into battle. The desert lizards don't know that we only have so many stink bugs. When we launch a full-scale poison gas war, the intelligent desert lizards can't be like beasts. They will assess the harm of the poisonous gas to them, once they find that we are constantly approaching, and more and more stink bugs are invested, they will definitely take the initiative to attack." Sanqisi said.

"You can try it." Qin Hao nodded. Although the resources in this world are relatively scarce, if only a dozen stinkbugs are hatched, it can still be supported.

And for Qin Hao, although he can't afford the resources needed for hundreds of stinkbugs, even if a dozen stinkbugs hatch and don't force the desert lizards out, he can still recycle them, so this loss is not very big .

"What do you two think?" Qin Hao looked at No. 1 and No. 2.

"But according to the master's arrangement!" No. 1 and No. 2 looked at each other, and then said to Qin Hao,

Obviously they also support this plan.

Although No. 1 and No. 2 are competing for favor and rights in the swarm, they are still loyal to Qin Hao and the swarm after all, so when it is in the interests of the swarm, their views are also consistent.

"Well, just do as Sanqisi said, and Sanqisi will be responsible for the strategic deployment this time!" Qin Hao nodded, and he was also willing to encourage the princes under him to use their brains more, instead of a simple super soldiers.

"Yes! Master!" Sanqisi was ecstatic. Originally, under the pressure of the two powerful peak princes No. 1 and No. 2, the other princes had no right to speak even if their strength improved, let alone No. 3. A low-ranking prince like July 4th.

So when Sanqisi was appreciated by Qin Hao and gained the command of this battle, he was not to mention how happy he was. After all, if he performed well this time, he would definitely get Qin Hao's attention, and the swarm Because of this, his resources will also be tilted towards him, and Sanqisi will be able to be promoted to a high-ranking prince or even a top-ranking prince in a logical manner.

Under such circumstances, it is conceivable that Sanqisi attaches great importance to this operation, and this is likely to be a key node for him to become a success.

"It's enough for the two of you to cooperate with 374." Qin Hao turned to look at No. 1 and No. 2 again.

"Yes! Master!" Number 1 and Number 2 saluted Qin Hao at the same time.

If this is a troop of other civilizations, then it is very likely that No. 1 and No. 2 will secretly trip Sanqisi. After all, two important ministers assist a small official, which is unimaginable in other civilizations Things, even if the two important officials want to maintain their own pride, they will not do their best to cooperate.

But the swarm is different. Everything in the swarm is based on the interests of the race. Even though No. 1 and No. 2 are the most trusted ministers around Qin Hao, Qin Hao has accepted his fate as the general manager of this battle. Commander, they will also cooperate with all their strength. As the least selfish race in the universe, the Zerg pay more attention to the interests of the ethnic group than any civilization.


After Qin Hao arranged everything, the swarm quickly began to operate, and a large number of worker bees were dispatched out. They frantically collected all the resources needed for the hive, and the fighting zerg also assisted. Enemies that worker bees collect resources from will be attacked.

After the insect nest has obtained enough resources, it immediately retrieves the gene sequences of stink bugs from the gene bank, and then sends these gene sequences into the hatching chamber, followed by a large amount of organic matter matrix being sent into the hatching chamber, Then start to arrange and combine according to the gene sequence of stink bugs.

The dark green viscous liquid in the hatching chamber began to squirm, and more and more flesh and blood tissues appeared in the dark green liquid. These flesh and blood tissues began to slowly assemble, gradually forming the outline of a giant Zerg...

It takes a very long time to hatch a super-giant Zerg like Toon, but because the Zerg did not attack the Desert Lizard at this time, although they were stationed on the outskirts of the desert, they did not attract much attention from the Desert Lizard. .

After all, for so many years, there have been too many people who have taken the idea of ​​the desert lizards, but the desert is the biggest defense barrier of the lizards, and no one can defeat the lizards in the desert.

So there are more people stationing troops outside the desert, but the desert lizards are not at ease. Today, the views of the Zerg and the desert lizards are the same, so even if the Zergs are already outside, the desert lizards still have no opportunity to take advantage of it. The Zerg took the initiative to attack when their foothold was not stable.

In the absence of any harassment, the development of the Zerg was very smooth. A week later, the first batch of four stinkbugs successfully hatched. They only need to be fed for two more days to make their shells harden, and they can be formally invested. It's fighting.

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