In fact, the means Xiangliu left in Zerg Swarm, J, and Lucia’s body were to suddenly take over the control of these people at a certain moment, but he obviously did not expect that the Zerg Swarm would be so obedient to Qin Hao, even The bugs had the idea of ​​resisting Qin Hao, and their bodies would give priority to obeying the master's control.

It is precisely because of this characteristic of the Zerg race that when Qin Hao experimented on those bugs, the bugs did not resist at all. After all, the method Xiangliu left behind was only to temporarily deceive the bugs' own thoughts, and then control them. Their bodies act.

But the swarm is not only loyal to Qin Hao ideologically, but also strictly controlled by the master physically, so it doesn't make any sense to just blind their thoughts.

But Yan is different. Although he has taken refuge in Qin Hao, he is only loyal to the former Qilin. The relationship between Yan and Qin Hao is more like a cooperative relationship, and he cannot mention allegiance. After his thoughts are deceived, he naturally Will frantically resist Qin Hao.

However, Qin Hao at this time is a master beyond Qilin's level. Under his suppression, even J, who is invincible within the second level, has no power to resist, so under Qin Hao's suppression, J finally obediently After undergoing the operation, the power that belonged to Xiang Liu was removed from his body.

After Xiang Liu's power disappeared, Ji soon came to his senses, but he no longer remembered what happened before.

"How do you feel?" Qin Hao asked.

"It's kind of weird..." Yan frowned and said, he remembered Qin Hao calling him here, but after Xiang Liu's power felt dangerous, he didn't remember anything after his body was taken over by that power up.

"Someone left something small in your body, and I will help you get rid of it." Qin Hao explained with a smile.

"Impossible?" Yan frowned. He still believed in Qin Hao, so he didn't fall out with Qin Hao just now. Although he didn't know what happened just now, Yan was not a fool. He could guess what Qin Hao must have done to him, but he chose to believe Qin Hao.

But for the fact that someone tampered with him, Ji couldn't accept it for a while. After all, it was too unbelievable for him. After all, during the time Qin Hao left, he didn't encounter anything at all. Master, how could someone tamper with it?

From J's point of view, even a mighty Qilin can't quietly appear by J's side, and manipulate him without his knowledge, and in J's heart, Qilin is already the most powerful He is one of them, even if someone is stronger than Qilin, it is impossible for him to exceed too much, so Ji thinks that no one in this world can appear by his side without his knowledge and manipulate him.

"Look at this!" Qin Hao knew that Ji would not believe it,

So he retained the power that belonged to Xiang Liu that was removed from the body of Yan.

"What is this..." I stared blankly at this small group of energy. The amount of this energy is not very large, but it is extremely pure. I am not a fool. A powerful breath.

The power of this breath is far greater than that of Qilin. Although it is difficult for him to accept this reality, he must admit that Qilin is indeed vulnerable to the master of this power...

"This is the power that was just taken out of your body, isn't it very powerful?" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Unimaginably powerful..." At this time, Yan somewhat believed it. If the master of this power appeared by his side, then he really had no right to sense the existence of the other party, and if someone wanted to manipulate him, He really didn't notice it either.

"Who on earth has such powerful power, is it Xing Tian?" Yu asked suspiciously.

"Xing Tian is not that strong. You don't know enough about the strong in this world..." Qin Hao shook his head.

"How is it possible... I have followed Lord Qilin to this world for countless billions of years. If there is a strong man of that level, how could I not know about it? Could it be that he is a newcomer?" Yu asked puzzled.

"No, he came with Qilin, you should know his name, Xiangliu!" Qin Hao said.

"Xiangliu..." Yan repeated in a murmur, this is a name that he almost forgot, thinking that Xiangliu did come to this world with Qilin at the beginning, but then he suddenly disappeared without knowing why, and then As time went by, everyone including Qilin gradually forgot about him, and Yu was no exception.

So when Qin Hao brought up the name again, Yu was stunned for a long time before gradually letting this memory come back to his mind.

"Improbable, Xiang Liu used to be as powerful as my lord, how could he be so strong?" Yu asked suspiciously.

"Not only is he so powerful, but the Qilin matter should also be related to him!" Qin Hao didn't answer J's question directly, because there was too much information involved.

"What? Master Qilin was also killed by him?" Ji's eyes turned red when he heard this. His loyalty to Qilin is not weaker than that of the swarm to Qin Hao.

"It should be him, because the hands and feet he did on you are also the kind of magic that can control people's minds, and Qilin's symptoms are also the same." Qin Hao said.

"My lord, I have a request!" Yu immediately knelt down in front of Qin Hao.

"I know what you're going to say, but I can't help you now. I can't match Xiangliu's strength. At least for now, I don't have the qualifications to challenge him." Of course, Qin Hao knew that he wanted him to kill Xiangliu. , and Qin Hao's goal is also the same, but the problem is that he can't do it now.

"I know, my lord, although I don't know you very well, I know that you have an extremely strong talent and can improve your strength in a short period of time. This is what I have been doing in my life. I want to rely on my strength to give you It is impossible for Lord Qilin to take revenge, so I hope you can help me fulfill this wish after you become strong enough!" Yu said still kneeling on the ground.

"Don't worry, Xiang Liu has already made a move on me. Naturally, I will not let it go. As long as the conditions are ripe, I will definitely kill Xiang Liu, for you, for me, and for others!" Qin Hao said solemnly.

"Thank you, my lord!" Ji poked his head on the ground, he had no other way to express his gratitude to Qin Hao.

"Get up quickly, our goals are the same, you don't have to!" Qin Hao pulled Yu up.

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