The latest website: During this period of time in the scar of death, there are no stars as references, and the communication with the Interstellar Federation has also been cut off, so Qin Hao and the others don't know how long it has passed, they are just like this Traveling through the stars.

This is not the first time Qin Hao has crossed the scar of death, but this long and lonely interstellar journey is still very difficult.

I don't know how long it has passed, Qin Hao and his Leviathan formation finally crossed the scar of death, and a star finally appeared in front of them!

"King! We have crossed the scar of death!" The ghost Leviathan reported to Qin Haohui.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded, and then activated a gadget in his palm, and soon a star map was projected out. According to the star map in front of him, Qin Hao quickly determined where they were at this time .

"It's a bit crooked..." Qin Hao murmured, thinking that there was no reference in the scar of death, so it was difficult to keep a straight line when crossing.

"King! What shall we do next?" asked the ghost Leviathan.

"Of course to hunt! To invade! To do what you want to do!" Qin Hao smiled slightly.

This time, Qin Hao decided not to restrict the swarm. Anyway, on the side of the scar of death, Qin Hao has only enemies, so let go of the swarm to expand wantonly, as long as Qin Hao firmly Lock the authority of the master, and prevent more masters from appearing, then the swarm will always be controllable!

"Ow!" The ghost Leviathan let out a psychic roar, which was filled with excitement.

"Well... Our first goal is here!" Qin Hao quickly locked on a planet, which was the closest administrative star to them, and the transition location Qin Hao chose was on the side of this administrative star. nearby.

Although the Borgs are also actively preparing for war at this time, in their perception, the Interstellar Federation is absolutely incapable of launching a war at this time, so their defense at the border is not strict. However, they have hoarded a large number of fleets. These spaceships are being refitted with new technologies and conducting exercises to prepare for the subsequent invasion, which is also convenient for Qin Hao and the swarm's invasion.

With the planet's gravity well as the transition node, the speed of the insect swarm increased a lot at once, and Qin Hao and his Leviathan formation directly jumped to the vicinity of the habitable planet named Dorion.

"Release one hundred thousand Skywalkers, these troops are enough to destroy the nearby Borg fleet!" Qin Hao gave the order,

There is only one Borg patrol fleet near Dorion, and it is easy for a hundred thousand Skywalkers to destroy them.


Under Qin Hao's order, a large number of Skywalkers completed emergency mutations, and they have the ability to survive and fight in space. Although this mutation will greatly shorten the natural lifespan of the Skywalkers, for the swarm , These ordinary skywalkers themselves are just consumables.

Soon, a large number of Skywalkers began to fly around the Leviathan formation, and they became the escort messengers of the formation.

"King! We are about to enter the gravity well of Dorion!" The ghost Leviathan reported to Qin Haohui.

"Well! Let the Skywalkers attack, first destroy the planet's orbital defense facilities!" Qin Hao gave the order.

After receiving Qin Hao's order, hordes of Skywalkers went straight to the defense facilities in the orbit of Dorion, whether it was a heavy orbital energy cannon or an orbital hangar platform, all of these became the attacks of the Skywalkers Target.

Although the defenders of Dorion are trying their best to resist, in the face of hundreds of thousands of insect swarms, these orbital defense facilities cannot resist for too long. The Borg patrol fleet did not have time to rush to the battlefield. These orbital defense facilities It has all been wiped out.

"Swish, swish..." At this time, the surface of Dorion star is still firing beam weapons upwards to attack the Skywalker army. This is the planet's ground defense firepower. Although this kind of thing is powerful, it lacks mobility, so once Once fired and their position revealed, they are easily destroyed.

"All Leviathans are preparing to breathe quantum breath and attack the enemy's ground defense facilities!" Following Qin Hao's order, those Leviathans who had been ready for a long time launched their attacks one after another!

The terrifying quantum breath can even destroy warships in space, and it is even easier to attack these fortifications on the ground!

Clouds of mushrooms rose up from the ground, and those ground defense weapons that had fired into the air just now were instantly buried in a sea of ​​flames.

After more than five hours of fighting, Dorion's defense system was basically completely disintegrated, and at this time the Borg patrol fleet was late this time.

Without the support of orbital defense facilities and ground defense weapons, the patrol fleet composed of just a dozen frigates and four destroyers is simply impossible to be the opponent of 100,000 Skywalkers. They will soon be overwhelmed by the swarm. After supporting for a while, they disintegrated and exploded one after another.

When the Borg patrol fleet was wiped out, Dorion star completely lost its protection, and then 100,000 Skywalkers rushed directly into the atmosphere, and then began to attack the Borg ground facilities.

In just twenty minutes, a landing field was opened up, followed by a Leviathan landed, and the swarm rushed out like a floodgate!

These bugs screamed and rushed into the distance!

"What's your name?" Qin Hao looked at the Zerg King in front of him and asked, his strength was average among the Zerg King, but he was just an adult.

"Master, my name is Dolittle." Said the royal family who looked like a giant beetle.

"Very good! Dolittle, I will hand over this planet to you, and I will give you the right to incubate Leviathan. As long as you have completed the expansion of this planet and collected enough resources, then you Then you can expand to the surrounding planets, do you understand?" Qin Hao said to the royal family.

"Yes! Master! Thank you for your generosity!" Dolittle prostrated himself on the ground and said to Qin Hao.

"Go! Let me see your ability!" Qin Hao said lightly.

"As you wish! I will not let you down!" Dorit nodded, and then led his swarm to every corner of the planet!

As the first royal family valued by Qin Hao, Dolittle was very excited. He couldn't wait to express himself, so under his order, a massive swarm of insects began to attack the Borg on this planet. At the same time, tall insect nests were also erected.

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