Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1679: The Origin of the Chosen One

In that catastrophe, 90% of the intelligent creatures in the universe were exterminated, and when the only lucky ones who survived were doomed, the Chosen One appeared!

In fact, the so-called chosen ones have the same origin as the destroyers. They are the first generation of intelligent creatures from the earth, or the first generation of earthlings.

These so-called Chosen Ones are actually the first generation of earthlings with good intentions. They have compassion for those slaughtered cosmic civilizations and advised the enraged monarch several times, but the hatred of killing his wife has blinded him. With the eyes of the monarch, he could not listen to any advice at all, and still ordered his subordinates to massacre the only remaining non-earth intelligent races.

And because he resented those first-generation earthlings who sympathized with other races, the monarch launched a bloody suppression on these compatriots who dared to persuade him!

Faced with the suppression, those first-generation earthlings who persuaded the monarch could only resist, so a civil war broke out among the first-generation earthlings.

The first generation of earthlings were so powerful that other intelligent creatures in the universe could not compete with them. If they hadn't erupted their own civil war, then the intelligent creatures born on other planets would have been extinct long ago.

During that civil war, countless livable planets were destroyed in the battle, and many civilizations were destroyed in the aftermath of that battle.

In this war caused by different ideologies, the Chosen One and the Destroyer suffered constant casualties due to fighting, and the blood made the conflict between them irreconcilable. At the end of the war, will the Destroyer want to In fact, the chosen ones have long since stopped caring about the destruction of the world. In fact, their initial remonstrance was just because they couldn't bear it, but the monarch was in the grief of losing his wife, so he directly regarded the behavior of these people as To remain indifferent to the death of his wife.

That's why he ordered the suppression of those people, and finally triggered the war. As the war continued, the cause of the war has become no longer important. After the heavy casualties on both sides, their hearts only had hatred because of blood. !

In the first half of the war, the army led by the monarch was invincible, and the Chosen Ones were at an absolute disadvantage. Their resistance was about to be suppressed, but at this time, an outstanding Chosen One appeared. The subordinate generals finally defeated the monarch and beheaded him.

With the death of the monarch, the civil war between the first generation of humans subsided, and the chosen one became the new monarch, and the remaining intelligent creatures of other civilizations were also spared the fate of being slaughtered.

At first, everyone thought that the matter was over like this, but who would have thought that a general under the tyrant's command was unwilling to fail. Every time he hibernates for a period of time, he will bring his subordinates to make a comeback, triggering several times in a row. catastrophe.

And the new monarch, he doesn't really care whether the intelligent creatures of other civilizations are dead or alive. He defeated the tyrant just to end the civil war, so when the generals under the tyrant slaughtered the universe, he didn't care very much. He waited for it to kill the earth before he took action to suppress it.

Because civil wars will break out every once in a while, and the individual strength of the first generation of humans is too strong, resulting in their low reproductive ability, so with one war after another, the number of the first generation of earth people is also increasing In the end, the general fled to other planets with some remaining masters, and Xinjun and his people also lived in seclusion in the deep mountains of the earth.

With the rapid passage of time, the earth is always full of masters. Although wars have caused the creatures on the earth to be nearly extinct, as time goes on, new life is born again, and finally the second generation of earthlings is gradually formed.

But the luck of this generation of earthlings is not very good, because the previous war between the general and the new king led to the dissipation of aura on the earth, so the second generation of humans is far less powerful than the first generation of humans, although they are stronger than the third generation Earthlings are too powerful, but they cannot cross the void with their own strength.

But at this time, the general came back with his men, hoping to defeat the new lord. The new lord hidden in the mountains fought decisively. The aftermath of the battle between a generation of humans, and they couldn't escape the earth, so they all died in that fairy fight together with other creatures.

The new king still won that battle, and the general continued to flee with the remaining subordinates, and after the earth went through this battle, the aura became thinner.

With the passage of time, the barren earth gave birth to life again, and then gradually, the third generation of earthlings appeared, and not long after the appearance of the third generation of earthlings, the general and his people made a comeback!

This time, Xinjun was really impatient, because the earth couldn't bear them to fight like this. At this time, the earth has no aura, which makes the third generation of earth people weak. If the fight continues, the aura on the earth will be completely destroyed. Disappeared, at that time Xinjun and his men would have nowhere to go even if they wanted to live in seclusion!

So the impatient Xinjun stopped holding back, he directly killed the general, and sealed his body and his subordinates, completely ending the Destroyer, thus protecting the last trace of aura on the earth.

By the way, the entire universe was also peaceful, the destroyers were all sealed, and the intelligent creatures bred on other planets were not in danger of being slaughtered, and then they developed little by little.

Because Xinjun and his men lived in seclusion again, the earth gradually disappeared from the vision of various civilizations in the universe. Coupled with Xinjun's methods, the traces of the earth were finally erased from the memory of other major civilizations. Only a few like Only the immortals like the queen of insects know these inside stories.

And the earth has only a trace of spiritual energy left, and they were all imprisoned by the new king in the mountains where they lived in seclusion. This caused the third generation of humans to have no spiritual energy at all, so their cultivation talents were basically wasted, and in the end they had no choice. Do not embark on the road of technology.


"Then the new king is still living in seclusion on the earth?" Qin Hao asked after listening to the narration of the worm queen.

"Maybe they are here, maybe they are not here... The spiritual energy here is almost exhausted, and I'm not sure if they are still there..." The Queen of Worms shook her head, and then said to Qin Hao: "But just like I'm not sure, the Destroyer They are not sure, so they dare not come.”

"Didn't it mean that the Destroyers were all sealed?" Qin Hao asked again.

"I escaped halfway..." the worm queen shrugged.

"Then what are they looking for?" Qin Hao continued to ask.

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